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100 Years Ago

100 Years Ago is a weekly article produced for the local newspapers. The information is compiled, by Betty Smith, from the local newspapers 100 years from the current date. The titles of each article you will see, has the month, the date and then year it originally showed up in the newspaper and then the year it appeared in the paper as you see it currently. You can see a small preview of each article below. When you find the one you want to read simply click read more to bring up the whole article. You can also filter the articles using the dropdown menus below. You have the options to filter by year, month, and tag. What is a tag? In this case a tag is a location or topic that can be found within an article. Every article covers a variety of locations and topics and they have each been "tagged" with the appropriate tags for that article's locations and topics.


Ex 1: If there was an article that you are trying to find from 2010 that had something related to Montrose, but you cannot remember any other details, you can filter the year to 2010 and the tag filter to Montrose, to narrow your search down, and you will be presented with only the articles from 2010 that contain a section for Montrose.

Ex 2:  Perhaps you are only interested in articles that talk about New Milford, you can also use the tag filter to find just the articles that mention New Milford.  

July 25 1924/2024

Motor Cycle Races on Gelatt Hill: The Harley Davidson dealers, Silver and Wademan, of Thompson, staged a hill climb at Gelatt Sunday, July 20th. There were 13 riders entered. Those locally were King Canfield, Ararat, on a Harley and Bill Silver, Thompson, on a Harley. Most of the motorcycles entered were Harleys, others represented were a Henderson, an Indian, an Ace and an Excelsior. The hill was 400 ft. in length with a pitch of 45% for the 205 feet and from 55 to 60% pitch the balance of the way with no level start. About 500 people were in attendance. The winners were as follows: 1st A. Truesdell, of Windsor, over the top in 18 seconds; 2ndChas Zaverl, of Vandling, over the top in 19 2-5 seconds; 3rd Bill Silver, of Thompson, over the top in 22 seconds. All rode Harleys. Wade Whitbeck, of Binghamton and Norm Bodie, of Honesdale, made the top in 23 and 27 2-5 seconds respectively. No other make of machine made better than 257 feet up the hill. Thanks were given to all who helped and to Mr. Bowell for the use of his hill. The boys will attempt Sugar Loaf Mountain on Labor Day.

New Milford – Lee Wilson DeWitt, 17 years old son of Lee J. DeWitt and his late wife, was drowned Sunday afternoon in Upper Lake, New Milford Township. The young man was unable to swim. Following a hearty dinner he went bathing and walked out into the lake, accidentally stepping off into deep water. His cousin, Helen Dillon plunged into the water with her clothes weighing her down and got near enough to reach him. He struggled with his would-be rescuer and realizing that he was pulling her down, she was obliged to give up her attempt to bring him to shore. Fred Maloney then dove for the boy and brought him to the surface, but no signs of life existed. A pulmotor [the first artificial respiration device] was rushed from Binghamton and a large quantity of oxygen was used in an attempt to revive him.

Jackson – A meeting of the Ku Klux Klan was held in the Odd fellows Hall. A speaker from Washington, D. C. spoke to the big crowd that gathered. ALSO I. J. Witter is confined to his home on account of an attack of appendicitis.

Uniondale – The “Old Cabin Minstrel” and band concert will be presented on the evening of July 25th, at W. T. Curtis’ new barn.

Montrose – Dr. Fred N. Catlin, a well-known veterinarian, died at the home of his brother, Frank Catlin, July 16, 1924. Dr. Catlin, who was 31 years old, was a veteran of the World War, being called with the first contingent leaving Montrose. He saw a long period of service in France with a veterinary corps and in one of the gas attacks his lungs were affected. His health was good until a few years ago when he entered a government sanitarium, but the inroads of tuberculosis made it impossible for him to recover. He was the son of Harry Catlin and was born at Watrous Corners, East Bridgewater. The funeral was held in the Baptist church with members of Gardner-Warner Post, American Legion, attending.

Montour County, Pa. – A threat to free Elmer Washburn, aged 15 years, of Susquehanna Co., sentenced to 17 to 19 years for the murder of Cyrus Payne, an aged recluse of Brushville, has been made by Sheriff Schuyler of Montour county, unless some payment is made to him for keeping the boy. Sheriff Schuyler says the boy’s care, since he was brought to Danville from the Eastern penitentiary, has cost him $300 and there has been much buck-passing concerning the payment. If some payment is not soon made, the sheriff declared he would take care of the boy as his own and let him free to earn money for his board and clothes. The sheriff declares he has been the “goat” while both Susquehanna and Montour counties have refused to pay anything for the boy’s maintenance in jail.

Brooklyn – Miss Florence Gere, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Gere, of this place, and stenographer for the Binghamton Candy Co., has been chosen by the vote of the members of the Y. W. C. A., of Binghamton, as one of the two delegates to represent that city at a conference to be held at a Business Girls’ Camp, near Canton, Pa.

South Montrose – The South Montrose Manufacturing Co. is working at capacity, at present, on garment hangers and wardrobe buffers. Nearly 60 people are employed and an average of 20,000 hangers are put out daily. Some of the leading mercantile firms in the country buy all of their hangers from this company and if the business increases the next year, as it has been the past year, the plant will have to be doubled to keep up with the orders.

Forest Lake – The Merchants Telephone Co. is stringing new copper wires on their line between Forest Lake and Montrose. This will greatly improve the service through that territory.

Upper Lake, New Milford Twp. – Mrs. Judd Tingley and Miss Beatrice Sturdevant, of Binghamton, were baptized at Middle Lake last Thursday.

Clifford - Deuteronomy Kenyon, a native and lifelong resident of Clifford township, died from acute heart trouble on July 16, after a few hours illness. He was nearly 80 and appeared in normal health until a short time before his death. Mr. Jones, of the Dundaff Episcopal church, officiated and burial was made at Edge Hill, Pa.

Hallstead – Monday night Constables Charles Culver, of New Milford, and W. G. Benedict, of Montrose, and Deputies W.G. Holmes and Gordon Ayres, Jr., of Montrose, armed with a search warrant to enter the premises of a house commonly known as the “Red Onion,” near Hallstead, visited the place. The owner, said to be a Mr. Williams, was not at home, but while the officers were there a woman drove up with a car in which said Williams was also riding. The officers approached, and as the car apparently had liquor on board, they requested the right of searching it. The woman “stepped on the gas” and when ordered to stop speeded down the trail. Several shots were fired in the air, but the car made its escape. A warrant was issued for the two the next day.

Montrose Bible Conference: General Bible Conference opens on Friday evening. Attendance this year exceeds all previous years and record-breaking crowds are expected at Sunday’s services. Dr. J. C. Massee, a new speaker at the Conference and a nationally known preacher, will speak Friday evening. Drs. Pettingill, Bieber and Torrey are also among the speakers.

July 03 1924/2024

Gibson – A float representing the old Sweet tavern, located in this place on the Newburg turnpike, is being prepared for the centennial at Montrose, July 3rd.

Harford – During the lecturer’s hour at Grange #418, each member told of his or her early school days and first teachers. Experiences extended from the old red schoolhouse with built-in desks and benches around the walls to the modern consolidated school and to the discipline and thoroughness of some of those teachers. After Grange closed Brother Booth treated the crowd to ripe bananas, which were much enjoyed. ALSO Charles A. Stearns, a former resident of North Harford, died in Lansdowne, Pa. He was a Civil War veteran and a member of the Gen. Meade Post. Services were conducted at the Congregational church with burial in Harford cemetery.

Fowler Hill, Rush Twp. – The Wootton brothers, of Montrose, visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wootton, who returned home with them on Sunday.

Transue, Auburn Twp. – Quite a number from here spent Sunday at Andrew Carter’s watching the airplane that was going to go up and didn’t on account of the strong wind blowing.

New Milford – Gregory Hand, Leslie Darrow, Frank and Herman Wilmarth, left for Camp Meade, Md., where they will spend the month of July at the Citizens’ Military Training Camp.

Great Bend – Stanley Ayres, aged 28 years, was accidentally killed in the Lackawanna railroad yards in Scranton on Friday night. His lifeless body, with massive head injuries, was found Saturday morning, having been run over by a switch engine. Everything pointed to his death being accidental. On his person was found $46.57, a gold watch and diamond tie pin. A notebook in his pocket requested that T. J. Egleston, of Great Bend, be notified in the event of accident. His sister is Mrs. Thomas Noble of Dimock.

