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September 29 1899/1999

Hallstead - Some people thought the Hallstead Land Improvement Co. was a thing of the past. Had they passed near the silk mill the other day and seen the activity displayed in roadmaking, their ideas would have changed. Since Messrs. Teed, Bernstein and Hayes have become interested in this property they have secured the cooperation of the neighbors and tax-payers, and are changing the appearance of the Indian trails into the very best roadways and streets imaginable, and these, when more settled, are to be covered with ashes. If you have any lots in the Land Company's tract you will find a safe investment.

Ararat - Work on the M.E. Church is nearly completed and the re-opening will consist of a three days' service, commencing the night of Oct. 5th and continuing over the following Sabbath.

South Gibson - C. D. Manning is soon to re-open the Manning store.

Susquehanna - Tim Hurley, of this place, met Jim Hanrahan of Brooklyn, before the Pelican club of that city, Saturday evening. Hurley was knocked out in the 8th round. AND - As Atty. Wm. A. Skinner was returning home from Montrose, walking the Erie track from Great Bend to Hickory Grove on Saturday afternoon, he found an iron bar resting in the center of the track against a tie, and the other, a longer end resting upon the inside rail of the inside track, there being a curve at this point. Just as Mr. Skinner had succeeded in removing the obstruction, east bound express train No. 8 went whizzing by.

Rush - The old M.E. church on Devine Ridge is being taken down and any suitable material in it will be used in the new church about to be built here.

Brooklyn - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breed have gone to Harvard where he [Mr. Breed] will take a post-graduate course.

Harford - The annual fair of the Harford Agricultural Society for 1899, held yesterday, was a great success. The weather was delightful, the attendance of people and exhibits in all departments exceeded that of any previous year. Gate receipts were $1780.

Silver Lake - Mrs. Electa A. Meeker, an old resident of Mud Lake, died on the 21st inst. and her funeral was held from the Silver Lake Presbyterian church [of which she was the oldest member] on Saturday last.

Forest City - Michael Cawley is well along in the autumn of life, but he is hale and hearty with a spirit so fresh and bounding as to make one think that his silver crown is a wig and that he is only verging on twenty. But he was a seeker for gold way back more than 40 years ago and tells stories by the hundred of the wild camp life in the pioneer days of the gold fields. He is one of the founders of Carson City, Nev., and he continued to live there during the days when miners were coming every day by the hundreds and when it was a dull day indeed that did not furnish news of four or five shooting affrays in the saloons and gambling houses. He tells of his relations with Mackay, Flood, Fair and O'Brien, the Bonanza millionaires, with whom he prospected in the early 60's. He was particularly intimate with Mackay, whom he held in high esteem, because he saw him when he hadn't a second dollar in his pocket nor a second shirt to put on his back. He saw him again, after he had become a millionaire, and he was the same good-natured, unpretentious man, living simply and plainly himself, but glorying in the ostentatious display made by his wife with his money in Paris and other European capitals. It is a fact, vouched for by Mr. Cawley himself, that he narrowly escaped becoming a millionaire with Mackay, Flood, Fair and O'Brien. It was at the time that President Lincoln made his first call for 3000,000 men to go and fight the rebels. Mr. Cawley concluded to go to the front and battle for the unity and indivisibility of his adopted country. Mackay tried to dissuade him and asked him to come into a venture that he was about to make with the others that promised well. Cawley resisted and went to fight for Uncle Sam at $13 a month. The venture into which he had been invited was the world-famous Bonanza mine, from which more than $1000,000,000 was made.

Montrose - It seems that Jerry Cokely, of Dimock, who was only about 18 years old, signed papers to join the U.S. Army. Jerry's father claimed that he did not sign the papers and what was more he didn't wish the son to go to the army for three years. Corp. Shouse, the recruiting officer, was to take young Cokely to Scranton but he was not to be found and Shouse so telegraphed his superior officers [in Scranton]. Next morning's train brought a spruce looking officer, neat and showy, who registered at the Tarbell House as - G. C. Clegg, U.S.A.

Briefly, here is what transpired - The officers could not find young Cokely and in the meantime the father secured the services of W. D. B. Ainey, who informed the father that the Army could not take the boy without his consent, except for desertion, and they couldn't declare him a deserter till 10 days had expired...and to go and get the boy and let the matter be tried. When the boy arrived, Sgt. Clegg took him into custody and expected to leave for Scranton. However, Mr. Ainey went to Judge Searle who issued the proper papers demanding Sgt. Clegg produce Jerry Howard Cokely in Court. Clegg was served the papers and contemptuously said he would not take the boy to court, etc. and condescendingly wrote across the back of the same, to the Judge, that the case was not within the jurisdiction of the civil court here.

Judge Searle, after some words to Sgt. Clegg, had him placed under arrest for contempt of court and for the first time, seemingly, Sgt. Clegg began to think things might after all be getting serious, and that, after all, it might not be safe to run up against a country Judge in a manner too "bumpy." After informing Clegg that it was not a "bailable" offense, and after Clegg requested and was denied "getting his supper at the Tarbell House," it happened that Clegg, U.S.A., who came to take young Cokely, went to jail and young Cokely went home with his father. [Fortunately for Clegg, his commanding officer came the next day and with much humbleness, Clegg was liberated.]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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