Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 30 1921/2021
Rush – The mystery connected with the destruction of the Rush and Auburn Poor House, by fire, has been solved. Mazzie E., age 32, an inmate, has confessed. She made an unsuccessful attempt August 6th but on August 17th she was successful. Mrs. E. and her five children were being cared for there when her husband deserted them. Mazzie and the five children were found with nothing to eat and Mrs. Emmons ill, when they were taken to the poor farm. The husband, Stanley E., took up with May M., whose mother, Mrs. Elias M. is a cripple and also an inmate of the farm. Mrs. M. had a grievance against the caretakers and wanted the building burned and was unable to do it, so she persuaded Mazzie to do it. The only reason Mrs. E. gives for the crime is that she wanted to get out, and Mr. Devine, the caretaker, would not let her go. [Last names withheld].
Kingsley – Tony Scott, a section workman on the D. L. & W., was instantly killed, Sept. 22, 1921, when struck by a special passenger train making high speed. He was 28 years of age, a young man of sunny disposition and many friends were shocked to hear of his tragic death. He is survived by one brother, Angelo Scott, of Kingsley, and his parents and one sister, in Florence, Italy.
Ararat – The picnic at Dunn’s Lake, Labor Day, was a success in every way. The day was beautiful and crowds of people attended and enjoyed meeting old friends and watching the ball game, races, etc. The cemetery committee cleared over $100 at the refreshment booth. The Community Band, under the able leadership of Scott Manzer, of Gibson, played at intervals through the day and was much appreciated. Miss Celia Carpenter, with her pupils, gave an entertainment at the Grange Hall, Friday evening, the 23rd, which was most enjoyable and netted the Ladies Cemetery Committee more than $50.
Montrose – Mrs. Harris Ayres entertained at a variety shower in honor of Miss Mary Chase whose marriage to Hugh S. Mackey takes place October 5th, at noon, in the Methodist Episcopal church. A most original idea was presented where the guests were requested to go into another room where the gifts were hung on a clothes line and the guest of honor was invited to “bring in the washing.” She received many pretty and useful presents.
Brookdale – Mr. and Mrs. George H. English, of this place, were business callers in Montrose on Tuesday. Mr. English’s aunt, Miss Gertrude Hance, of Binghamton, who was for 27 years a missionary in Africa, and well-known throughout the county, is at present visiting at the English home.
Lawton – George L. Pickett is one of Lawton’s very well-known residents. Mr. Pickett had for many years worn a full beard, but a few months ago dispensed with that portion of the hirsute adornment, causing him to pass unrecognized by many who considered themselves well acquainted with him.
Brooklyn – Floyd Jewett is an extraordinarily popular and an accomplished musician, being a member of the Brooklyn Band. He is the son of Ben Jewett, with whom the editor of this paper spent a large number of his waking hours (many when both should have been cozily tucked away in their beds asleep) when both were boys—but that is another story.
Hop Bottom – E.M. Loomis, of the firm of Loomis & Case, which was recently dissolved by mutual consent, will remain in his home town and specialize in the sale of milking machines, pipeless furnaces, steam and hot water heating plants, etc. Mr. Loomis has an enviable reputation for honorable dealings, covering many years, and has been very successful. The general merchandise business will be continued by Roy Case at the old stand. Mr. Case is an energetic, wide-awake young man.
Harford – The aeroplane attracted much attention at the fair and deserves much credit for the many very successful flights which it made. The following are among the number that enjoyed a ride in the machine: Rupert Grant, Leon Hall, Ralph Tiffany, Carl Seamans, John Chamberlain, Mr. Chesley, Gerald Tyler, Geo. Tyler, Will Adams and John Bailey.
Forest Lake – Miss Myrtie Coy, while getting into the kid wagon to come home Friday night, had the misfortune to run a crochet hook into her leg, below the knee. Mr. Raynard took her to Ed Taylor’s, where Dr. Preston was called and cut out the hook, making a bad wound. We hope for her speedy recovery.
Susquehanna – A large number of Baptist young people enjoyed an outing at the home of Ernest Grimes, down the river, last Friday evening. A big fire was kindled upon the flat rocks; weiners and rolls soon appeared and the air was filled with the aroma of “hot dogs.” All report a fine time with the probability of another similar fun-making event in the near future.
Starrucca – Ira Simmons was in Susquehanna recently with an exhibit of potatoes. These were only samples, raised from potato balls. They are so durned large that it only takes six of them to make a dozen. Mr. Simmons says the crop, on an average, is so large that they have to be removed from the ground with crowbars, hauled in a stone boat and slid into the cellar through a hole knocked through the wall. For winter use they are sawed into blocks, dipped in grease and allowed to stand in a concrete warehouse built underground, as a sort of an addition to the cellar.
Bradford County – Peter Walters, of Spring Hill, faces a charge of murder as the result of the death of State Fish Warden W. E. Shoemaker, who was shot while attempting to place Walters under arrest for a violation of the state fish and game laws, about a month ago. Shoemaker was widely known and had the reputation of being one of the most vigilant officials in the service of the state. Because of his vigilance several attempts had been made on his life, it is said.
Marriage Licenses: Robert H. Aten and Anna Taylor, both of Montrose; Sheldon S. Pierce and Eva M. Borgstrom, both of Susquehanna; Steve Barber and Margaret Salisbury, both of Montrose; Stanley Fletcher and Ettie E. Dean, both of New Milford.
Compiled By: Betty Smith