Montrose – Edward P. Sowers has purchased the large four-acre lot at the corner of Wilson and Park streets from the Geo. V. Bentley estate. Mr. Sowers will erect a residence on this property facing Wilson street. This land is part of the original Stephen Wilson property, the first settler in Bridgewater township.

Thompson – Peter Slick, of Forest City, is erecting a store on the four corners at Dunn’s Lake, where he will serve soft drinks, candy, ice cream, etc. Keep in mind the picnic at Dunn’s Lake, July 4th.

Jackson – The annual meeting of the Jackson Cemetery Association was recently held at the Jackson Baptist church. The ladies furnished dinner and all who could, worked in the cemetery. All lots are cared for alike and the society wishes to interest persons in making deposits for perpetual care. This is often neglected until it is too late. Dues are $1.00 a year for care of the whole cemetery.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – Charles Sheldon is removing a couple of old buildings, which is a decided improvement to the town. A few more such improvements would make Lynn a desirable little village.

Brooklyn – Chas. Stephens’ Ford coupe was struck by a French racer in front of the feed store of Doran & Ely. Charles was on his way to the village and the racer, driven by Walter Sesky, was coming down the state road when the crash occurred. Both cars landed in the ditch in front of John Doran’s house. Neither of the men was seriously injured. Sesky was able to drive his car on home, but Stephens’ car was placed in Fitch’s garage for repairs.

Susquehanna – Floyd Munson and S. Pierson, who are now camping on the Delaware, at Hancock, have been joined by Kenneth Moore and Archie Walker, and the four will make a canoe trip from Susquehanna to the Chesapeake Bay, going down the Susquehanna river.

Forest City – Jon Suponcic filed a petition for final papers in the naturalization court at Scranton. Anthony Simoncic, at the same time, declared his intention of renouncing Austria to become an American citizen. Jon Dutchman and Joseph Laurihik were witnesses in both cases. ALSO Anthony Kuznik has purchased the John Sullivan property on North Main street. Mr. Kuznik is one of our most popular young men. During the coal mine suspension he visited his homeland, Austria, and there witnessed conditions, which indelibly fixed in his mind that America was the only country for him. He returned, accompanied by a lady who agreed to share his fortune.

Hop Bottom – The Hop Bottom National Bank reminded readers of the following in observance of this Nation’s birthday: “When Patriots Wrote a Story All Peoples Have Learned. Back in 1776 a new history was begun—of Liberty and Right and Equality and Opportunity. One hundred and forty-eight years after—on this Fourth of July—we mark again a birthday anniversary of Our Country. From a peak among nations America now can see how widely the ideals of the Signers of the Declaration have spread.”

News Brief: A Scranton Ford dealer is making Fords sell faster than ordinary by repainting them a maroon or radio blue and adding some extras and selling them as “sport” cars. There is a growing demand for a color other than black. The millions of black cars have made them “common.” He struck the right sales idea by providing something different.

Centennial News: The Montrose Centennial Celebration opened with fair weather and large crowds in attendance. One of the attractions is a replica of a home of the early settlers. A log cabin, a substantial structure of huge logs, erected near the Colonial Hall, is attracting much attention. It is modeled after the primitive cabin as much as possible, even to wooden pegs in some conspicuous places, while the heavy, crude plank door, quaintly hinged with wooden pegs and ancient lock, add to its unique appearance. The total cost of material was but $30.88, all the logs and much of the labor being donated. The carpenters who built it were: H. M. Melhuish, G. D. Ayres, Benton Hibbard, Russell Olin, O. W. Chase, Jesse M. Noble, P. J. Radeker, Arthur Wall, Leon Swackhamer, Leonard Watson and J. P. Drooney. The masons who pointed the chinks: George Sauter, Samuel Warner and Raymond Frisbee. A reminder to attend the parade today at 10 a.m., with concerts, addresses, movies and much more during the afternoon.

June 13 1924/2024

Auburn Twp. – Edward S. Loomis, aged 80 years, a veteran of the war of the rebellion, died at his home, June 7, 1924. Mr. Loomis followed farming as long as his health would permit, while a natural knowledge of domestic animals often made his services invaluable. He was one of the last survivors of Auburn Post, G. A. R., only four remaining of the original sixty comrades. He is survived by his wife, Sarah Lott Loomis, and one daughter. Interment was made in the Jersey Hill Cemetery ill Cemetery

Lynn, Springville Twp. – Claude Button, a recent graduate and honor student of the Springville high school, bears an unusual record in attendance, having attended school eight years in succession without missing one day.

Birchardville – A number from here attended the graduation exercises in Montrose, where Dayton Birchard was one of the graduates.

Brookdale – Mrs. Henry Mosser received a painful injury to her right hand. She was trying to untie a bull and in some manner her hand was caught in the rope and one of her fingers was torn off and another badly lacerated. She was rushed to Dr Merrill’s office, in Hallstead, where her hand was dressed. ALSO James and Bernard Dolan graduated from the medical college at Buffalo.

Lenoxville – Ortie Conrad entertained the “It’ll Do” Club on Thursday afternoon.

Forest Lake Twp. – Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Preston, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Alta and Elmer Preston, Handrick Miles and Mrs. Walter Jacobs and son, Herbert, motored to the Stone Street Cemetery last week. Mrs. Preston’s great great-grandfather, Andrew Handrick, is buried in this cemetery, who is the seventh generation removed from Herbert Jacobs. Andrew was a Revolutionary war soldier and died Oct. 15, 1819. The stone marking his burial place was erected in 1837 by his son, Wm. G. Handrick. It is also interesting to know that some of the old stones in this burial ground were made in England and were shipped to this country. They are fine examples of marble cutting.

Bridgewater Twp. – A doe and fawn were seen on the Lathrop farm, near Lake Montrose, one day last week. Since deer have had increased protection they have been multiplying in numbers in this county, but this is the nearest they have been seen in this locality.

Harford - Mrs. Betsey Jeffers celebrated her 88thbirthday and during the afternoon a number of her lady friends called on her and all spent a most enjoyable time. Mrs. Jeffers is blessed with many friends because she has always taken time to be friendly, for it is an old and true saying that in order to have friends you must be one. To see her no one would credit her age as being nearly ninety, and she retains unabated interest in her friends and social, religious, educational and current day affairs. ALSO The normal graduates of the Old Harford Academy of 1856 will meet at the Rosemont Inn, Montrose, on June 18.

Susquehanna – The honor graduates of the high school are: First, Kenneth Glidden; Second, Alma Stoddart; Third, Ethyln Moore. ALSO Funeral services for the late Wm. T. Boyle were held in St. John’s church on Monday. The attendance was very large, the railroad men, of which Mr. Boyle was a member, attended in a body. Burial was in the Laurel Hill cemetery.

Hop Bottom – George Janaushek, Irene Yaglee, Alice Rose, Letah Phillips and Charlotte Pratt, graduates of the Nicholson high school, class of 1924, are on a trip to Washington, D. C.

Clifford – I. O. Finn, a lifelong resident of this place, died suddenly Sunday evening, June 8, 1924, at his home, at the age of 82 years. He was one of the best-known and highly respected residents of Clifford and active in the affairs of the Baptist church. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons: Rev. F. D. Finn, of San Diego, Calif; F. R. Finn, of Appleton, Wis., A. O. Finn, of Clifford, and one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Strain, of Clinton, N. Y.

Wyalusing – Few Wyalusing people were aware of the fact that the giant U. S. N. dirigible, “Shenandoah,” glided directly over this valley on its way from Buffalo to Philadelphia, at a speed of some 90 miles an hour. The thunder of its huge 400 horsepower motors caused residents to look up and plainly saw the craft as she went over. The dirigible was on its way home to Lakehurst, NJ, following the main line of the Lehigh valley railroad, a greater part of the distance, as far as Bethlehem. The Shenandoah is 605 ft. long and carries a crew of 34 men.

