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September 21 1906/2006

Lenoxville - Clarence G. Stephens, the enterprising grocer, held the fifth annual gathering of his customers on Tuesday. On reaching Lenoxville one at first would have supposed that a county fair was in progress from the number of people present--one thousand being a low estimate. The South Gibson band of 25 pieces enlivened the occasion with choice music, and a base ball game between clubs from Royal and Lenoxville resulted in a tie, the score being 3-3 at the end of seven innings. Refreshments of all kinds were served. In the store a force of 14 clerks were kept busy all the time attending to the wants of the many customers.

Forest City - Failure of a brake to work on a southbound Forest City trolley car, at the Simpson crossing, Friday forenoon, caused a wreck in which two passengers were severely injured and three others sustained more or less shock by being thrown from their seats. The severely injured were Robert Ramsey of Scranton and John Pastine of Wilson Creek. The car, which was in charge of Motorman William Van Gorder and conductor John Farrell, was lost control of by the failure of the brake to respond to the motorman. There was a train being switched on the railroad and the car crashed against it.

Susquehanna - Benjamin F. Pride, formerly editor of the Susquehanna Journal, has accepted a position on the editorial staff of the Binghamton Republican. Mr. Pride has been a resident for 35 years in Susquehanna, but owing to his acceptance of this position will remove to Binghamton.

Gelatt - Some time Saturday morning burglars entered W.A. Wheeler's general store at Gelatt and stole a number of small articles. They then proceeded to W.W. Pope's undertaking rooms, which are situated between Gelatt and Jackson, and blowed open a safe belonging to A.W. Conrad, J. P., who had an office in Pope's building, securing $170 in cash and a number of valuable papers. While in the undertaking rooms, they destroyed two mirrors. As yet there is no clew as to the identity of the parties.

Jersey Hill - After Rev. A.R. Fiske of Auburn 4 Corners had gone to Sunday school at Jersey Hill, Mrs. Fiske was getting ready to go to church at a later hour. Having an errand, she went into the spare bedroom when she was attacked by a large milk snake lying in the wash bowl wound around the pitcher. Her cries for help soon brought Mort Grow, who killed the unwelcome house pet. Mrs. Fiske was somewhat frightened. She stood on a chair and fished the rest of her clothes out of the clothes press with a long pole and since then she is very careful that there are no "snakes in her boots" when she puts them on.

Montrose - The road stretching from the Methodist church down Bank street as far as Mrs. Annie Fancher's is sadly in need of improvement. At present its condition is worse than "the rocky road to Dublin," and pedestrians do not relish the idea of walking over thousands of small cobble-stones. They should be cleared from the road by some one belonging to the "good roads" clan. AND "My impression of the first annual exhibition of the present County Agricultural Society is that it was held in the fall of 1847, in the Court House, and that I attended it. The vegetables and domestic manufacturers were there, but the stock was on the Green, and the following year the Fair, too, was held there in a tent. Can any one assure me that my location of these two exhibitions is correct?" E.C.B.

Brooklyn - Our High School began on Sept. 17, with Prof. Beardsley, of Little Meadows, as principal, Miss Nellie Stilwell of Dimock, Assistant; Miss Titus of Lenox, intermediate and Mary Hearn, primary. The attendance is larger than last year, as the school in the Peckham district is closed. Only one school, that at Alford, is kept open in the township, all the children being brought into town by "kid wagons."

Silver Lake - John A. Gillooly [Gillooley] and wife have two bright little boys (the last one was registered September the 10th, 1906), to brighten their beautiful home and to be brought up in good old Democratic style. Oh yes, Friend Gillooly, we'll take a cigar, thank you, and if grandma Kanane wants to pass around some of her good, old-fashioned pumpkin pie, we wouldn't object, Oh no.

Harford -The Harford Fair premiums amount to over $1400. This is a fair where you see all your friends--it's a great family reunion. Morning trains No. 15 North and 2 South will stop at Kingsley the morning of the 27th for the accommodation of the fair visitors. The Kingsley Cornet Band will furnish music for the fair. The band is now under the instruction of C. M. Sutton, Binghamton. Of course there will be the merry-go-round for the children. Bring an exhibit of some kind. It will help the fair.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - The best ball game of the season was played here Sunday. The Middletown Centre nine and the Hill nine chose some from each nine and played a close game. Talley was 3 and 1. Tierny from New York and Michael Redding were the pitchers. The game was between the two batteries.

Dimock - Don't miss the entertainment in the M.E. church next Saturday evening, Sept. 22nd by Miss Ada Storm, of Philadelphia. Miss Storm has had special success along the line of evening entertainments and the friends at Dimock will no doubt enjoy this treat.

Franklin - Almond Southworth has just returned home from the South, where he has been living for the past 2 years for his health, and it has done him good.

New Milford - The "Home Coming" is a thing of the past and was a success from start to finish. The town was finely decorated. The streets cleaned and lawns attended to, that the home comers might realize what they had lost by leaving New Milford. It was a most interesting sight to see them clasp hands then wait for recognition and many faces were wet with tears they could not restrain as friend met friend they had not seen for years. The Hallstead band furnished music. Col. Pratt did himself proud in an address of welcome. Joe Hibbard, of Kansas City, came next with a speech. Will McManus captured the crowd with a song, "I Want to Hear a Yankee Doodle Tune" changed to "I Want to Hear an Old New Milford Tune" played by Hager's Cornet Band. Then followed a speech from A.B. Smith, an old New Milford boy. After that came dinner, the photographing of the "old timers", a ball game, fire works and a dance in the evening.

Dundaff - Miss Mabel Hamerstine, living near here, inherited $5000 from a distant relative in Pittsburgh and received a check for that amount the other day. When her wealth became known, she had 14 offers of marriage in about a week.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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