Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 21 1923/2023
Elk Lake – An association, to be known as the Elk Lake Improvement Association, has been formed by the cottagers and property owners abutting the lake. Two meetings were held at the John V. Quackenbush cottage where tentative plans were laid. The Association will be incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania and stock is being sold to property owners only. The dam, store, grist mill, a small house and about 6 acres was recently purchased by F. D. Morris from W. H. Tanner, which property is to be deeded to the association as soon as a charter is obtained.
Springville Twp. – Robert A. Squires, an aged resident of this place, was killed in a runaway accident while on his way to the Nicholson creamery with a load of milk. Mr. Squires had in his team a colt which was quite wild, and it is presumed that in going over a rough piece of road on a hill the wagon pole struck the colt, causing it to rear and break into a run. Mr. Squires was jolted from the wagon seat and fell under the wheels, one of the wheels passing over his head, crushing the skull. A neighbor found him shortly after the accident, and he lived but a few minutes. He was about 75 years of age and had no immediate survivors, his wife died some years ago.
Friendsville – The Friendsville Millinery is opening on Saturday, Sept. 22. Miss M. Ryan has a full line of trimmed hats; remodeling also done.
Jackson - Plans are being made to give the Jackson graded school house a much needed coat of paint. The money for the paint is being collected by the principal, Ralph D. Felton. He would greatly appreciate any contribution. Mr. Felton has consented to give his own time to paint the building if the citizens will pay for the paint. The school house and the grounds all need improving. Let’s make our school what it should be.
Montrose – Prof. J. Wesley Gavitt is taking a master artists’ violin course under Prof. Caesar Thompson, noted European teacher of the violin, at the Ithaca Conservatory of Music.
Harford – Bert Loomis, of Washington D. C, a former resident of this place, was a caller in town. He was accompanied by his niece, Miss Nellie Loomis, of Kingsley, whom he is visiting. Mr. Loomis, since leaving the army at the close of the world war, has been acting as a lieutenant of police about the department buildings at the capital. On his northern journey Mr. Loomis visited his brother, F. R, Loomis, in Roanoke, Va. Besides coming to attend the Harford Fair, he anticipates spending a few days in Thompson at the home of his sister, Mrs. Rena Gage.
New Milford – A young man named Slater, hailing from Smoky Hollow while alleged to be under the influence of liquor, and driving an automobile, ran over Joseph Wellman near Summersville. The driver of the car, after running it a short distance from the point of the accident, stopped the machine and legged it for the woods, with witnesses of the affair in pursuit. He was captured and given a hearing before Justice C. M. Shelp. Mr. Wellman was not seriously injured and was able to be out the first of the week.
Uniondale – W. I. Morgan, our village blacksmith, was painfully injured when a large timber fell on his right foot. The great toe was badly mangled. He was not overcome, however, for he shod two horses after the accident. He retained his grit to the last.
Brooklyn – The contract for the new school building has been let to the Whipple Bros. of Laceyville. It is to be a brick and concrete structure, costing $29,000. Work was started and will be pushed as rapidly as weather conditions will permit.
Dimock – If anyone needs repairing done, remember the upper classmen of the vocational school are the “Johnny on the spot,” and always do the right job. The combination kitchen, sewing room, nursery, laboratory, etc. will be fitted out to perfection by Mrs. Etta Kellar. Mr.Reiter boasts, “what we can’t make is not worth making.”
Susquehanna – A large quantity of liquor of all kinds, taken in raids in Susquehanna and vicinity the past few months, went to feed the fish and put a kick into the turbines of the Light & Power company plant below the town. The dumping of the booze was in keeping with an order issued by Judge Smith. A good quantity of good alcohol was turned over to the Barnes Hospital for medicinal purposes. It was necessary to siphon (siphon) the barrel in order to make a division and considerable difficulty was experienced in finding some one to work the syphon on account of the danger of the alcohol touching the lips. The sheriff and district attorney refused the job and volunteers were called for. Chief Howard Lewis handled the siphon, proving to the other officers that there was no real danger, and the division of the alcohol was made.
Thompson – News has come that Ezra Leonard died at his home in North Thompson. Mr. Leonard was a veteran of the Civil War and has been in failing health for a long time. ALSO Monday afternoon nearly every eye in town was turned upward. The occasion of it was an airplane.
Forest City – Steve Shamro, the south paw of the Independent baseball team, has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, where he may remain. He was instrumental largely in winning the pennant in the County League two years ago and fans of this vicinity hope he may return to their midst.
The County Agricultural Fair. During the two days not less than 10,000 people attended the fair, held in Montrose, establishing a new record. The exhibits this year ran up into the thousands and all departments were especially well represented in the main exhibition hall and in the various buildings. There were cattle exhibits, sheep and swine, horses, school work, a fruit department, vegetables, automobiles and much more. The trick bicycle riding by “Reckless Recklaw,” and his wife, was one of the most appreciated. It is difficult to conceive of a more skilled and daring rider than the reckless one. The “Slide for Life” of 16-year old Mademoiselle Sylvester, who clung to a strap by her teeth and hurtled through space down a perilously inclined 300 ft. wire from a great height, gave the spectators a thrill. Unusually fine weather characterized the fair, with just enough autumn tang on the closing day to remind one of the frosty fall atmosphere.
Compiled By: Betty Smith