Forest City – Charles D. Burdick, of New York City, was a caller in town yesterday, renewing old acquaintances. Twenty-five years ago Mr. Burdick had charge of the supply office of the Hillside Company here. His mother was one of the early teachers in the local schools. He is now assistant treasurer of the North American Company, one of he leading utility companies of the country.

News Brief: Ford Motor number 10,000,000 was completed at the Ford Motor Company, this morning, and the ten millionth model “T” Ford car left the assembly line this afternoon, an official announcement says. The first model “T” car was completed Oct. 1, 1908, and it was seven years later when motor number 1,000,000 was produced. The last million cars, the company announced, were turned out, complete, in 132 working days.

Centennial News Landing a Stage Coach Not an Easy Job. W. C. Cruser and W. A. Harrington left by auto for Bradford county to inspect the old stage coach of F. N. Moore, of North Orwell, reported to be from Montrose. They went by way of Friendsville and Warren Center in order to cover part of the Milford and Owego turnpike. They found six old mile posts and some toll gates, which took them to Forest Lake. As it turned out F.N. Moore was an avid collector of artifacts, including an estimate of over 15,000 arrowheads, bullets of various sizes, including some used in the Revolutionary War and some that belonged to Sullivan and his men in his expedition up the Susquehanna; also articles from the Civil War. Rooms and sheds full of artifacts, all known by Mr. Moore., in his private museum. But, after time passed, no sighting was made of the stage coach. Mr. Moore then headed for a barn a quarter of a mile or more back in the field. He explained that if the other buildings should burn, this one (and the coach) would be safe. It was with great excitement and anticipation, they stepped inside, and viewed the coach. [Continued next week.]

May 23 1924/2024

Harford – Over 2,000 attended the field and track meet held here. The Harford Vocational School won the Class A trophy; Hop Bottom secures cup in Class B, and Harford Grammar in Class C. The outstanding long distance runner of the meet was Edson Washburn, of Susquehanna.

Dimock – The high school base ball tam defeated the married men by a score of 15-10 in a spirited contest. All they [married men] lacked were the pitchers. They put in all the pitchers they could find, but still they could not find the right one. In the 5th inning they were ahead six points and were yelling, “who said the married men could not play ball?” But in the last of the 7th inning the score was getting so bad that some of them [married men] happened to think about chores, consequently going home. It rained off and on all the afternoon but the game was thoroughly enjoyed by all participants, including the umpires. We hope to play the dignified gentlemen many more times. ALSO Our school was represented at the track meet at Harford. Oscar Heitsman proved to be our outstanding candidate. Violet LaRue out threw Class A in the basket ball throw.

Kingsley – The party who stole the box of dynamite from my property, will save prosecution by calling at my home and returning dynamite or settling for same, not later than May 30th. The party was seen and recognized. If settlement is not made by above date, I shall take legal action against the party and also the receiver of stolen property promptly. George E. Capron.

Lenoxville – The “It’ll Do Club” was very pleasantly entertained by Miss Edra Jones. ALSO Joseph VanFleet closed a very successful term of school at the Wilson district, May 18.

Thompson - About 70 people from Thompson attended the track meet at Harford. The following from this high school received a placing in the athletic contest: Edward Carpenter, Wilbur Brooks and Lawrence Shelley.

New Milford – Decoration Day services will be held on May 30, assembling in the park at 1 P.M. Marchers will proceed to cemetery and return to Opera House where a special program of music [will be given] by the high school orchestra and singing by school children and oration. Bring flowers and be present in the march to the cemetery.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – But very little farming has been done, as it has been too cold and wet, with 4.29 inches of rainfall, to date, this month. ALSO Frank Strong took two loads of potatoes to Montrose, which he sold to F. I. Hillis for 60 cents per bushel.

Susquehanna – The “hill-side city” has no more loyal champion than William B. Main, who is heart and soul in many enterprises in that thriving borough. “Billie,” as his friends enjoy calling him, is “thoroughly human,” and while taking a delight in business affairs, enjoys casting a line and hook, in stream and pool, as a means of recreation. As has been frequently quoted, “one touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” We believe that it is his keeping in touch with nature that makes him so agreeable a companion and friend.

South Montrose – In Conversation with Atty. F. I. Lott, he mentioned an interesting circumstance in the wounding of Theodore L. Ainey, of South Montrose, in the third day’s fight at Gettysburg. During the battle Mr. Ainey was shot in the leg and the limb so badly injured it had to be amputated. When he fell the Confederates were numerous in the vicinity and to avoid capture he crawled under a building and kept out of sight until the Union soldiers gathered up the wounded. He was still at Gettysburg, in October 1863, when Lincoln came and delivered his memorable address, at the dedication of the battlefield as a national cemetery. Mr. Ainey was carried to the base of the stand, where Lincoln spoke, and heard him give the address, which will live as long as the United States remains a nation. [Dr. Wm. F. Norris had just finished his studies at the Pennsylvania Hospital, in Philadelphia, when he was sent to Gettysburg. He later wrote a letter describing the limbs of soldiers piled outside the surgical tent. Dr. Norris came to Dimock, in 1876, when he purchased “Woodbourne” from George Walker.]

Franklin Forks – On Memorial Day the graves in Brookdale and Lawsville cemeteries will be decorated at 9 o’clock. At 11 o’clock those assembled at the Franklin Forks church will march to the cemetery, headed by the Community Boys’ Band of Montrose. At 2 o’clock an address will be given by Henry P. DuBois, of New York City.

Fairdale – The bee for the Fairdale Cemetery was a decided success. Two teams and sixteen men moved 150 feet of stonewall. Many heavy rocks had to be moved up hill and over soft ground. Twenty new plots were staked out. The Ladies’ Aid served one of their famous dinners. All seemed to be interested in the place where they sleep the long sleep and agreed that the church, school and cemetery are the index to the community. The board of managers raised the price of burial plots to $25.00 and fixed the date of May 28 to mow and straighten up leaning headstones. Come out the 28thand beautify the place where our loved ones sleep.

Montrose – Barely a dozen Civil War veterans remain in Montrose and the immediate vicinity, which once swelled the roll of Four Brothers Post, Grand Army of the Republic, to goodly proportions. Of those who now live are the following: J. H. Corwin, F. G. Warner, James S. Daugherty, Theodore F. Mack, George Simpson, Barrett I. Robinson, A. J. Holley, Henry Safford, F. I Lott, J. I. Chapman, Henry L. Beach, Theodore L. Rainey, Benjamin Naylor, Tracey Whit marsh, and possibly a very few others who have been overlooked in a hurried survey of those who wear the little bronze button in their coat lapels. With their steadily diminishing numbers they draw closer together in fellowship, as the years pass on, while the people, in thought at least, if not in actual observance, give the day of hallowed memories a steadily increasing consideration. Memorial Day should become one of the most constructive holidays in America—a day when our thoughts should go back to the glorious deeds and heroes of the past, with a brave looking forward to the future. It should not be a gala day, but a day fraught with sacred memories.

July 18 1924/2024

Forest City – Mr. Zedar seeks to give Forest City a place of recreation, unequaled for its scenic beauty. The beautiful grove has been transformed into an ideal park with driveways and paths for the comfort of the auto pubic as well as pedestrians. Mr. Zedar has built a dance pavilion and several booths. It is lighted by electricity. It is a quiet spot and no doubt will be well patronized. It is known to old timers as the McLaughlin farm and located just west of the town.

East Rush – A moving van went through the bridge near G. A. Crisman’s store last Friday. Luckily no one was hurt. This bridge was washed out two years ago and a temporary one was erected and it has been unsafe for some time. It is now hoped that the supervisor will erect a substantial structure.

Burnwood, Ararat Twp. – The local motor cycle riders will hold a hill climbing contest at Gelatt on July 20, at 1 P.M. They have a real high hill to climb and will give you some thrills.

Susquehanna – Kermit Brenchley, the Susquehanna boy who was accidentally shot in the back by his brother several weeks ago, is on the road to recovery. He is still a patient in the Barnes Hospital but is able to sit up every day. He can stand on the left leg and move the right. Both limbs were paralyzed by the charge of shot in the back and the paralysis is being conquered.

