Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 28 1900/2000
Jackson - Jackson's oldest male citizen, Uncle Alvin Roper, who is past 89, was an interested attendant among the many thousands at Harford fair.
Clifford - The following faces were seen at the Harford fair: Rev., C. C. Gillett and sons, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Finn, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Green, Mrs. Perry Yarns, Miss Sherman, Mrs. Hiran Rivenburg and daughters, Sadie and Binie, Mrs. Allie Rivenburg, Miss Ruth Rivenburg, Lewis Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Slocum, Miss Mabel Grun, Mrs. Oran, Miss Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Wetherby and daughter, Lillian, and Mrs. Peter Decker.
Brookdale - The Lindsley boys and the Parson boy are running a cider mill at Brookdale. They will make cider for 1 cent per gallon.
Springville - Mrs. Emily Riley, having resided here nearly all her life, now 79 years of age, attended the Montrose fair this year, the first fair she ever attended. AND: Ball playing Saturday afternoon seems to be a regular pastime and by all accounts and trusting our eyes and ears, they get pretty jolly sometimes before starting for home. AND: Lee Compton is learning photography of Geo. Taylor, Artist.
Susquehanna - Mrs. E. S. Cook is preparing to erect a three story brick business building on her Main St. lot. AND: The Keystone Hook and Ladder Co. realized $71 from the E. R. Weeks' Concert Company's entertainment, held in Hogan Opera House, Sept. 27.
Lynn - Quite an excitement prevailed here last Saturday afternoon when the news spread about town that Walker Bunnell's house was on fire. They succeeded in saving most of the household goods but the house was too far gone to be saved. It is said there is insurance of $500.
St. Joseph - George J. R. Mack, a teacher of Bible History in St. Mary's Sunday School at Montrose, and three members of the class, namely Maurice J. O'Brien, James Lannon and John E. O'Brien, Jr. attended the Devotions in St. Joseph's Church on Tuesday evening. Mr. Mack, who has been employed for several years on the Montrose Independent Republican, received some time ago, the appointment as correspondent for this part of the county, to the Catholic Standard and Times published in Philadelphia.
Gibson - Within a short space of time the Angel of Death has removed from our midst four aged people-Gilbert Witter, Almond Sweet, Mrs. C. B. Senior and Mrs. John Manzer.
Glenwood - The Ladies' Aid of this place will hold a mush and milk social at the G.A.R. Hall, Upper Glenwood, Friday evening, Oct. 5. AND: J. B. Swartz attended the 13th reunion of his old Regiment, the 52nd Pa. Volunteers. 59 old comrades answered to the roll call and they, with their wives and friends, to the number of 140, had a most sumptuous feast. All enjoyed the banquet and camp fire.
Kingsley - The acid factory is nearly completed and will be in operation in about two weeks. AND: Stearns Bros. have the foundation almost ready for their steam grist mill.
Thomson - The 5th annual reunion of the Stones and Slocums was held at the home of Emerson and Emma Stone, Sept. 8. The family gathered and had their pictures taken, after which dinner was served under a tent. There was an address by the Historian, Hon. J. W. Cargill; song by the Misses Esterbrook, a recitation by Miss Maud Cargill, song by Mrs. Della McDuff and Miss Aggie Stone. Mr. Ernest Slocum was elected [to] a committee to confer with [an]other committee of the Gelatts and Pickerings to help purchase a tent for their gatherings. Next meeting at the home of Chas. Pickering.
Elk Lake - John Arnold is buying and driving a large number of beef cattle to Scranton every week.
Dimock - B. V. Crisman is having his well dug deeper. Messrs Billings and Thornton are doing the work.
Uniondale - Rumor says that the coal drill will, before long again, commence operations. It is an old saying that "good things come slowly" and for once this is certainly verified, for thus far all prospects in this line are only visionary. We are much in need of coal at present as, owing to the great strike, it is almost impossible to get any.
Lawton - The new road leading from Devine Ridge to the Middle Branch is completed.
Rush - Ed Stuart had 5 varieties of hardy roses in bloom on the last of September besides a variety of dahlias, asters, cosmos, cockscombs, nicotiana and stocks.
Brooklyn - A gramaphone entertainment took place in the Unviersalist church last week, Wednesday evening. Some of our boys did themselves no credit.
Hopbottom - Our town is getting nicely fitted with flagstone walks. Mrs. Elzina Carey has had a stone walk laid in front of her property. Let the good work continue and then there will be no more patching sidewalks.
Forest City - It is claimed by the insurance companies that for the past few years they have been doing business at a loss and on and after Oct. 1 all insurance rates there will be advanced 25 percent.
New Milford - The Susquehanna Co. Medical Society held its semi-annual meeting at the Jay House, Oct. 2. Dr. F. L. Gardner, of Forest City, read an able paper on "The Causation of Disease by Auto-intoxication." The subject of Appendicitis was very fully discussed and a number of cases were reported.
Compiled By: Betty Smith