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September 26 1919/2019

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – The Shelp reunion was well attended. Those from a distance were: Mrs. Bennett, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, formerly Mattie Shelp, daughter of Thomas Shelp; Frank Shelp and wife, of Marathon, NY and Mrs. Dimon, of Lasksville, PA. [probably Larksville, PA].

Jackson – Some of the men of the Baptist church met Thursday and completed the work on the sheds as well as fixed the sluice in front of the church. Their wives came and got dinner for them and held an Aid. ALSO School opened last week with a fairly good attendance. The teachers this year are: Mr. Strockbine, principal and Mrs. Walter Lewis for the lower room.

Lenoxville – Howard Stephens, of the firm of Ridgeway & Stephens, Ford automobile dealers of this place, was in Montrose on Tuesday to get a car from agent H. M. Cole. “Howard” is not only a most agreeable young man to meet, but is of the type of men who permit no grass to grow under their feet. ALSO One of the largest cattle sales held in this part of the state is that advertised in another column, by E. H. Ridgeway, one hundred head of cows and heifers to be sold at auction in Mr. Ridgeway’s large sales pavilion, near here, four miles west of Clifford. A free dinner will be served and a brass band will be present. ALSO Orchestra Dance at Stephens’ Hall, Friday evening, Oct. 3rd. Bill, per couple, 75 cents, including war tax. Come and have a good time. Round and square dancing—all you want. Ice cream and soft drinks will be served. Gorton & Freeman, Mgrs.

Montrose – The Montrose High School Foot Ball Team has secured the service “Ben” Engle, State College great half back, for coach. “Ben” has been putting the team through many plays, even to the new army stunts and our first game at Athletic Park, this Saturday afternoon, against Keystone Academy, should be well patronized. Good coaching and good patronage makes a good team. ALSO L. P. Mahon, manager of the A.&P. Store, has purchased the Wm. Doran property on Locust street and the entire furnishings. In an interview with “Lee” in regard to the purchase he said he bought everything, even the chickens. It is a very fine property, and the purchaser is to be congratulated.

Oakland – Robert Ticknor, one of Susquehanna’s popular young men, has purchased the Oakland Restaurant recently established by the late W. R. Stoneback, and is in possession. ALSO - Jos. F. Stack, who purchased the Brush Brothers grocery store in Oakland, some months ago, has taken a partner, Leon T. Bryant, a well-known Susquehanna young man, having purchased a half interest in the business. The firm will be known as the Stack-Bryant.

South Auburn – Harry Love, of South Auburn, suffered a heavy loss recently when his Dodge truck was destroyed by fire. He was carrying 25 gallons of gasoline for use in silo filling and when near the Frank Park farm the car and the load of gasoline burst into flames. It is thought that the cans of gasoline leaked and was ignited by the exhaust. The flames shot high into the air and for a short time made a very hot fire. There was no insurance on the truck and it is a serious loss to Mr. Love.

West Auburn – Allen Jayne has built an addition to his barn for storage purposes. Mr. Jayne is the only man who has an apple crop worth mentioning in this vicinity. It is estimated that he will have from 1000 to 1200 barrels.

Franklin Twp. – Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, of Franklin, Sept. 22, 1919, a ten-pound daughter, Rosalin Minette Webster.

Silver Lake – The ball game at Laurel Lake, between Laurel Lake and Middletown, was largely attended, the score being 15-5 in favor of Laurel Lake. ALSO A party of young people, consisting of Ambrose Mahoney and Floyd Conklin, of Flowery Valley, Mable Hickey, John Hickey and Leo McManus, of Choconut, Wm. Shea, of Silver Lake, were entertained one evening recently at the home of Hugh Murphy.

Brooklyn – A hearty Welcome Home reception was given at the I.O.O.F. hall, Saturday evening, to the last of our soldier boys who have recently been discharged: Captain T. O. Williams, Sidney Hughes, Will Burbank, Clarence Tiffany, Ely Rogers and Oscar Stephens. G. H. Terry acted as chairman of the meeting and after some patriotic songs he introduced W. A. Stephens, who gave the address of welcome. Dr. Williams gave an interesting talk on his experiences and the other boys spoke briefly, thanking the community for their hearty welcome.

Rush – Mrs. Chas. Bowen has received a full line of fall and winter millinery and will be pleased to have the ladies call and inspect them.

Forest City – Frank Zaller and Stanley Zywrech, aged eleven years, were hauled before Squire Thomas Brown, charged with having stolen a gold watch and chain, a string of pearl beads, a Flobest, a rifle, a razor, and Masonic apron and sundry other articles, valued at $66, from the home of Frank Hornbeck, corner of Railroad street and Grand avenue. Most of the stolen property was returned. The boys pleaded guilty to the charge. Bail was fixed at $500 for their appearance at court. Bail was procured for the Zaller boy and the Zywrech lad was taken in charge of chief of police Wolfort, who took him to the house of detention at Montrose. ALSO The Lithuanians of Forest City and vicinity will hold their tag day on September 29. The Lithuanian Red Cross society meets every week for the purpose of making clothing to be sent to the distressed people of Lithuania. They make this appeal to the citizens of Forest City in order to afford greater assistance to the homeland.

Harford – Harford Fair was a fine success. Weather was favorable, exhibitions were good and everybody had a general good time. Harford Vocational School had a fine exhibition in Mechanics Hall and if anyone failed to see it they missed something worthwhile.

Uniondale – Burns Lyons has a new Overland automobile. Burns says it’s a hummer. ALSO A Cuban has been the guest of Lloyd Wademan during the week. Both were classmates at Wyoming Seminary and intend to enter the University of Pennsylvania together. The young man from the young republic had never seen snow until he came to this state. His father is one of the leading sugar growers of the island.

Marriage Licenses: John Smith and Narsuri Argilis, both of Forest City; Geo. VanVleck and Hazel Halderman, both of Great Bend; Arthur V. Buckley and Frances I. Sullivan, both of Susquehanna; Ude L. Jones, Rush and Mary Louise Chase, Auburn Twp.; Hubert A. Yeomans, Dimock and Pauline E. Robinson, Bridgewater; Seward Wall and Gladys Whitney, both of Thompson; Charles P. O’Malley and Alice A. Barro, both of Susquehanna; Hugh C. Roberts and Lillian L. Stark, both of Springville; L.B. Reed, Lanesboro and Edna V. Swingle, Thompson; Harry A. Worden and Emily J. Fisk, both of Liberty Twp.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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