Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 9 1892/1992
Clifford - For teamwork of all kinds call on Stephen Greene or B.F. Bennett. For store goods call on our merchants, they have full stores and are selling at bottom prices. For harness call on O.E. Barney. For shoe mending call on Jerry Evans. Anyone wanting to buy a good three-year-old colt call on J. Evans. For flagstones call on Nash Gardner. Elmer Ridgeway will accommodate all who want fresh meat Wednesdays and Saturdays. It is always best to patronize home industry.
Kingsley - Cabbage and celery plants for sale by the million. Cabbage plants 15 cents per hundred; $1.20 per 1000. Celery plants 25 cents per 100; $2.25 per 1000. E.C. Whitney, Kingsley, Pa.
Montrose - The Susquehanna County Agricultural Society will hold their annual fair on their grounds at Montrose, Sept. 27 and 28. The premium list, to be found in another column, is liberal, and in addition to it there is a very large list of special premiums offered. The great Wild West Show will also be an attraction. AND The new Lake Avenue School building opened on September 6 to a large crowd. Capt. Beardsley Camp 103, Sons of Veterans, presented a flag and many speeches were given by local and State dignitaries. The cost of the new school and site, to present time, $20,024.57S700 of which was for the site. With the addition of fixtures and furniture, $23,602.67.
Lake View - Fred Williams, of Lake View, is the owner of a detached lever watch that is nearly 40 years old, which keeps quite correct time. Edmond Stiles, of Factoryville, has a detached lever watch, which he has carried over 45 years and it keeps correct time.
Brooklyn - The rain fall in August was four inches solid water.
Great Bend - Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Herrick rejoice over the arrival of a fine boy. The happy father will immediately proceed to raise a moustache.
Elk Lake - The morning of Scpt.7th was the first frost of the season, though not heavy enough to do much damage. John Greenleaf Whittier, the poet, died at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday morning at Hampton Falls, N.H. He passed away peacefully. His near relatives and Dr. Douglas were at his bedside when death came, and he seemed to be conscious of his surroundings at the last moment. The funeral takes place at Amesbury, Mass, at 2:30 o'clock today. According to the Quaker custom, the services were very simple and no sermon was preached. He was a noble, brave and true man, and American literature sustains a severe loss in his death.
News Briefs- Helpful Hint: Farmers who are troubled with the Texas fly pest, should take note of the following: An exchange says, "A farmer informs us that one of his cows had many flies on her and did not have her bag full of milk. He went to his barnyard and got a handful of smartweed, rubbed it up and rubbed the cow with it. At the next milking the flies were not there and the bag was full of milk. At another time he rubbed one side of the cow with the smart weed and at the next milking the bag on the side that was rubbed with the weed was full while the other side was lank.
Compiled By: Betty Smith