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September 29 1893/1993

Hop Bottom - Hop Bottom citizens are talking about having water works.

Montrose - Many people may not be aware that we have electric lights in Montrose, but such is the case. Sherman & Taylor, plumbers and steamfitters, are now lighting their place of business on Church Street with the electric fluid. A water motor furnishes power to the dynamo, which has a capacity of fifteen lights of sixteen-candle power each. The plant has attracted much attention, as it is the first electric light plant in the borough, but we hope not the last, the wiring, etc., was done under the supervision of Mr. A. Rorapaugh, of Binghamton, NY.

Rush - A letter addressed to T.S. Wheatcroft was handed him by his sister at quarter to ten o’clock p.m. whilst he was retiring for the night. He restored his clothing, wrote a letter of 2 pages, took some refreshment, hitched up old Kitty horse, 27 years of age, drove 13 miles with his sister on an intensely dark night to the Railroad, got aboard the flyer at Laceyville and ate his breakfast in Washington, D.C. the next morning. Even such hustling as this did not induce the Senate to pass the Repeal Bill.

Forest Lake Centre - Mrs. Ettie Mott is still this side of the "Dark Valley of Death." Dr. Baldwin came to see her Wednesday evening. He said she has had a shock and there is nothing that can be done to help her. AND Mrs. Ezra Rhinevault was not expected to live Monday and Tuesday, but is reported better at this writing.

Gibson - J.J. Potter is having the water brought to his house from a spring 50 rods away, 100 feet below the house, by the use of a ram. AND There are 17 graded schools in this county and Gibson has two of them.

Springville - Dr. P.E. Brush was in attendance at the reunion of his old regiment, the 140th Pennsylvania Volunteers, at Philadelphia last week. The 140th was a Berks county regiment, and the doctor is the only member up in this section. Dr. Brush is the Democratic candidate for treasurer of Susquehanna County.

Ararat - Bliss Baldwin, of Tonica, Ill., is visiting his uncle, L.O. Baldwin. He was a passenger on the train that was held up by robbers at Kessler, Ind., on the Lake Shore road.

Clifford - A.W. Chamberlain is teaching our school. The children all like him because he makes them all mind; he is the right man in the right place.

New Milford - Notice was made last week of a horse, which strayed from the Harding farm on the road between Montrose and New Milford, belonging to Wm. Gunn, of the latter place. The color of the animal was bright bay" not "dark gray." Mr. Gunn says the horse can be identified by blotches covering the body, caused by overheating, and one white foot. The mare is four and one half years old and weighs about 1000 pounds. Information will be gladly received by Mr. Gunn. If stolen, a reward of $25 is offered for return of horse and capture of the thief.

Little Meadows - John McMahon, our stage driver, has been on the sick list the past week and "Conny" has been at the helm in his stead. AND One night last week the stage upset near Bear Swamp. The wagon was slightly damaged. AND Last week a company of men representing respectively the states of NY and PA were through here inspecting the monuments that mark the boundary between these states. This work has to be done once in three years. The greatest good that we can see that this does is that it furnishes a fat job for somebody.

South Montrose - A.T. Wells had a cow killed by the Narrow Gauge, knocking it from the track, one day last week. It being fat he was able to dispose of her at a small gain. AND Base Ball: It was noticed in the Montrose Democrat a short time ago that the Middletown base ball club challenged any club in Susquehanna County to play a game of ball. This challenge was accepted by the Auburn base ball club, and Middletown failing to appear on day appointed, afterwards when seen could give no excuse for nonappearance. We would say to neighboring clubs that when playing with Middletown club not to think for a moment that they are claying with the champion duo of Susquehanna County. By order of Auburn B.B. Club. Joseph Donlin, Capt., Home Bennett, Sec.

Susquehanna County - The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has posted notices stating that brakemen must keep out of vineyards and orchards along the line of that company's tracks, or they will be summarily dealt with.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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