Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 25 1914/2014
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. – Arthur Owens is the owner of a new, five passenger, Studebaker automobile.
South Ararat – The South Ararat Sunday school held their picnic on the school house lawn, on Saturday. The day was an ideal one, tables were set under the shade trees and a dinner was served fit for a queen, 70 were present and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. The young ladies and gentlemen amused themselves with a ball game, the younger ones by swinging while the older people spent the afternoon visiting. A good time was reported by all.
Uniondale – Burns Bros. are building cement dams for the Uniondale Milling Co. and Douglass & Yale.
Susquehanna – “Gratitude” -Yesterday Leo Ryan, of Main Street, found a wallet said to contain $285 which he returned to the owner and received the munificent sum of five cents for his honesty.
Stevens Point – There will be a ribbon social at J. W. Vaughn’s, Wednesday evening, for the benefit of the Mount school.
Rhiney Creek – A. B. Roe and family, A. B. Mitchell and wife, and E. J. Fish and wife, attended the Webster reunion held at the home of Edmund Webster, at Franklin Forks, Saturday. A good time was reported. The next reunion meets at the home of John Webster, at Sanataria Springs, NY.
Starrucca, Wayne Co. - The schools and churches here have been closed by the Board of Health on account of an epidemic of Diphtheria.
Glenwood – Freeman Tingley was busily engaged here last week filling silos. Tingley has the best machine on the creek this year and the farmers were very much pleased with his work. Come again next year, Freeman.
Oakley – Work for an up-to-date modern barn has been begun on the Jeffers farm to replace the one that was struck by lightning and burned this summer. Alonzo Pickering is doing the carpenter work.
Forest City – To the People of Forest City: I understand that a committee of ladies has been soliciting funds to be presented to me for the purpose of taking a trip to Mt. Alto for my health. I do not feel the need of outside assistance at this time and have requested the committee to return the money to those who have contributed. I wish, however, to thank those who have been so kind as to contribute for their good intentions. Mrs. William Forrest.
Lenox – Miss Blanche Hoppe has returned to Springfield, NJ, where she will teach school.
Forest Lake – The Kane school has opened after being closed for some time, with Mary Heavey as teacher.
East Kingsley – Measles are playing sad havoc with the graded school, as so many of the scholars were sick and only one of the corps of five teachers had ever had them. Nearly every home is under quarantine. In Ainey, Springville Twp., Eddie Millard has his house fumigated after the measles and last Monday his three boys started to school.
Tunkhannock – Accidents marred the Tunkhannock fair on Thursday of last week, although there were 8,000 people and some 1,200 autos on the grounds. The biplane failed to ascend high enough to clear the carriages nearby resulting in its crashing into one and demolishing it, as well as putting the machine out of business, and also painfully injured Reba Miller, daughter of Stark Miller, of Lynn. The child was picked up, unconscious, but was not seriously hurt. Dust on the track also caused two racing automobiles to run foul of each other and one of the machines crashed through a fence. No one was injured, but the races were called off.
Dimock – The board of managers of the Dimock Campmeeting Association has voted to offer several different cottages upon the grounds which have apparently been abandoned by the people who erected them, and which are becoming dangerous nuisances upon the premises, at a public sale to be held upon the grounds of the Campmeeting Association on Saturday, Sept. 25, 1914.
Brooklyn – M. W. Stephens, of Scranton, as attorney for Glenn Richardson, has begun suit against the township of Brooklyn and also against the Lackawanna Railroad for damages for injuries sustained when he and his horse went over the side of the road near Alford to the tracks of the railroad below, a distance of 50 feet. In the suit no amount is asked for, pending the result of the accident. As contractor McManus took over the road and changed it without order from court or consent of the supervisors, and the township has not accepted the new road, it is held they are not liable, or if they are liable to Richardson, then they may recover from the company.
Montrose – Owing to the advance in barbers’ supplies and also the high cost of living, and the European war causing a lack of customers, we, the union barbers of Montrose, have agreed upon the following prices, to go into effect Oct. 1: Shave, 15c; haircut, 25c; massage, 35c; razor honing and axe grinding, 35c; plain shampoo, 25c; oil shampoo, 50c; hair tonic, 15c; mustache trim, 5c; singe, 25c. ALSO Myron Grubham, of the U. S. submarine boat E2, is spending a 24 day furlough at his home in this place and with his mother at Corbettsville, N.Y.
Lanesboro – An attempt was made to wreck an Erie express train on Thursday night of last week near the iron bridge. The attempt was frustrated by Joseph Callahan, who was walking the track at about 11:30 and noticed a flash of light and two men working at the rails. When he approached the men ran away and he found a heavy chain attached to several heavy pieces of iron, which they evidently planned to tie to the rails. He notified the operator at the Lanesboro tower and a warning was sent out, resulting in precautions being taken to prevent a wreck. The express car contained valuables that would have meant a “good haul.”
News Brief: Hunters this year must wear the white tags issued from the State Game Dept. or render themselves liable to arrest. Last year the tags were on buff cloth and it is said that some hunters, to evade paying the $1 this year, are going to use the same old tag, but the game wardens have been charged to keep a sharp lookout and any hunter caught wearing last year’s buff tag will be arrested on sight. Thus far every county treasurer in the State has been furnished with a full complement of license tags, and all who apply will be served. The hunting season is on now for some birds, but within the next four weeks the season will be open for a number of birds.
Compiled By: Betty Smith