Harford – The surviving members of the Class of 1856 of the old Harford Academy met again in annual reunion at Rosemont Inn, Montrose, June 18. There were present 17 but only three of the classmates attended, namely Mrs. Betsey M. Jeffers, of Harford, E. W. Bolles, of Fairdale, and H. M. Benson, of Jackson. Hon. E. B. Beardslee, yet living, but unable to be present. Many memories of old school days were told, but one of the most interesting was related by H. M. Benson, who talked about the noisy classroom caused by cowhide boots and good solid calfskin shoes worn by the students. His remedy was to put three loads of sawdust on the floor, which worked nicely—the room so still it seemed like a “dead house.” Each Monday they put three pailfuls of water on the sawdust by sprinkling and it would pack so as not to be hard to walk on.

Marriage Licenses: Richard MacBain and Lillis I. Pratt, both of Hop Bottom; Jas. H. Fordyce and Mattie H. Hogan, both of Susquehanna; Hayden Morgan and Anna Whalen, both of Hallstead.

Soldier’s Monument – The tablets bearing the names of Civil War veterans are again in place around the monument, at the request of the Daughters of Union Veterans. For some years they have been stored in the basement of the court house. These 16 tablets do not contain the names of all the county soldiers who served in the war of the rebellion. Some of the districts never had a tablet constructed as a memorial. The man who originally did the work in the county, a Mr. [Horace] Dean, while riding on horseback in promoting the work, was thrown and killed and the tablets were never completed. It is possible the D. O.V. may endeavor to have all the names engraved on marble, but if this is done the tablets will not be as bulky as those in present use, each tablet weighing about 300 pounds. It is a memorial, however, which should engage the attention and support of all. [A booklet on the monument was published after the monument’s restoration. Careful research found the names of those soldiers whose names did not appear on a tablet.]

Centennial Note: The “Montrose Quick-Step” was used by the Community Band as the opening piece of each concert during the celebration. This lively production was written by Prof. Hamlin Cogswell, when he was leader of the Brooklyn (Pa.) Band and named by him in honor of Montrose. Prof. Cogswell made the Brooklyn band one of the best organizations in the country and at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876 it was one of the prize-winning bands. He later taught at Mansfield Normal School and in later years at Washington, D.C.

Baseball – The Tri-Borough team, composed of players from Great Bend, Hallstead and Susquehanna, defeated Camp Susquehannock at the Athletic Park on Saturday in a close game. The score was 4-3. The second of the series will take place on Saturday between these teams. The Camp anticipates winning the next two.

Union Soldier Would Not Shoot Gen. Lee  -- An article written by James Melvin Lee, director of the department of journalism, New York University, relates the following: “My impression of Lee, the soldier, has never changed with the passing of the years. The man who fixed it for me was the sexton of my father’s church in the little town of Montrose, Pennsylvania. The sexton of this church was Hyde Crocker, first lieutenant, Co. A, First New Jersey Cavalry.” Mr. Lee went on to relate his meeting Crocker, who asked if he was related to Gen. Lee, of Virginia, extolling so highly in a military way the man who had led the forces of the opposing side. [The Lee relationship was not revealed.] This surprised Mr. Lee who had neither heard nor read anything which paid a finer tribute to the supremacy of Lee on the battlefield. But the great surprise was the remark of the sexton: ‘I once saw General Lee almost face to face.’ “I wish I could remember the exact words that followed. This old sexton mentioned how he had been stationed on sentry duty from the camp. He told how Lee and his escort had come to the brow of the hill. He was very specific as to how the bushes hid him; most minutely did he tell how Lee looked. He spoke of the commanding presence, the wonderful physique and the radiance that came from the face. I recall these words of the old sexton: ‘I was so stunned by the sight that I could not fire. My heart would not let me aim my rifle at the men who stood before me. Had he and his escort advanced any further, I would have done my duty and given the alarm, but I could not shoot to kill.’ “In the two years that my father was stationed at Montrose I came to know Mr. Crocker extremely well. On the roadway that led to the sheds where the farmers parked their carryalls during the services, he traced again and again, in the dust of the road, the diagram of just how the troops were stationed, while he held me and my companions spellbound.” [The Crocker family came to Bridgewater Twp. in 1800. Hyde joined the New Jersey Cavalry in 1861 and was captured in June of 1863. He spent 21 months in four different rebel prisons and during this time started carving canes, several now housed in the County Historical Society’s museum. One has to see the canes to believe their intricacy and beauty.]

June 27 1924/2024

Dundaff – The Dundaff Hotel, of which Wm. Rhoda is proprietor, is making a specialty of Sunday dinner for auto parties. Not far from Crystal Lake, one of the most beautiful sheets of water to be found anywhere in the country, it makes a fine motor drive through undulating wooded country with unrivalled scenery. The Dundaff Hotel serves meals which make you want to go there again.

Gibson – Plans are being made to celebrate the 4thof July in this place.  There will be a base ball game in the forenoon, Gibson vs. south Gibson, and in the afternoon a basket ball game, Gibson vs. Jackson. Dinner will be served at the Grange Hall.

East Rush – T. I. Palmer is raising up part of his barn preparatory to concreting the stables.

Uniondale – For more than a half century the steeple of the Presbyterian church has stood without being repaired. An examination revealed that several of the timbers were decayed. They have been replaced and the dome is as good as new.

Bridgewater Twp. – Frank Leslie is in charge of a force of men who are erecting a handsome bungalow on the James Webb farm, lately purchased by S. D. Warriner, president of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co., Philadelphia. The Webb farm is included in the broad acres of Mr. Warriner’s model dairy farm, “Fernheim.”

Susquehanna – Twenty ladies from Montrose autoed to Susquehanna where they witnessed and participated in the 50thanniversary of the founding of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, there being large audiences composed of ladies from all parts of the county.

Hop Bottom – A son, James Elmer Corey, was born to Mr. & Mrs. Berton Corey, June 20, 1924.

Forest City – “Hobbs” Marcinkus, the well-known receiver on the Forest City team of the Penn State league, is out of the game for sometime, having broken the thumb of the left hand. Fans will regret his absence from the lineup. ALSO Andrew Wargo, of Johnson City, was the guest of his parents here. He is a member of the Binghamton team of the New York-Penn baseball league, and is considered one of the best twirlers of the team.

Fairbanks, Alaska – The Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines is an institution in which every Alaskan may take pride, not only for the reason that it is the farthest north institution of higher learning in the world, but because it is doing a work that is, in itself, a vast benefit to the territory. The spirit of the institution’s president, Charles E. Bunnell, permeates the entire faculty and is to be found prevalent among the student body. The building for the mining department was completed last fall and the course of instruction includes actual mining operations on the college grounds. [In 1935 the Agricultural College and School of Mines became the University of Alaska. Charles Bunnell served as president until 1949. He was born in Dimock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bunnell, and was a graduate of Montrose High School and Bucknell University.]

Montrose – The death of Mrs. Judson W. Mott occurred at her home yesterday. She was a daughter of the late Dennis and Rosetta Bush and known as Addie. Addie’s entire life of nearly eighty years was spent in the neighboring township and Montrose. Her husband died some years ago, he having conducted the Mott woolen mill, near Lake Montrose. Mr. Mott was twice married, his second wife being a sister of the first wife. Three stepdaughters survive: Miss Emma Mott, Montrose; Mrs. Harry D. Jones, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Fred E. Scott, of Scranton. [Mrs. Scott inherited what is known as the oldest house in Montrose, ca. 1816, on the northwest corner of Cherry and Church Streets.]

Jail Escape – Two prisoners, M. K. Burchell and Lyle Slater, succeeded in escaping from the jail Sunday night. They laid in wait for the turnkey, knocked him down, wrested the keys from his grasp, and succeeded in escaping up the stairs and through the living quarters on the upper floor. The sheriff’s daughter, aged 15, attempted to stop one of the men but he flung her aside and unlocking the door gained the open air with his companion. Burchell is about 45 years of age and stockily built; Slater, 21, and his wife, were incarcerated together, on June 10th. When Slater hurriedly left he did not take time to take his wife along with him. Sheriff McLaughlin is hopeful that he will soon bring about a happy reunion of the twain, however.

