Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
September 22 1916/2016
Kingsley – The following was read at the marking of the grave of Rufus Kingsley by the D.A.R: “Rufus Kingsley was a drummer boy in the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, then in his 13th year. He attended the celebration on the completion of the monument June 17, 1843, and began the reveille at sunrise standing on a platform on the monument, 200 ft. above the ground, using the drum he had played at the battle. He came to Susquehanna county in 1809. His wife was Lucinda Cutler. Both are buried in the Hillside cemetery, Brooklyn. Mr. Kingsley died May 16, 1846, aged 83 years, 3 months and 25 days, having been born at Windom, Ct., February 1, 1763. Mrs. Kingsley died three days later, aged 79 years. They had been married 60 years.” [The Battle of Bunker Hill was really fought on Breed’s Hill. The family of Stephen Breed came to Susquehanna County in 1813 and settled on the Adam Miller farm, Mr. Miller being the second person to file his deed in Susquehanna County, then Luzerne County, immediately after Ozias Strong, of Great Bend.] ALSO One of the oldest landmarks in East Kingsley and this township, is being removed. It is the house known as the former home of the Misses Titus, on the road between Kingsley and Harford, and now owned by W.W. Wilmarth and sons. The old house is being torn down and a smaller house being built near-by to be used as a tenant house.
Susquehanna – About 50 youths took up their autumn course in the apprentice schools of the Erie shops a few days ago. Before entering the shops all apprentices must undergo an examination to determine their preliminary education. The age to enter is from 16 to 21 years. ALSO Ward Palmer, while cranking an automobile, received a blow in the face, losing two teeth and receiving other bruises about the head.
St. Joseph – Miss Margaret Sweeney has resumed her work as an instructor in the Indian School, at Carlisle, PA.
Thompson – Joseph Blain, formerly of this place, who for the past year has been business manager of the Wayne County Citizen, has accepted a position with a big printing firm in Toledo, Ohio.
Gibson – Byron Tiffany, Burr Wilder and Leo Manzer left for Johnson City last week, where they expect to make their future home. Charles Harding, after spending the summer at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Harding, also left last week for his home in Johnson City.
Fairdale, Jessup Twp. – Herman Olmstead returned to State College, Monday, where he has been engaged to teach.
Elk Lake – Miss Lizzie Biesecker has secured a position in the telephone exchange at Montrose.
Great Bend – Miss Loretta Sullivan, of this place, and Michael Donahue, of Binghamton, were married in St. Lawrence’s Catholic church on Sept. 19th, by Rev. Father Mack.
Uniondale – The dates of the Tri-County Fair are Sept. 26, 27, 28, and the management expects one of the biggest fairs yet held. Races are scheduled for Sept. 27th and 28th. Purses of $800 are offered for four races. It is expected that a Wild West show and a vaudeville troupe will give free entertainments.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – Last Saturday Isaac Giffin cut a bee tree in Sam Reimel’s woods and found about 80 lbs. of honey.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – Ernest France has recently purchased a gasoline washing machine, which is appreciated by his lady folks. ALSO Gorden H. Fish, of the U.S. Navy, is home on a 10 day furlough. He is looking fine, although tanned up by exposure to sun and wind.
Forest City – Gerritt Gardner, Esq. was a business caller here, his former home. On his return on the trolley he saw a large red fox that was killed by a preceding car. He states it was a fine specimen.
Springville – Stuart Riley & Son, who have the agency for the Dodge Bros. automobiles for 14 townships in the county, tell us they propose to push the sale of these cars the coming year and will do some effective advertising. Griffing & Woodward sell this car in New Milford and vicinity.
Hop Bottom – Ambrose S. Payne, of Montrose, with his men are busy re-decorating the interior of the Methodist church. Volunteer workers, under the direction of Hersey G. Wright, are shingling the church roof and in a few days painters will be at work on the exterior of the church and parsonage. The plans for extensive improvement of the church property will not be completed until the electric lights are installed, delayed by the uncertainty of getting the current.
Bridgewater Twp. – The warehouse and stable at Harrington’s Mills burned on the 19th of Sept. An alarm was telephone to the Tarbell House and Chemical No. 2 and Hook & Ladder responded. Hose carts were useless because the nearest hydrant was 1000 ft. away. Nevertheless a bucket brigade was formed and with buckets of water and wet sacks men and boys prevented the fire catching the main mill, water being carried in milk cans from the Borden milk station across the road. In the warehouse was a large stock of feed, fertilizer and farming machinery, which was rendered worthless. A Lackawanna freight car, standing on the siding in the direct path of the flames, was rolled out of harm’s way. There is no clue as to the origin of the fire, but the general supposition is that a smoker in the stable might have carelessly caused the blaze. A vagrant had been seen on the vicinity shortly before and suspicion rests also on him.
Montrose – Miss Helen Burns leaves tomorrow for Philadelphia, where she will enter the College of Pharmacy. Miss Burns is the third in the family to follow this profession. Her grandfather [a Civil War Veteran] founded the A.B. Burns’ drug store over 50 years ago. His son, George C. Burns, is the present proprietor. Miss Burns, the latter’s daughter, now takes up the study of the profession. Probably this circumstance cannot be duplicated in the state. [Helen closed the drug store in 1980 and died in 1983 at age 87. During an interview, in 1980, she told of the Civil War veterans who came to visit her grandfather at the store. He allowed them to purchase a glass of whiskey from the store stock, which was sold by the pint or quart. Apparently this was a daily routine for many years and did not end until the death of A.B. Burns in 1906. George, his son, immediately put a stop to the practice, which was not a popular decision with these old men. A.B. Burns was a member of the 134th PA Volunteers during the war and became good friends with Col. Matthew Quay, who later became a state senator. Through this friendship Mr. Burns was appointed to the first State Board of Pharmacy. The license number for his store was #5.]
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., Sept. 22, 1816. MARRIED - In the township of Bridgewater, on the 10th of Sept. last, by the Rev. Davis Dimock, Mr. Joshua Smith to Miss Peggy Young, both of Bridgewater. MARRIED - On the 16th by the Rev. D. Dimock, Mr. Josiah Lord, of Waterford [Brooklyn Twp.], to Miss Sally Hall, of Bridgewater. MARRIED - On the 19th, by the Rev. D. Dimock, Mr. Elias Palmer, of Bridgewater to widow Abagail Tupper, of Middletown. MARRIED - On the 24th, Samuel Thatcher, of Middletown, to Eunice Tupper, of Rush. MARRIED - On the 16th inst., Robert Day to Lucy Bush, both of Bridgewater.
CLOTH DRESSING. The subscriber informs his friends and the public generally, that he will Full, Dye & Dress Cloth, at his stand on the Wyalusing Creek in Rush township, in the best manner and on the shortest notice, during the present season. JOHN ROSS.
Compiled By: Betty Smith