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September 4 1896/1996

Lanesboro - Miss Mabel Barnes has entered Wyoming Seminary at Kingston. Misses Mabel Taylor, Mary Donavan and Iva Brownell left for the State Normal School at Stroudsburg, on Monday.

Rush - State road schools opens today with Clifton Hickok teacher.

Brooklyn - The Graded School began on Monday, with Prof. E. Benson, Principal; Miss Wilson, assistant; and Miss Kent as primary teacher; pupils enrolled, 95. The other schools began at the same time with Hettie Caswell at Alford, Grace McKeever at Five Corners, Louise Newton at Mack's Corners. Bessie Chamberlin at the Watrous School.

Susquehanna - A young lad named Charles Crane, hailing from Binghamton, a runaway, was taken from a train at this station on Sunday evening, and placed in the lockup. His father came on Monday and took him home. Another probable cause of too much yellow covered literature.

Dimock - Mr. Geo. H. Corson will pitch his tent in Springville this week and take tin types for all who may wish to patronize him.

Montrose - H.A. Lyons made the trip from Silver Lake, on his Rambler [bicycle]. Not a bad record, particularly considering the hilly country and rough, stony roads. AND The Hebrew New Year occurs next Tuesday and the stores of M.S. Dessauer and N. Sussman will be closed.

Harford - The mammoth new dining hall is nearly completed and other great improvements are being made on the Harford fair grounds, preparatory to the holding of the annual exhibition, which occurs Sept 23d and 24th. AND Dea. Miner Tingley, of Dimock, was in attendance at the Tingley gathering, and it was just 97 years that day Aug. 25th since the birth of his father, Dea. Mason Tingley, in the old log cabin, on the same spot where the new one erected last year now stands.

Springville - S.O. Culver has just received a nice line of wallpaper samples, all new, fall styles, representing a stock of two million rolls. Papers as low as 6-cents the double roll. All white blanks and full 16 yds. long. AND Mrs. Hannah Lewis authorizes us to say that she has no rooms to rent. This, however, without permission of the other half owner of the house.

Friendsville - Our city friends are leaving us. John Murphy returned to Albany last week; the McCahill brothers started for New York Monday and the Lakeview boarders left Tuesday.

Franklin Forks - The most of our citizens attended the funeral of Mrs. Shuthworth, Saturday last. The funeral services were held at the old home where she had spent over 60 years of her life. She was upward of 80 years old.

Hallstead - B.B. Todd, formerly employed at the Mitchell House, opened a harness store and repair shop in the new block this week.

Middletown Centre - Jas. Donelly has taken the contract of building the new road over Robs Hill leading from here to Friendsville. He has done several similar jobs in the town, always to the best of satisfaction.

Clifford - The first horse show of Royal, instigated by the Bennett boys, to be held at Royal Sept. 3, bids fair to be a grand success.

Alford - School opened Monday with 24 scholars. Miss Hettie Caswell, teacher.

Auburn - R.A. Fessenden, who has been in the silk business in New York city for over 7 yrs, returned on Saturday last accompanied by a young bride. Her home was in New York and her vocation a trained nurse. As his father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Fessenden, are becoming quite feeble, they thought it their whole duty to take up their abode with them and give them their full attention through their remaining days.

Lake View - Allie Savory and Lewis Potter are running a threshing machine.

Birchardville - M.L. Ball tenders his sincere thanks to Theodore McKeeby for a present of a very fine pig and although the pig lived but a few hours, it was no fault of the giver, and he feels very thankful all the same.

West Lenox - A family gathering was held at Will Whiting's, the 26th of August. Rev. S.B. York gave a good address and there was good singing at the close. Mrs. E.A. Williams was called upon to sing a solo entitled "The Old Folks Are Gone" and it reminded them of the old home only a little ways below the hill. The gathering was held at the late J.B. Williams homestead.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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