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September 30 1904/2004

Franklin Twp. - A.C. Lowe was in Montrose on Saturday; and, by the way, Mr. Lowe has a baby pretty enough to capture the first prize, a $5 gold piece, offered by the Dr. Clements Prescription Co., for the picture of the handsomest baby.

New Milford - The Susquehanna County Medical Society will hold a quarterly meeting at the Jay House, Oct. 4, at 10 a.m. Dr. Wilson, of Montrose, will give a demonstration of the analysis of the gastric contents and of Fluorescent Trans-illumination of the stomach by means of the Diaphane. The report of [the] committee on revision of [the] constitution and by-laws will be disposed of. All regular practitioners are cordially invited to attend.

Gibson - Fire broke out in the barn of James Gow destroying it and all surrounding buildings excepting house. All of Mr. Gow's summer crops were stored in the barn.

Silver Lake - Elizabeth M. Ward, of Silver Lake, and Cornelius Donovan, Hoboken, have applied for a marriage license.

Springville - The Hawke Stone company has opened a new quarry at Springville, which promises to yield a large profit. The company has made arrangements to build a switch, which will be over a mile in length and go direct to the new opening. With this convenience the company expects to be able to take out 400 carloads of stone next year.

Forest City - John Yeager, the liveryman, has purchased the opera house and will conduct it. AND John Bregar [Brager?] and Ana Korasec have applied for a marriage license.

Clifford - John Miller, son of Andrew Miller, was married to a highly respected Belle of and in Carbondale, Sept. 21. John is a nice boy and now has a fine wife. We think we cannot too highly congratulate them.

Hopbottom - A temperance lecture was given in the M.E. church, Monday evening, by Mrs. Roe, of Factoryville. A Women's Christian Temperance Union was organized.

Lathrop Twp. - All are invited to attend a pumpkin pie social at Arch Smith's on the evening of Sept. 30th.

Jessup Twp. - A warrant for Walter Bruglar was issued Monday morning charging him with larceny of a gun, watch and rings from the house of Byron C. Horton, in Jessup. It is said he came from Lestershire, fair day, and finding Mr. Horton and family at the Montrose fair proceeded down through the country to their home and took the articles and also articles from other houses. He was traced to Pittston this week, where all trace of him was lost.

Susquehanna - In the belief that the union boiler makers, who were recently locked out had been planning an attack on the non-union workingmen besides, perhaps, destroying the plant, the Erie railroad officials have a force of armed detectives constantly on guard and barbed wire has been strung along the fences and buildings and through the yards.  The company erected bunks in the shops for the workingmen they imported. Chief of Police McMahon, of the Susquehanna force, indefinitely postponed his trip to St. Louis. A number of Susquehanna boilermakers have been offered positions at other points and will move away with their families. So far quietude has, as a rule, prevailed. Some of the "imports" had trouble among themselves, caused by drinking, fighting, etc., and two of them were arrested and brought to the Montrose jail.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - The ladies aid society of the F.B. church met with Mrs. Mary E. Ingraham, Sept. 14. After sewing 23 lbs of rag rugs and quilting a quilt for Miss Lucy Ingraham and enjoying an unusually pleasant time, we adjourned to meet with Mrs. Henry Howard, Saturday, Oct. 8. The collection amounted to nearly $4.

Auburn Twp. - A large force of men with teams turned out to move Mr. Hardic's saw mill for him, over near Springville. AND Ed Lemon, our once famous horse dealer, has now just broke out anew. He let his fine bay to Mr. Chase for a fine mare and colt. He has since matched the colt, and now thinks he has the fastest span in the county.

Laurel Lake - Our school is progressing finely, under the management of Miss Susie Murphy, of Choconut.

Great Bend - A large force of men are putting in new switches between here and the Newman farm. The Erie Company has purchased a strip of land from Mr. Newman for that purpose.

Herrick Centre - The stonework is finished for the new county bridge near Fletcher Stone's. AND About 80 pupils are attending school here now. We understand there will be several more later.

Uniondale - George Esmay has purchased J. F. Bass' stock of hardware and will continue to do business in the Bronson building.

Montrose - The formal opening of the Montrose and Bridgewater Roosevelt and Fairbanks Republican Campaign Club takes place this evening. Attend and hear a stirring address by W. A. Skinner, Esq. AND Tom Houghton should come around with his charcoal now. Send him your name if you want any.

News Brief: Men who would dress in the newest and highest style must wear brown leather overcoats this winter. The rage for [the] automobile is responsible for these overcoats but the truly fashionable are wearing them even when they deign to walk. Leather overcoats will never wear out and so should recommend themselves to those who are not enormously rich.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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