Centennial Celebration: All Montrose is on the tip-toe of expectancy for the big Centennial and Home Coming to be staged next week, beginning on Wednesday, July 2nd, and continuing through the succeeding four days. The headquarters office of the Executive Committee in the O’Brien building is the busiest place in town. As the reports from townships and boroughs are received and checked by the marshals of the parades for both the third and fourth of July, it is evident that in number, length and interest it will greatly exceed the largest estimate. Never in the history of demonstrations at the County Seat have the outlying districts been so unified in efforts to insure success. It appears as if every citizen in the county is determined that the Montrose Centennial shall be the largest, most elaborate and most entertaining of any function heretofore attempted.

Wanted for Centennial: A Hubbard mowing machine, manufactured by the Sayre Bros., Montrose; also any other old machinery that would be interesting. Notify H. G. Lake at once.

News Brief: There were in the United States, at the end of 1922, fourteen and one-half millions of telephones, better than one telephone for every eight people. If it were possible to construct a telephone circuit between the earth and the moon, and these telephones were all connected to this line, they would be equivalent of nearly 60 telephones per mile of circuit for the entire distance between the two planets. From a telephone standpoint, this country is by far the best developed in the world.

June 06 1924/2024

Herrick Center – Those who have traveled over the road from this place to Forest City speak in highest terms of its condition. They proclaim it to be the best piece of dirt road in this section. Ira L. Curtis is the man responsible for this change. The lower section of the road was classed as treacherous and was impossible to maintain. Mr. Curtis has made a wonderful change and is entitled to unstinted words of praise in the improvement of the entire stretch of road under his supervision.

Brooklyn – The high school held commencement exercises on Thursday evening. The following graduates were presented diplomas: Ruth Terry, valedictorian; Mary Maher, salutatorian, Elwin King, president; Marion West, secretary and treasurer. Other members were: Viola Flowers, Dorotha Bunnell, Mary McNulty, Doris Williams, Joseph Maher, Michael Maher, Wallace Breed, Byron Sterling, and Rexford Saunders.

Franklin Forks – The Ladies Aid will be held in the Alliance Hall, June 11. Quilting will be the order of the day.

Dimock – Harrisburg has decided to grant Dimock a Junior High, Senior [High] and Vocational school. Such an arrangement exists in the largest schools of several cities, but having one at Dimock, this will be the first rural community benefiting by the modern arrangement of education. Music and art will be new subjects. It is rumored that Springville has also been granted a High School.

Montrose – At the meeting of the borough council, Monday evening, Chief of the Fire Department, Dana A. Watrous, sent in his resignation No action was taken by the council. Mr. Watrous has been one of the most active citizens of the town in endeavoring to improve our volunteer fire-fighting equipment and it is to be hoped he will reconsider his resignation. [Dana Watrous also started the Firemen’s Museum—before or after the above is unknown to this writer.]

Susquehanna – As a result of investigating a number of cases for violating the prohibition laws, reported to Gov. Pinchot by local people, Corporal Rose, of the State Troopers, and Chief of Police Stockholm, arrested five men, all of who were held under bail by Justice Williams. At the home of Joseph Fabrizio, three cases of alleged beer were found. At Joseph Orlando’s, officers found a 50-gallon barrel of raisins and water fermenting, and one and one-half barrels of alleged wine. At Milton Morris’ Hotel, two quart bottles of alleged liquor were found in a potato kettle; two tables apparently used for gambling and an alleged “crap game” table; a bar with a spigot through which beer was drawn from the cellar was also found. In the home of James Petrillo, the officers found a 10-gallon boiler used as a still; also a ten-gallon keg of beer; a quart bottle, three-quarters filled with liquor, was found in the lap of a woman who was present when the search was made; five full cases of beer and a quart of wine were also found. Romero Ezack’s place was searched and two cases of alleged beer were found. The officers visited Canavan’s Island, but nothing was found. Reports had been made that “moonshining” was being carried on in a shack on the island. [Canavan’s Island was known as a hiding place for notorious people.]

Birchardville – Memorial Day was observed here. The children carried the flags and wreaths to the cemetery, followed by the older people. All paused for a few moments beneath the trees and joined in singing “The Star Spangled Banner.” Then the children formed in line again and placed a flag and wreath on each soldier’s grave. Owing to ill health, neither of our remaining soldiers, Stanley Warner and Henry
Spafford, were present, and Mrs. Chas. Fessenden, was the only soldier’s widow.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – The people of this vicinity better keep an eye on their chicken coops, as chicken thieves are busy again this season. I. H. Travis’ chicken coop was visited Sunday, in broad daylight, while the family was away.

Forest City – Miss Ellen Lynch will deliver the Salutatory essay and Miss Regina O’Boyle will give the Valedictory at the commencement to be held Tuesday evening. ALSO Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Eicholzer, is a member of the graduating class of State College. Russell proposes to enter Harvard Law school this fall. ALSO W. H. McMillan, a former resident, was a member of the Episcopal church when the congregation worshiped in the Henry Weiss building on Main street, back in 1888, when the mission was organized and recalls it was known as the “Church of the Good Shepherd.” McMillan moved to Scranton 30 years ago and upon his return was surprised at the growth of Forest City. He expressed pleasure in seeing such a beautiful church edifice—a wondrous change from the earlier years of the church.

Harford – An extended leave of absence was granted the pastor that he might visit his home in England this summer. He will sail in the early part of July and expects to return in time to occupy the pulpit on the second Sunday in August.

Uniondale – We have had two historic battles at Bull Run. A third is added to the annals now that Morgan Daniels was attacked by a ferocious bull. Morgan lit for safety, with the angry bovine in pursuit. Nurmi had nothing on Morgan. He was armed with a club, but fearing that the weapon might prove ineffectual should a combat ensue, Morgan bade a hasty exit, with the bovine a close second. His seventy years were forgotten in his haste from being the victim of a coroner’s jury.

Marriage license applied for: Julius J. Galenski and Casimera Zalewska, both of Forest City; Wm E. Smiedy, Hallstead and Mary A. Smith, Great Bend; Michael C. Rice, Wilkes-Barre and Louise Price, Scranton.

From old newspapers: The Susquehanna Register, Aug. 22nd, 1850 – Benjamin Patch notifies the “Soldiers of the War of 1812 or other persons having Land Patents, commonly called “Soldiers’ Rights,” that the subscriber takes this method of informing persons who own land patents granted to soldiers for services during the War of 1812; which have been sold for taxes from time to time for many years, and considered worthless, that he will purchase such claims and pay a reasonable price for them. Per-purchase all such claims will consult their interests by calling upon the subscriber, at the ‘Register Printing Office,’ or addressing a letter (post paid) to Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa.” ALSO A [Montrose] borough ordinance made it unlawful for “horses, neat cattle, tame deer, sheep, geese, swine or other mischievous domesticated animals to run at large. Provided, that between the 15th day of April and the 15thday of November it shall be lawful for neat cattle to go at large.”

May 16 1924/2024

County Officials Destroy Liquors: Sheriff William J. McLaughlin and District Attorney Edward P. Little [Sr.} were busy one day last week superintending the destruction of a large quantity of liquor that had been stored in the court house cellar after being taken from violators of the 18th amendment. The officers accompanied draymen to the borough dump, below town, where the contents of the containers were spilled and containers burned or broken. Sixteen kegs of beer, 20 cases of beer, three barrels of wine, three barrels of cider, eight gallons of gin, 25 quarts of whiskey and numerous jugs and bottles of home brew and whiskey, were destroyed. It is stated that when the bottled beer was poured out, that indications pointed to the content of some of the bottles of beer having been removed and replaced with water. Whether this was done before or after the liquor was taken into custody has not been determined.

State Line – Gilbert E. McKune, aged 79 years, a veteran of the Civil War and a former county commissioner, died at the home of his son, Arthur McKune, at State Line, near Susquehanna, on May 9, 1924. McKune was commissioner of the county for two terms, 1903-08. [He was a member of Co. K, 89thRegiment, New York Volunteers, during the Civil War and a charter member of Tremain Post No. 81, of Lanesboro.]

Kingsley – Aqua Inn, on the Lackawanna Trail, deservedly enjoys a growing patronage. Some years ago, when the hotel at that place was closed through its owner being denied a liquor license, Coe H. Stearns erected the inn in order to accommodate the traveling public. As a result of the attention that Mrs. Stearns has given to the cuisine department, it has won a wide reputation for the excellence of meals served and many traveling men arrange their trips along the trail so that they may stop at Aqua Inn.

