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September 25 1903/2003

Harford - Although yesterday was a rather unfavorable day the attendance at the Harford Fair was up to the ordinary large number, the receipts being about $1,300. all classes of exhibits were well represented. Owing to unavoidable reasons over which we had no control we are unable to make a full report. AND Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Maynard, of Harford, have gone to Wisconsin to visit Mrs. Maynard's sister, whom she had not seen in 38 years.

Montrose - We consider ourselves particularly fortunate in securing one of General Charles King's latest stories, "A Daughter of the Sioux," Which will soon appear in these columns. This is General King's latest novel, and like all of his narratives is brimful of action, yet containing sufficient romance to suit the most sentimental. To the older ones it will bring back memories of the bloody times in the West during the seventies, which with the youngsters always has a peculiar fascination. It is a story which will suit every member of the family. Watch for it!

Susquehanna - The marriage of Dr. William Edward Kelly, of Susquehanna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, of Pleasant View Farm, and Miss Esther Helen Caton, of Jessup, was solemnized in St. Mary's Catholic Church, on Wednesday, Sept. 23d, at noon. Many relatives and friends witnessed the pretty ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Rose Caton, of Scranton, and the best many was Dr. John D. Kelly, of Susquehanna, the groom's brother. The bride is a very popular young lady of St. Mary's parish and for several years has been a successful teacher in the district schools of the county, while the groom is one of the leading dentists of Susquehanna.

New Milford - Burglars entered the New Milford post-office, Saturday night, and for their trouble found $1.00 worth of stamps. They also entered Carpenter and Heitzman's mill and secured $1.00 in change. Some carpenter tools were also taken from the barns owned by Henry Morse and N. Burdick. The next thing that happened in this line was something else. Early Wednesday morning the Erie station at Great Bend was entered and the safe dynamited. The building was nearly wrecked and the safe ruined, but they got nothing, as Station Agent Donohoe had sent his money away by express the night before. The windows of the building were blown out and the floor torn up. It is presumed to be the same artists who operated at New Milford. Detectives are at work.  AND The Lackawanna Company have their new iron bridge east of the depot nearly ready to be placed.

Hallstead - James Humphrey, of Hallstead, a Lackawanna trainman, was found early Tuesday morning beside the track between New Milford and Alford with one of his arms crushed. The crew of the work train picked him up and he was taken to the Moses Taylor Hospital at Scranton. His brother lost an arm through an accident on the railroad several years ago. AND At the Hallstead chair factory more people are employed than ever before and the company is unable to keep up with orders not withstanding that the factory is run night and day. The silk mill is continually taking on more help and is being run to its greatest capacity. Railroading is good and all the men are putting in good time and altogether business is booming here as compared with a year ago.

Thompson - The Teachers Association meeting held at Thomson, last Saturday, was quite interesting. The following is the list of educators present: M. W. Stephens, Brooklyn: Mary Davidson, Thomson: Virginia Cargill, Thomson: Nellie M. Clancey, Uniondale, Electa Potter, North Jackson: Mary A. Donovan, Lanesboro: Nettie Crandall, Thomson: Catherine Stephens, Thomson: O. F. Maynard, Thomson: B. W. Pease, Hallstead: Cornelius Manning, Old Forge: Charles E. Moxley, Hallstead: F. H. Greene, Lanesboro: C. T. Thorpe, Great Bend: Carrie E. Gregory, Elizabeth Davies and Isabelle Johnson, Forest City: Nora Hill, Laura Landis and George A. Stearns, Harford. The next association meeting will be held at Forest City.

Dimock - Mrs. Nancy Main, widow of the late Lansing Main, died at her home in this place last Friday night, aged 83 years. The funeral services were held on Monday at the Dimock Baptist church, being conducted by Rev. J. W. Raynor, in the absence of her pastor, Rev. A. F. Von Tobel.

Rush - Our enterprising harness-maker, Wilbur Terry, will soon erect a building to be used exclusively for his special industry.

Great Bend Fiddler Charmed Rattlers: Here is one of the latest reports by Whitney, of Susquehanna. It was printed in the New York World. "Fiddler Sam Needham, of Great Bend Township, who has considerable local fame, played a solo under remarkable circumstances. He was wending his way toward a farmhouse along a narrow mountain road, which at one point winds around a sharp spur. As he reached the spur he heard the warning noise of a rattlesnake. Looking up he saw a big rattler directly in his path. He turned to run back when from the weeds at the side of the road another rattler rose up and there was not room to safely pass the snake. In his dilemma he backed up against a ledge of rock and gazed spellbound at the reptile. Then, an inspiration came to him. He remembered to have heard of Eastern magicians charming snakes with music. Drawing his violin from its box he began to play the weirdest air at his command. Presently the snakes gradually uncoiled themselves and began to slide slowly toward him, obviously attracted by the music. Needham's impulse was to drop his violin and flee, but he realized that that might be fatal, so he stood his ground and continued to ply his bow. Nearer and nearer drew the rattlers, until they reached a point within two feet of the terrified fiddler, when they coiled again and lifted their head threateningly. Then Sam's nerves gave way and with a yell, he struck out with his violin, bringing it down with crushing force on the reptiles, stunning them. Before they could recover Sam grabbed up a rock and killed them. His beloved fiddle was a wreck, but it had saved his life.

News Briefs - An innovation in the line of railroad telegraph service has been put into use on the New York Central railroad between Utica and Albany. By means of the apparatus a single wire can be used for telegraph and telephone messages at the same time. While the operator is ticking away a telegram in the Morse code, another person can telephone a message without the least interference. AND Thirty-three women keep light-houses for Uncle Sam. From New England to the gulf and from Key West to California are scattered the beacons of which they have charge. The pay is from $500 to $800 per year and a few perquisites.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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