Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 29 1916/2016
Gibson – A conundrum social will be held at the home of R.H. Estabrook, Friday night.
North Harford – Miss Lillian Gumaer will teach the Sweet School this coming term, and Mrs. Anna Adams will teach in South Harford when school opens next Monday. ALSO Filling silos is the order of the day. The men are all busy and the women are doing some cooking. The following was written noting the end of summer: “Vacation time is nearly o’er,’ The “city folks” are going, Fishing poles are laid aside, And Autumn winds are blowing. Couch hammocks now are vacant, And everything is still. But we hope next the city folks Will return to old Wolf Hill.”
Montrose – Miss Mary Meehan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Meehan, who entered the Ithaca Conservatory of Music a few days ago, won the first prize in the entrance examination contests, for performance on piano, which will materially reduce her expenses while pursuing her studies. Miss Meehan has great natural talent, musically, and her first success at Ithaca will be pleasing to many friends. Miss Mollie Miller, also of Montrose, secured a prize in the vocal music contest, and Wesley Gavitt, of Bridgewater, for performance on the violin.
New Milford – Jasper Jennings, local historian and writer, through the columns of the Democrat, has done much to give our readers a better knowledge of their own county and its people. Historical reminiscence, which he relates so entertainingly, has interwoven the names of many of the county pioneers and helped to fasten important local history on the memory.
Uniondale – Grace Wademan will soon enter Bloomsburg Normal school; Grace Corey left Monday for Mansfield Normal School; James Lowry returned to Bucknell University, Wednesday.
Hop Bottom – A large company of ladies were delightfully entertained at Loomis Hall on Tuesday afternoon at a variety shower, given by Mrs. Frank Zimmerman and Mrs. J.W. Bisbee in honor of Miss Elizabeth Quailey, who will soon become the bride of Mr. Barton Lyden, of Carbondale.
Silver Lake – Miss Lena L. Kane, of this place and Daniel Kane, of Forest Lake, were married in St. Mary’s church, at Montrose, Tuesday morning, Sept. 19.
Thompson – A goodly number of the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Hackley surprised them at their home Sept. 13. Since purchasing the farm, formerly owned by John Sumner, Mr. Hackley has had the misfortune to lose several horses and cattle. Realizing that “a friend in need is a friend indeed,” these friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Hackley by leaving them a well filled purse as substantial evidence of their sympathy and for their encouragement. It was an evening well spent and long to be remembered.
Binghamton – Edwin R. Weeks and Giles H. Dickinson have formed a business partnership and have taken over the piano and music business of Barrett Brothers, Inc., on Collier St. The announcement will be specially interesting to our citizens as Mr. Weeks was born in Montrose. Mr. Dickinson married his sister, whose girlhood days were spent here.
Fairdale – I.R. Very has purchased a new five passenger Chevrolet touring car.
Brookdale – William Wilbur, in calling to renew his subscription, mentioned that he had been a Republican reader for 53 years. He commenced taking the paper when 21 years of age, and has been a continuous reader ever since. He is well versed in happenings of the past and present generations, and takes an active interest in the present day problems of life.
Dundaff - An X-ray photograph of the left arm of Norbert Carlson, aged 9 years, showed that the member was so seriously fractured that the arm would remain stiff his lifetime. The arm may be amputated. The youngster was riding one of the mules at his father’s farm and in some way slipped and fell from the back of the mule, his foot being entangled in the harness as he fell. The animal became frightened and ran about the barnyard, dragging the boy behind and finally stopped by his father.
Springville – Mrs. Harry Luce and daughter, Daisy, narrowly escaped serious accident on Friday. While sitting in the wagon at the milk station the horses became frightened at a loud peal of thunder and ran away throwing both occupants out of the wagon. Excepting for slight cuts and bruises they were uninjured. ALSO Dr. Diller has given up his practice here and gone to another place. If those who owed him large bills had paid up, this step would not have been necessary.
South Gibson – W.D. Chamberlain and wife, of San Francisco, after an absence of 15 years, are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Chamberlain.
Jackson – Mrs. Abbie Griffis had a sale of farm property at her home near here on Tuesday. Mrs. Griffis will go to California and spend the winter with her daughters.
Brooklyn – Maurice K. Packer and Miss Marion Roper were married Wednesday, Sept. 20, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roper, officiated by Rev. J.L. Dowson. Harold Packer and Miss Leta Packer, acted as groomsman and bridesmaid, while Eleanor Smith, little cousin of the bride, acted as ring-bearer. After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was served.
News Brief: An order just issued in New York state directs the removal of all roadside signs. These signs are blots on the beautiful landscape, and efforts are being made in Pennsylvania to have a similar law adopted.
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, PA, Oct. 1, 1816: [A taste of politics in 1816] Communication. Mr. Clark [Editor] – >Permit me to ask a few questions, as questions appear to be handy change. Was not that snapping Hemlock who appeared in the last Centinel, the very person who put this county to an enormous expense for nothing, by calling Arbitrators from Luzerne county when there was no need of them, for no other purpose than to procrastinate the organization of this county? >Was not this same Hemlock one of the persons who refused to act under oath when doing public business, because he had been guilty of dishonest and dastardly conduct, for fear that he should be punished for perjury? >Did not this rotten hearted Hemlock refuse to make a settlement of the donations till ten acres of the land already given to be appropriated to the public buildings should be thrown into the common when five acres would have done as well, and the other five would have sold for five hundred dollars or more? >Was not this Kingly Hemlock one of the persons who sat as judge at a general election under oath and threw away eleven Democrat votes, and said they were not worth taking notice of? And >Is not this abominable rotten hearted, snapping Hemlock set up as Auditor for the good citizens of this County to support at the approaching election? And >Will they support him? –I answer NO, unless they are as rotten hearted as himself. One that knows him. Married. In the township of Rush, on the 26th ult. [last month] by Seth Taylor Esq., Mr. John Stephens, of Pike [Bradford Co.] Twp. to Miss Maria Bolles, of Rush Twp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith