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September 24 1909/2009

Lynn, Springville Twp. - Lehigh Valley detectives are searching for the party or parties who attempted to wreck a train on the Montrose branch near the creamery last week. The tie was placed on the rail, evidently in a spirit of mischief, but the aspect of the case is rendered the more serious when it is reported that a brake shoe was found in a dangerous position on the rails that afternoon when the train was coming up. When the tie was encountered on the down trip, the engine shoved it along on the rails sufficiently until the engine could be stopped and the dangerous obstacle removed.

Harford - Fully 4000 people attended the Harford Fair, the gate receipts amounting to about $950, while the total receipts will be about $1150. The exhibits were all up to standard and all were pleased with them and the management. The report circulated that Clarence G. Stephens, the Lenoxville merchant, was killed in an auto accident at the fair is not credited. The bursting of a tire on his machine started the story.

Dimock - Much credit is due our milkmen at the station for the tidy appearance and cleanliness of everything, which makes our station one of the best along the line.

Hallstead - H. R. Bertholf, our enterprising merchant, gave away six sacks of Gold Medal flour in order to test its baking qualities, and also to find out the best bakers of our town. Mrs. F. C. Whitman, of Great Bend, was judge, and Mrs Kate Bradstreet received 1st prize, Mrs. Miles Fisher, 2nd, and Mrs. George Hatfield. 3rd, out of 25 contestants. ALSO Giles M. Carpenter, accompanied by his estimable wife, are at the big Allentown fair this week, going down in his automobile, having become an ardent devotee of motoring. Mr. Carpenter is a mighty good judge of horses, too, and for many years took particular delight in drawing the reins over those that "took no dust," but he says now that automobiles are "it."

Great Bend - The Keystone Hotel is being conducted by Mr. McEvoy in such a way as to please the traveling public, furnishing good meals and good beds.

Montrose - Orin Owens and Jesse Chamberlain, who passed worthless checks, scaled the jail wall and had a few hours liberty. They were captured by a large posse of armed citizens and returned to the bastile. It created considerable excitement for a while, and every boy old enough to tote a gun was hot on their trail in order to capture the reward of $50, offered by Sheriff Conklin. Saturday is the day the prisoners are required to clean up at the jail. They are permitted to go into the jail yard, under surveillance, and wash blankets and perform other work that has a tendency toward cleanliness. The sheriff was away and a young man at the jail was looking after the prisoners. The arrival of the groceryman caused the prisoners to come into the jail to make small orders, which is customary, and the young man hustled downtown for 10 minutes, the impression being that the inmates were occupied and would not again go into the yard. Owens and Chamberlain took advantage of the time and got over the high jail wall and beat it out Prospect street in the direction of the State line. The men were last seen going toward Dr. Dutton's farm (on Chenango St.). Bruce Titman came upon the much wanted pair seated on the ground, in a cornfield, and called to Dr. W. H, Conklin, Kelton Jones, J. V. Griffis and Charles Mackey, who were nearest. There was such a display of war paraphernalia that the cowed prisoners gave themselves up immediately. The reward went to Bruce Titman.

Elk Lake - Arthur Shay, while returning from the creamery, Monday, had his horse frightened by a gasoline engine, hurting him so he is confined to the house.

Silver Lake - Miss Catherine Griffin has opened her school in Brackney, where she is a welcome teacher among the parents, as well as pupils. AND Miss Rose Sweeney has decided it is easier for her to attend a school in Binghamton than Montrose

Clifford - The Royal school is being taught by one of our rosy cheeked girls, Miss Florence Morgan, who is giving good satisfaction. ALSO A good number of our young people attended the dance at Royal last Friday night and they all report a very enjoyable time and think they will attend the next one. The Royal House has the only spring floor hall in this section of the country. It is reported that there will be a dance in the hall every two weeks until next April.

Brooklyn - Merchant Luther S. Ely drove his handsome pair of bays to Montrose on Saturday.

Hopbottom - Frank Janaushek is Hop Bottom's well known undertaker and furniture dealer.

Forest City - Attorney F. M. Gardiner has announced himself as a candidate for district attorney in 1910 and informs us that he will make an aggressive canvas for the Republican nomination next year.

South Montrose - The McDermott Dairy Co. has leased some land of Robert Reynolds and is building a pond thereon for the purpose of securing ice for their plant at this place.

Lakeside, Jackson Twp. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whitney, of Susquehanna, are working for Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Rice, who are visiting Mr. Rice's brother, Henry, in Amherst, Neb.

Lathrop - The Commonwealth Telephone Co. is building a telephone line from Hillsdale to the Tarbell pond. Lathrop is getting pretty well supplied with telephone lines.

Susquehanna - Complaints still come in about the work of "Jack the Prowler" who has been operating on West Hill and later in other sections of the town. His latest operations were on West Main street and while he did not chase any one to any great extent he favored several young ladies with a little more attention than they relished. The young ladies are not accompanied by gentlemen and he succeeds in making them nervous. The New Milford Advertiser offers the following advice to the people of Susquehanna: "A back yard prowler has been frightening unprotected women and girls in Susquehanna for the past ten days. He should be captured and hanged with a clothes line."

News Brief - Spitting in public places is prohibited by Act 289. It makes it a misdemeanor to spit on a public walk, on the steps of a public building or in any railroad or railway car.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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