Montrose – [In 1924 a column was written by Henry T. Birchard, titled Looking Back. Mr. Birchard’s focus was to write about “Old Susquehanna County and The County Seat, as Seen Through the Vista of the Years.” Here is a portion of what he wrote about the old stone building on Maple Street, completed in 1867, where the Independent Republican was published.] “The motive power for running the press was a horsepower in the cellar, upon which ‘Brownie,’ a faithful, old horse, treaded off 5,300 papers, then the edition of the Republican, on Monday of each week. Nearly all of the employees were kept busy throughout the day in printing, directing, wrapping and mailing the issue. ALSO The county library has placed an order for an automobile truck which will be especially fitted up as a “book wagon” to carry circulating libraries to all parts of the county.

Hallstead – Abram Crandell, aged 93 years, is the oldest man in the county, to date, who has applied for a fishing license this year. And we believe that Mr. Crandell will hold that honor against all comers.

Heart Lake – The opening of Heart Lake resort will occur on Memorial Day, May 30. There will be dancing during the afternoon and evening, the “Enchanters Six” having been engaged for the occasion. There will also be boating, games and other forms of amusement for the large crowd which is expected. During the summer dances will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. The dance pavilion, on D. J. Donovan’s resort grounds, is being enlarged so that 50% more floor space will be available. When completed it will be one of the largest and finest dance pavilions in this part of the state.

Alford, Brooklyn Twp. – J. M. Decker has lately purchased a machine to finish stone at his quarry, which will greatly increase the output. About twenty men are employed, where a fine grade of stone is being quarried, much of it being curbing, steps and the better grade of building stone.

Harford – The boys of the Harford Vocational high school organized a Junior Potato Club. The boys all decided to plant the Russet variety, as this potato is a good shipper and a heavy yielder. Many will secure their seed from the County Agent at Montrose, who has a carload of Michigan Certified Seed on hand. The boys have set their goal at 300 bushels, per acre, this year.

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – The children of this place, who attended school at Retta, and the lower rooms in the graded school at Auburn Centre, are enjoying their summer vacation, as their schools have closed. ALSO Samuel Reimel had his touring car made over into a light truck.

Lanesboro – The graduates of Lanesboro high school are: Roland Hendrickson (salutatorian), Miss Laura Stonier and Ray Hendrickson (valedictorian).

Susquehanna – Rumors of a shop closing here are very prevalent, and in addition to the 125 men laid off the first of the month, another large number will soon follow.

Franklin Forks – Will Halsey has had the telephone installed in his home and Harold Halsey recently installed a radio.

South Gibson – Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chamberlin celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on May 3rd, by entertaining their children and grandchildren and a few other relatives. The bride and groom of 55 years ago were presented with 55 beautiful carnations from her sister, Mrs. Thomas, and a gift of $55 and other gifts. The couple was highly pleased and surprised with a post card and letter shower from 65 old time friends. A dainty lunch was served at noon.

Thompson – The regular meeting of the Grange will be held in the Grange hall, Saturday evening, May 17th. Ladies are requested to bring cake.

Forest City – Davis and Haser report sales of cars for the week as follows: Touring cars to Joseph Gerchman, Frank Bisner, Joseph Mitchell; coupes to Ferdinand Connolly, Wesley Burdusky and William Bucaitis. ALSO The following have made application to become members of the Citizens Training Camp at Camp Meade: Curtis Rolls, Thomas Payne, Lester Watkins, John Androlovitch, Kenneth Mayers, Victor Stanvich, Rudy Harvaltine and James Mayers. [This camp allowed male citizens to obtain basic military training, without an obligation to call-up for active duty, as did the National Guard.]

Centennial News: Largest parade in the county’s history planned for the Centennial on July 4th.

July 11 1924/2024

Montrose – At a meeting of the Borough Council the principal subject of discussion was the granting of a franchise to the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. This great corporation proposes placing its wires underground in the central part of Montrose, providing the franchise is approved by the Public Service Commission, which it doubtless will be. The Council granted the request for a franchise. ALSO Mrs. George W. Hutchison, of Washington, D.C., arrived in Montrose, June 30th, to be here for our celebration. Her grandfather, Isaac Peckins, came here with Abinoam Hinds, brother of Capt. Bartlett Hinds, in 1802. ALSO Now playing at the Ideal Theatre, Bluebeards Eighth Wife, with Gloria Swanson.

Lawton – The Rome team will play the Rush and Auburn Giants at Lawton Park, July 12, at 3 p.m. The Rush and Auburn team is the county league champions and a great game may be expected, as the
Rome team is one of Bradford county’s best.

Springville – The death of N. S. Brown occurred at the home of his brother, Arthur, on June 30, after a long illness. Services at the house and interment at Sunnyside cemetery on July 3rd. His wife, Freelove Travis Brown, died July 15, 1923.

Hop Bottom was well represented at the centennial celebration at Montrose. Miss Madeline Murray, who graduated in the 1924 class of the Montrose high school, was chosen as Miss Hop Bottom.

New Milford – Mr. and Mrs. Homer Seamans entertained at a dinner, July 5th, in honor of the 48th anniversary of their parents’ wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seamans. The tables were decorated with laurel.

South Auburn – Misses Mildred and Madge McMickens, students at the Mansfield summer normal school, spent last week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McMickens.

Brooklyn – The Girl Scout Camp has opened for the season and a large number are enjoying the activities at Ely Lake. Several fine pickerel were lifted from North Pond on the first day of the month.

Lenoxville – Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Barber, family and friends, formed a party and motored to Pike county. After lunch the ladies went for a short walk along a road leading through the brush. They had gone but a short distance when they heard the alarm of a rattler, which lay coiled in the grass near where one of the party was walking. After a short discussion they turned on the rattler and soon ended his life with the only weapon near, small stones. They triumphantly carried their enemy back to camp. It proved to have 12 rattlers and measured four feet long. It is an experience long to be remembered by the women and children.

East Rush – Mrs. Fannie M. Seiber passed away at the home of Mrs. F. A. Bedell, June 30, 1924. Mrs. Seiber was a daughter of Geo. Green, of Elk Lake, her maiden name being Fannie M. Green. Mrs. Seiber had always lived in the vicinity of her birthplace and was highly regarded. Interment was in Tyler cemetery, Elk Lake.

Jackson – Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Lamb attended the Montrose Centennial and spent several days at the home of their son, Leo. A number of others from Jackson township attended the centennial, among the rest being, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Felton, Mrs. Alice Slocum, Miss Celia Slocum, Bernard Slocum, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Barnes, H. S. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Page.

Forest City – Local No. 1035, United Mine Workers of America, have selected Anthony Mack and George Bajunas as trustees. The grievance committee for the current term will consist of Michael Manion, Charles Fallon and Joseph Kuzacavage,

Silver Lake – Miss Margaret Murphy, from the Misericordia Hospital, New York City, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mahoney. ALSO The many friends of John O’Day were shocked to hear of his sudden death, which occurred at his home at Laurel Lake on Saturday.

West Harford – W. W. Wilmarth and sons are erecting a cottage at Page’s Pond. A. Pickering is doing the carpenter work.

Thompson – On the morning of July 4th occurred one of the worst wrecks that has been known for years, when Erie train 3027, going north, jumped the track directly in front of the Borden milk station, overturning six cars and the engine, striking the milk train which had just been loaded, upsetting 245 cans of milk. It is estimated about 215 were wasted. A wreck at Brandt in early morning delayed the Flyer and both the Flyer going south, and the D.&H. going north, met at the Erie station at the same time. Passengers were transferred from one train to the other and taken to their destination. A wrecking crew from Carbondale and Susquehanna were soon on hand and the track was sufficiently cleared so that trains could pass at four o’clock P.M. Until then, a detour track was built so that trains were not necessarily detained. Four of the crew were slightly injured and were taken to Dr. A. O. Sherwood for treatment, and then sent to their respective homes.

Clifford – The Clifford Giants took both games in a double encounter from the Hudson Pirates, on the local grounds, Sunday afternoon. The score of the first game was 10-3, and second, 5-4, in eleven innings.

