Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 25 1891/1991
Jackson - We learned a fact recently from Mr. Alonzo Abel, of Owego, concerning a transaction in which the late Maj. Joel Lamb was the actor. The settlers in the early history of Jackson, after a length of time, were informed by Stewartson & Vaux, landholders, that a payment was wanted. At a meeting of interested parties at William Abel's in Gibson, it was decided to send the Major as their agent, to Philadelphia, to see the proprietors with regard to terms. As soon as Maj. Lamb reached the city after making inquiries as to where Thomas Stewartson's residence was to be found, he went to his house and found him at a back door washing, to be ready for his morning repast. Looking up and seeing Mr. L., he says, "How do YOU do Joel lamb?" in perfect Quaker style. "Do you want to know how I knew you? Fourteen years ago I was riding in a stage coach and saw you standing in the door of a house and inquired your name." They had a pleasant interview, and as we understand, he succeeded in obtaining satisfactory terms with reference to payments, etc. [Maj. Lamb, who settled in Jackson after 1814, was uncommonly large in stature and breadth, measuring two feet across the shoulders; and "made large tracks." This is probably what attracted Mr. Stewartson's attention when he saw him 14 years earlier.
Susquehanna - The Crickets are mourning over the result of their game with the Hornellsville Club, attributing their defeat to the unfair decisions of the umpire, and now desire to play another game with the nine for $200, on any ground outside of Hornellsville, each club to be composed of the same men that played at that town Sept. 19.
Lathrop - Beware of tramps! This place was visited on Monday, the 14th, by two young men somewhere from 16 to 20 years of age. They entered the house of James A. Baker through a window, carried off all his best clothes, shoes, a watch-chain, silk handkerchief and some other small articles, leaving their old begrimed rags under the bed. They had the great boldness to change their clothes there in Mr. Baker's house, donning Mr. B.'s clothes and leaving theirs under the bed; then came into the road, and walked right past Mr. Baker, who thought they were making pretty good time, but little did he think "in his best suit of clothes." Mr. Baker did not discover his loss until evening. His wife, on arriving at home discovered that there was something wrong, and following the natural impulse of a woman, looked under the bed where she found the rags. Then they soon found that thieves had been at work while they were away. Mr. Baker followed them some ways, but has not, so far, succeeded in catching them.
News Briefs - Pennsylvania deer are becoming extinct in their old haunts and hunters report that in a very few years the animal will not be seen in any part of the state. AND Potatoes are rotting badly. Those who have dug their crop think they would be better if still left in the ground, saving a great deal of work in sorting.
Compiled By: Betty Smith