Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 24 1920/2020
Dundaff/Clifford – On Monday, Sept. 6, Judge A. B. Smith rendered a decision in the long drawn out Dundaff case wherein certain residents petitioned the court for dismemberment of the borough and the annexation of the territory to Clifford township. Judge Smith granted the petition and so declared Dundaff a portion of Clifford township. Someone has said that the banns of marriage of Dundaff and East Clifford have been proclaimed.
Franklin Township – The reports coming from the vicinity of Franklin Forks and Lawsville of strangers leasing lands with the avowed intention of drilling for gas and oil has caused much local comment. During the past few weeks, it is stated, in the neighborhood of a 100 leases of farm lands in that vicinity have been drawn up by men claiming to be associated with a Pittsburg concern, although there is considerable mystery in the matter, but the fact that they are willing to pay out money and not asking them to buy stock gives certain stability to the project. Thomas O’Brien, of Binghamton, is active in the promotion of a company to be known as the Snake Creek Oil & Gas Co. The lease this company is circulating gives the owner of the land $125 a year. For some years there has been a considerable supply of natural gas at Salt Springs and the gas has been utilized at the Wheaton farm for illuminating, cooking and heating purposes. There is a steady supply and that it must exist in large quantities seems evident from its forcing its way through 300 feet of water in an abandoned drill hole sunk some years ago.
Dimock – Thieves took batteries from a damaged Maxwell car owned by E. K. LaRue, while Mr. LaRue and family were attending the fair at Montrose. They also took the spot light and from evidence were preparing to remove the wheels when scared away. Not long ago someone took the batteries from a car at Springville.
Forest City – One of the most listless games of the season disappointed the largest gathering of fans to witness a game at the local park in many moons. Eight players from Jermyn caused the first frost of the season. They were assisted in their poor playing by members of the Orioles. Wild throws, poor base running and poor stick work featured the visitors playing. Their catcher injured his hand and Jimmy Smith of B. M’s. did the receiving the last four innings. The visitors scored one run in the first inning and never saw third base from the first to the eighth innings. Kelly, Woodischek, Shamro and Moody featured as wielders of the willow for the locals. Shamro was in the box for the locals until the 7th frame when Carpenter was sent in to hurl. Shamro’s twirling kept the visitors guessing. The fans began to leave in the 6thinning, many of whom were disappointed in not seeing a game like unto the four preceding meets. The score was Forest City 16 and Jermyn 4.
Lenoxville – The Lenoxville ball club crossed bats with the Elkdale club Sunday on the Burns’ flats. The game was a hot one from start to finish and at the finish the score stood five and six in favor of Lenoxville.
Uniondale – It makes no difference to Harold and Reed Burns and Clyde Coleman whether the D. L. & W. buys the Erie or not. They have joined the construction gang for a winter’s job. AND Harvey Williams’ paint gang is treating the Erie depot and the outbuildings to a new coat of paint. We can now boast of a pretty little depot.
Brooklyn – Mrs. Gertrude Peckham and son, Charles, left for Ithaca, Monday, where Charles will attend the Cornell University. A. L. Gere took their household goods in his truck.
Susquehanna – Eighty-nine men employed in the Erie shops have been laid off. These men were the last hired for the Susquehanna shops.
Fairdale – Fairdale Women’s Christian Temperance Union will meet at Fairdale, Wednesday, Sept. 29th. Mrs. Sheen will be present to explain the work for another year. Will all members who have not paid dues, please come or send dues on or before that time to Secretary Mrs. Ethel Smith, Montrose, R. D. 2.
Harford – The Harford Fair was a splendid success this year. Exhibits were unusually good and we have heard it remarked that the crowd, Wednesday, was the largest one the fair had ever had. The music by the Orphan Boys’ Band was greatly enjoyed and all who did not attend the fair missed something worthwhile. AND Several from here motored to Scranton Friday night and enjoyed the concert given by Sousa’s band. AND There will be a medicine show here in town every night this week.
Gibson – The death of William Wickliff Pope, occurred at his home in Gibson township, Sept. 10, 1920. He was widely known as an undertaker and manufacturer of furniture. Mr. Pope was born April 1, 1843 at Smiley. At the age of 21 he went to Monroe county to conduct a woolen mill. Two years later he returned to Gibson township and purchased a woolen mill at Smiley, which he conducted ten years. In 1886 he purchased a half-interest and one year later became owner of the establishment between Gelatt and Jackson which he conducted until his death. He was deputy sheriff under his brother, Edward P. Pope, a Mason and member of the I. O. O. F. He married Miss Elizabeth Pickering on May 8, 1866.
Silver Lake – School opened at Snow Hollow on Monday last, with Mrs. James Hawley as teacher.
Montrose – The fuel situation here is really distressing and if relief is not forthcoming, soon, great suffering will result. Many families are entirely out of coal and none can be had. Even those who have hovered ‘round the kitchen range, to keep warm, have, with consternation, seen the paltry supply of fuel dwindle to nothing. A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held and a committee was named to visit Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, to lay the matter before the coal companies. Much coal is moving on the railroads, but it is going to the great lakes for shipment north and west, as navigation to many far points will be closed later. Coal will be very high in price—that is certain. AND Regular meeting of Gardner-Warner Post of American Legion, Monday evening, Sept. 27th. Every member is urged to be present. Some of you fellows who have not been out for some time report next Monday evening when assembly is sounded.
Compiled By: Betty Smith