Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
September 25 1896/1996
Susquehanna - Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Gregory have returned from a visit with Mrs. G.'s father, Artemus Rosencrants, aged 106 years. Mr. Rosencrants expects to vote for McKinley and Hobart in November. [Artemus Rosencrants lived in Meshoppen at this time. He worked on the Starrucca Viaduct when it was being built].
Friendsville - Our school opened last week with Miss Mary Byrne as teacher. Miss Alice Hastings is teaching the Stanley school in Choconut.
Harford -Farmer's Club session Monday Evening, Oct. 5. Subject: "What we did on the farm in '96 and how we did it."
Rush - Rush will have a pole raising and the formation of a McKinley and Hobart club in the near future. A big time is expected. Rush always gets to the front and on the right side when called on.
Jackson - September 17 was the 34th anniversary of the battle of Antietam, fought in 1862. Two of Jackson's prominent citizens were in that conflict, members of Co. H. Sixth Pa. Reserves Charles T. Belcher and Melvin V. Larrabee. The former lost an eye in the memorable cornfield, while the latter escaped unhurt only to be wounded in the final battles in front of Richmond. AND It is reported that two schools in the township have been closed on account of an epidemic of diphtheria.
North Jackson - Mr. Lister celebrated his 81st birthday Sept. 10 by walking to Susquehanna and return, a distance of 12 miles, in less than 3 hours.
Springville - W.C. Barnes had a little wrestle with his horse at the depot last week and the boy s had to lift the wagon off him before he could get up. He has been somewhat lame since.
Lynn - Potatoes 25-cents; apples 20-cents; onions 50-cents; oats 25-cents; corn 40-cents a bushel, at the Lynn stores.
Lathrop - Mackey Bros. are making cider and jelley, and running night and day.
Forest City- Fourteen persons were admitted into membership of the Forest City Presbyterian Church on Sunday. ANDT.C. Manzer has purchased of Mrs. J.R. Davies the Davies Hotel and adjoining property, and will take possession Oct. 1st.
Montrose - One of F.D. Morris’ tame gray squirrels escaped yesterday, and struck a beeline up Public Ave. followed by some boys. In dodging them it evidently thought things couldn't be worse, so it made a break for Titman's store window, and tried to jump through it. It had evidently heard that Clint was a great squirrel hunter, and it might as well surrender. But it couldn't get in and then started up the street and into the large trees in Mrs. Webb's yard, where it was safe.
Elkdale - At the State fair at Johnstown, Sept. 9, E.L. Stevens, of Elkdale, was awarded first prize for Red Polled cattle.
Alford - Mr. Den Simans caught an eel in the Alford millpond that weighed 3-1/2 pounds.
Hallstead - Friday morning the news flashed over the wire from Binghamton that train 35 collided with 231 about 3 miles east of that city, and that Arthur M. Coddington, engineer, was under the wreck. The wrecking crew found that the engine was a complete wreck and laid in the ditch on the south side of the tracks, the tender being turned entirely around and headed toward the east. It was found that Lindsley, conductor of train 231, was off his caboose up ahead and just pulling out after breaking in two and coupling up. The brakeman on 231 was hurrying back to flag 35, but owing to the dense fog and the speed at which train 35 was approaching, he could not get back far enough and his lights could only be seen 50 ft. away. The trains were running close together, only five minutes apart, which, in such a dense fog, should be prohibited. Mr. Coddington was a young man of 32 years and was married about two years ago to Miss Mame Barber of this place. He was a Republican in politics, a member of the Vigilance Committee, and one whom every one thought a great deal of. The DL&W ran a train from Scranton and one from Elmira to let all attend the funeral who wished to. One of the largest processions ever seen here followed the remains to their last resting place.
New Milford - The game of ball played here Friday between Susquehanna and New Milford ended in a victory for New Milford.
Compiled By: Betty Smith