Uniondale – Uniondale has the record for the first air mail from the Pacific coast. A letter from Reno, Nev., posted on July 1, reached here on the third, it having first been received in New York. The letter bore 24 cents as postage. ALSO A Poor Married Man, a drama in three acts, was presented to a large and appreciative audience, Sunday evening, July 1, in Williams’ Hall, for the benefit of the Uniondale Public Library. Music was furnished by the Uniondale orchestra.

News Brief: The entire nation deeply sympathizes with President and Mrs. Coolidge in the loss of their younger son, Calvin Coolidge, Jr. The young man, 16 years of age, died in the Walter Reed hospital, Washington, from blood poisoning.

June 20 1924/ 2024

Franklin Forks – An all day bee will be held in the cemetery on June 21. A large number of men and teams are wanted to haul gravel to build a driveway, repair fences and make other improvements. The society has lately added a new plot of ground to the cemetery and a driveway will be constructed through this section. ALSO A variety shower was given Miss Ellen Pierson at the home of her brother, Stanley Pierson. Miss Ellen is soon to be married to Carl Mitchell.

Franklin Hill – The Franklin Hill academy is being repaired and painted inside and out. Paul Melhuish is the artist.

Susquehanna – A pathetic shooting accident occurred when Kermit Brenchley, 13 years old, was shot by his brother, Harry, 16. Latest reports from the Barnes Memorial hospital, where Kermit was taken, stated he was still alive, but the lower limbs are paralyzed as a result of the charge entering the spine. The two boys, sons of Mrs. James Brenchley, were trying some new phonograph records when the military air of one inspired Kermit to suggest that his brother get an air rifle. His brother misunderstood and secured a 32-calibre rifle, thought to be unloaded, and pointed it at his brother and pulled the trigger. Harry, deaf since childhood, did not realize he had shot his brother, and is grief stricken over the accident, as they were inseparable companions. Their father died only a few months ago.

Uniondale – Douglas & Yale have sold a number of tractors to farmers this spring. They save pokes in the ribs, which were common in the days of the old walking plow.

Ararat – The Ararat band will hold a basket picnic at Dunn’s Lake, July 4th. The former picnics held by the band have been greatly successful.

Hop Bottom – Among the young people from here attending summer school at Mansfield, are the following: Helen Conrad, Clara Rose, Alice Rose, Helen Yaglee, Irene Yaglee, Edna Saunders and Dorothy Hardy.

Dimock - A deer, with three-inch horns, was seen on Douglas Mills’ farm, about 500 feet back of the barn. A traveling man, Mr. Tuttle, of the Crocker-Ogden firm, Binghamton, first saw it and stopped and called Mr. Mills’ attention to it. Both men then went within 30 feet of it before it leaped the fence and ran away.

Brooklyn – The Girl Scout Council held a well-attended meeting in the headquarters on Washington Avenue, says The Scranton Times. The business transacted related largely to getting the summer camp at Lake Ely ready for use. Mrs. W. F. Vaughan, chairman of the camp committee, outlined the improvements, which are to be made during the summer.

New Milford – The Tingley reunion was held at the home of Glenn Tingley.

Harford – Ivan Brainard’s car turned turtle on him, but he fortunately escaped without injury. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McConnell are the parents of a girl, born June 11, 1924.

East Rush – W. T. Quick, of Rush, was up to his farm last week planting some potatoes. He says his son, Clifford, prefers learning the automobile business than to work on a farm.

Jackson – The Jackson Baptist church has been thoroughly renovated and painted. The Baptist Association meets here this week. ALSO Ralph Felton will leave for Selinsgrove, Pa., where he will go to Susquehanna College.

Forest City – Anthony Skubic received his final naturalization papers, yesterday, at Scranton. ALSO The Clifford Coal company is now working the Williams tract, their lease with the Delaware and Hudson company having expired. The coal in the new opening is about three and one-half feet thick and of good quality.

Herrick Center – Russell L. Craft is home for the summer vacation. He graduated from the Forest City high school and later from Cornell University. For the past year he has been an instructor in the English department of that institution.

Marriage Licenses: Peter J. Mallon and Gladys Simpson, both of Susquehanna; Laverne Hill and Rena B. Grant, both of Hallstead.

News Brief: The proposed 10 per cent tax on radio outfits is probably the most irritating of the “nuisance taxes” that could be devised. In this proposal the government not only essays to tax a great free blessing, but American inventive genius as well. ALSO Sheep are disappearing from the farms of the county. Back in 1880 there were 40,188 sheep on the farms in this county. Ten years later there had been an increase to 41,585. Last year the number owned in the county totaled 6,592, which valued at $9.25 each, brought the total valuation up to $60,976.00. ALSO Emily Blackman’s History, covering the first hundred years of Susquehanna county, is an exceptionally valuable book. It contains 640 pages and 50 illustrations, and is historically accurate. She spent five years on it. It never will be equaled for the period it covers; nor will another edition ever be printed. The pubic library has recently bound a small number of copies and offers them at $5.00 per copy. [Miss Blackman’s book has been reprinted and is fully indexed, and one hundred years of inflation brings the cost up to $40 with tax and shipping added. Still a bargain! Available at the Susquehanna County Historical Society.]

Centennial News: The stage coach was purchased by Cruser and Harrington and the story continues, as published in The Wyalusing Rocket. “An old relic of by-gone days—a stage coach, 75 or a 100 years old, passed through LeRaysville, on its way to Montrose, where it is to be used in connection with the centennial celebration to be observed soon in ceremonies arranged for the celebration of the 100thanniversary of the incorporation of that town. For the past 30 years the old coach, of much favor in by-gone days, has been the property of Hon. Frank Moore, of North Orwell, from whom it was purchased. Back 20 years ago it will be remembered, perhaps by some, how the Hon. Frank and a dozen or more of his friends, boarded the old coach and came over to LeRaysville, all dressed up in war paint and feathers, in Indian fashion, for the purpose of advertising some event at that time. We take it that this is the same coach and will undoubtedly create as much interest wherever exhibited, as it did when it came loaded up with a band playing Indians back in the nineties.” ALSO Logs for the Centennial log house are coming rapidly now, and soon will come the “bee” of carpenters of the town, and other helpers, and the long-wished for log cabin will be a reality.

May 30 1924/2024

Ararat – Memorial services were well attended at the Methodist church last Sunday. Our three last wars were represented by John Hudson, of the Rebellion; Burt Porter, of the Spanish American and World War, and Joseph Cosack of the World War. Solos were sung by Burt Porter, “Sleep, Comrades, Sleep,” and Mrs. Leon Potter, “Looking This Way.” An excellent sermon was preached by Rev. Harrison; also general praise given our soldiers and sailors both living and dead. Norma Tobey and Rachel Brooks placed flags on the graves of our soldier dead.

Susquehanna – Moody Post, No. 53, and the members of the Women’s Relief Corps, No. 12, attended the Memorial Services held in the Presbyterian church. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and fine music was given by the orchestra and choir. The sermon was preached by Rev. Joseph Fields, pastor of the church. This being a union service, all the other churches were closed and the audience completely filled the large auditorium.

South Gibson – The high school commencement will be held on the evening of the 29th. Miss Rachel Michael, Valedictorian, and Miss Arline Thomas, Salutatorian, will present interesting addresses. Others on the program are Fred Thomas, Mary Resseguie, Kenneth Michael, Frances Moore, Harold Miller, George Wells and Mildred Johnson.

Jackson – Several from Jackson attended the commencement at Harford. A Jackson girl, Miss Gertrude Pease, held second honors in the class.

East Rush – Some sneak thief broke into W. T Quick’s grain house a few nights ago and helped himself to oats and buckwheat, and not long ago the cellar of Mrs. Retta Estus was entered and canned fruit taken. A good dose of cold lead would be the proper thing to give such a person.

Hop Bottom – Those from here who were successful at the annual field meet, May 17th, are: James Bisbee, who won places in shot put, running broad jump, 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash and the relay cup, which made him a total of 18 ¼ points, highest won by any individual there. Others who won were Francis McAloon, Donald Oakley, Howard Roberts and Ralph Rettberg, Orland Payne, Van Tingley, and the following girls, Mildred Williams, Leila Robinson, Sarah Powers, Pauline Pratt and Anna Robinson.

