Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 22 1899/1999
East Rush - The Cronk family reunion took place at "Uncle Jake's" Wednesday, Sept. 13th, the day being Mr. Cronk's 74th birthday. Each year his birthday is kept in like manner. Forty-five were present on this occasion. A very enjoyable time is reported. May there be many more such.
Hallstead - Miss Lizzie Gilchrist has gone to New York City for specialist treatment and will remain with relatives there till the Dewey parade. AND - The silk mill pay-day occurred Saturday. Monday the D.L.&W. pay car was here.
Hopbottom - On Sat., the 9th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Quick, was the scene of a pleasant little gathering, it being in honor of their daughter, Clara's, 11th birthday. The following little people being present who enjoyed themselves during the afternoon - Pearl and Dora Russell, Dora Vanalystyne, Lulu Reynolds, Amanda Strickland, Josie and Mildred Carpenter, Hazel Merrill, Alla Case, Alice Tiffany, Dimond Rose, Ethel Merrithew, Ida Sterling. They left several pretty tokens of their friendship for their little schoolmate.
Rush - Several have visited this place from the far west, who formerly lived here; some of them had been gone 20 years, but last week, to the surprise of his sisters, Samuel Crawford, of Kansas, came to visit them. He left here for the west 51 years ago and had not been heard from but two or three times during that period. He is now 76 years of age. He has three sisters living, Mrs. Thomas Haney and Mrs. Nathaniel Hillis, of Rush and Mrs. James Mitten of Herrick, Bradford county. He had three brothers, who have all died during his absence. He expects to spend two or three weeks with friends here, and then return to his home in the west. This probably will be his last visit to the east.
Uniondale - Report says that the Uniondale Coal Co. is about to commence operations. May success attend it. AND - The Uniondale coronet band held an oyster supper at Thomas Rimron's on Tuesday.
Forest City - St. Anthony's Lithuanian church, commanding a beautiful view, is in the course of erection and promises to outrank any similar structure in town. The dimensions are to be 45x102 feet, 8 inches. The foundation will be of the celebrated blue stone, from the Lanesboro quarries. It is a well-equipped, modern building in every way. Much credit is due to the untiring pastor, the Rev. Father John Kuras, and his flock of devoted members. The work is in the care of Contractor, E. A. Barber, of Peckville. The contract price being about $8,800. The building will be completed in November and will seat 600.
Brookdale - Our schools are now in full operation. Miss Roe, of Fairdale, teaches the Wilber school; Miss Mary Cosgriff, the Chalker; and Miss Rose Risley, the Brookdale school. AND - Luman Tingley has gone to work for Frank Tingley, at Tingley, Pa.
Montrose - The annual Harvest Home gathering will occur at the M.E. church, Sunday morning, Oct. 1st, with special music, program, decorations in fruits and farm products, etc. AND - The government recruiting station has been closed--they couldn't do business enough. They only got five men. The people here are not suffering for army experience.
Susquehanna - Near Columbian Grove, on Sunday, 300,000 feet of lumber and a portable steam mill, belonging to Edwards & Co., of Windsor, were destroyed by fire. The lumber had just been paid for at $15 per thousand feet. AND - Wm. P. Agnew, an old and respected resident, died at his home on Jackson and Cross streets, on Sunday evening, aged 83 years. He is survived by the widow and several sons. For many years he was employed as a blacksmith in the Erie shop. He followed blacksmithing 65 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the Baptist Church.
South Montrose - Dr. M. B. Crisman will extract teeth by the Odontunder process (painless), at his office one mile south of here, until Sept. 26, for 25 cents. After the above date his office will be closed. He will also be at Rush, Saturday, Sept. 23rd.
Retta - On Sept. 9th, the descendants of the late Daniel Carter, to the number of about 45, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Carter, for the annual reunion. The day was an ideal one and everybody was happy and ready to do justice to the sumptuous repast, served at 12 o'clock. After dinner, ball-playing, etc. was indulged in until about 4 o'clock, when the good-byes were said and all departed, looking forward to the next gathering, which will be held at Andrew Carter's in 1900.
Lathrop - On Sept. 9th, the descendants of the late Daniel Carter, to the number of about 45, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Carter, for the annual reunion. The day was an ideal one and everybody was happy and ready to do justice to the sumptuous repast, served at 12 o'clock. After dinner, ball-playing, etc. was indulged in until about 4 o'clock, when the good-byes were said and all departed, looking forward to the next gathering, which will be held at Andrew Carter's in 1900.
New Milford - J. M. Calby and several other carpenters have been repairing the fire damages at M. J. Crane's hotel.
Franklin - On Aug. 25th, the 9th annual gathering of the descendants of the seven Smith brothers was held at the pleasant and hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Summers. The day was calm, bright and beautiful and from early morn till high noon, relatives and friends continued to arrive, a total of 120 or thereabouts. Their hearts all seemed to beat in unison, especially so when they were seated in a leafy-festooned arbor hall, at several tables, laden with abundant, varied and sumptuous viands, to gratify both fastidious and robust appetites.
Eagan and Shew - Along in early summer, the governor respited J. J. Eagan and Cornelius Shew, confined in the Montrose jail for the murder of Jackson Pepper, in Rush, to Sept. 26, for the purpose, as then given out, that the Board of Pardons might have further time to consider their cases. It seems the Board hasn't got around to them, for now comes their respite until Oct. 26th.
Compiled By: Betty Smith