Forest City – Pat O’Malia, Forest City’s famed screen artist, was seen Monday evening at the Family theatre in “Fool’s Highway.” He had the leading part and was there with the goods.

Hallstead/Great Bend – A score of county officers raided several places here, and thirty gallons of alleged whiskey were secured. This liquor had been placed in the borough building at Great Bend, the owner or owners having evidently been “tipped off” that a raid was to be made and thought that the least likely place the officers would look for booze would be on borough property. The offices brought it to Montrose and placed it in the strong room of the Court House for safe-keeping. It is stated that there is sufficient information at hand to establish the ownership of it. The raid had been planned quietly, but it was common talk that there was to be a ”raid of the town tonight,”

Harford – The U. S. Senate, in executive session, confirmed the nomination of Hon. E. E. Jones, of Harford, together with three other men, as members of the federal farm loan board. Former Senator Jones has been serving as a member of the board for the past year, and the confirmation of his nomination is simply a matter of form.

Montrose – The work of laying the concrete paving on Lake Avenue, in front of the school building and Colonial Hall and on South Cherry street, between Church and Cedar streets, is under way this week.
The paving is also being curbed and guttered. ALSO A movement is underway, sponsored by Dr. Ellen Mitchell Tent, Daughters of Veterans, by which by which the marble tablets containing the names of the Civil War veterans of the county, will be placed again on Monument Square. They were removed by the county commissioners, some years ago, and have since been stored in the basement of the Court House. [The stones represent Civil War men who died during the war. Not all parts of the county were represented on the stones, as you will see when visiting the monument. All towns and townships were contacted, but not all participated.]

Thompson – “Gypsy” Smith, the famous evangelist, is expected to conduct a series of meetings, at Thompson, during the summer. Rev. H. R. Harrison was in Montrose, recently, endeavoring to make arrangements for the rental of a large tent which can accommodate a thousand persons. It is probable that the celebrated speaker will draw large crowds.

Brooklyn – Work on the new school building is progressing finely. The brick laying will be completed in a short time. ALSO Residents of this vicinity will remember Willis T .Lee, of Washington, D. C. and a native of this place, who taught at the East Bridgewater school. A thorough, painstaking, studious teacher, it is little wonder that he is now known as Dr. Lee and that the National Geographic Society has secured his services to lead an extensive expedition to explore the Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico. This may be America’s largest and most beautiful cavern, and the expedition will seek further remains of he ancient inhabitants of this continent. [Dr. Lee was the brother of Eva Lee, a well-known artist, and her sister, a noted photographer.]

Elk Lake – J. W. Brodhead, supervisor of the roads, who is in his 70th year, seems to handle the road machine at work as easy as most of the young men.

Uniondale – Leon “Reynolds has opened a grocery store in his Main street building. Mr. Reynolds is handling a first-class line of goods at very reasonable prices. ALSO Memorial Day exercises, at the cemetery, will be in charge of Matthew McPherson Post, G. A. R.

Marriage Licenses issued recently: Wesley J, Lindsey and Gertrude A. Luce, both of Liberty Twp.; Alonzo T. Booth and Cleah E. Brown, both of Hallstead; Andrus Keleda and Anna Chermeskiena, both of Forest City; Raymond W. Marbaker, Johnson City and Ruby M. Vroman, Great Bend.

Centennial News: W. C. Cruser and W. A. Harrington were in Bradford County, where they secured an old stage coach, of the realest, oldest variety, for the Centennial Celebration,

May 09 1924/2024

East Dimock – James A. Howell had a very narrow escape from death when his horse became frightened while being unhitched. The wagon was upset and the horse ran through the barn door, which was half opened, dragging Mr. Howell some distance. The horse ran about a mile and was stopped by James Greenwood and sons. Mr. Howell escaped with a few lacerations on the arm and a few bruises on the hip and arm.

Jackson – The Jackson base ball team was defeated by the Jackson Graded School team.

Forest City – Postmaster Thomas McCormick is one of the few Democratic postmasters still holding office, but expects the administration here to fall any moment, he has served as Forest City’s postmaster for the past nine years. Not only is he an efficient and accommodating individual, but he has enviable acquaintances throughout the county, which hold him in high esteem. He spent his young manhood days in Silver Lake Twp.

Montrose – An agreement was made at the last Montrose Borough meeting to pave the portion of Cherry Street, from the intersection of Church Street to the intersection of Cherry. The property owners abutting on Cherry street, in this section, include, A. W. Lyons, D. T. Brewster, John Harrington and Dr. David Brewster. They agreed to stand the major portion of the cost, about $1200, providing the borough would stand the remainder, about $700. The concreting will start as soon as possible. ALSO Playing at the Ideal Theatre, Friday and Saturday, May 9-10, “Racing Hearts” with Agnes Ayres, as a bewitching speed-girl, in a swift story of racing and love. There’s an auto race that ends in a hair-raising smash and a romance that ends in a heart throbbing clinch. You’ll like them both. An all-star cast, including Agnes Ayres, Theodore Roberts and Richard Dix. Also [showing] a Lloyd Hamilton comedy.

Fairdale – Catherine Roe Bolles was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, in 1848, and departed this life on April 29th, 1924. She was the youngest child of David and Sophia Dennis Roe, removing with her parents to Rush township, what is now Jessup, in the year 1847. In 1876 she was united in marriage to Edgar W. Bolles, of Fairdale and bore three children. Mrs. Bolles is survived by her husband, who is in his 91st year, and one son, Lee, who lives on the “Homestead” farm, in Jessup township. Interment was made in the Bolles cemetery, near her home.

Auburn Twp – A man who enjoys fishing and has reasonably active mind, and body, is never too old to fish, so believes Peter Carney of Auburn township. Mr. Carney likes to fish quite as well as when he was a boy of seven—a little matter of four score years making no difference. He got his fishing license on Monday and is the oldest man in the county who has so far applied for one. Now let’s hear from some of the ninety year olds! ALSO At Auburn Four Corners, friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. J. R. Baldwin is not quite so well.

Ararat – The Gelatt Grangers made a wood bee for Mr. Archer’s people on Wednesday. There was a good attendance and the men cut a nice lot of wood. A bountiful dinner was served by the ladies and Mr. Archer’s people are very grateful. ALSO It seems a pity and a shame that the services in the Methodist church here are so poorly attended. Our minister, Rev. Harrison, is doing all he can for us. It seems to the writer that an effort on the part of the church members and non-members, who do not attend, would be appreciated by the minister and the few faithful ones who do attend regularly.

Harford – The first ball game of the season was played on the Fair Grounds, Saturday, between Harford and Hallstead. Score was 4-3 in favor of Harford. It was a very good game, being necessary to play 12 innings, on account of a tie at the end of the 9th inning.

Springville – On account of a few cases of scarlet fever the schools and Sunday schools have been closed for two weeks or more. The buildings have been fumigated and the higher grades have resumed their studies. All cases are well or nearly well, and no more cases reported.

Little Meadows – The residence of N. B. Barnum was burned to the ground early Monday afternoon. Fire was discovered in the roof at about one o’clock, having caught from a defective chimney. An aged lady, an aunt of Mr. Barnum’s, was in the house at the time, and he was working at the barn. She gave the alarm and he was able to save, with the assistance of neighbors, some of the furniture on the first floor, including piano, electric light plant, etc. There was some insurance on building and contents.

Death of Civil War Veteran James C. Smyth, a veteran of the Civil War, died May 7, 1924, at the National Soldiers’ Home, Virginia, aged 90 years. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Curtis, of Montrose, and Mrs. D. W. Hager, of Binghamton, and one brother, William Smyth, of South Gibson. Burial will be made in the Soldier’s Cemetery, at Hampton, Virginia.

School Teachers Do Not Obey Law: Acting under orders from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Dr. F. S. Birchard, county medical inspector, has brought action against four county school teachers and one school board for not enforcing the vaccination law. In each instance the defendants entered a plea of guilty before Justice W. G. Comstock, and upon promise to obey the law, and payment of costs incurred, they were discharged and the fines remitted. The teachers were located in the following townships: Two in Liberty, one in Lenox, and one in Auburn. The Friendsville school board was arraigned on the charge, the board having advised the teachers to permit children who were unvaccinated to attend school.

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