Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 21 1894/1994
Rush - Azer Baxter has started a wagon shop, in connection with, the blacksmith shop of Samuel Duel. This completes the circle of blacksmith, wheelwright and painter; all in the same establishment they are all young men and competent workmen. These, with old established shops of Hickok, Mulligan and Nurse in the same lines of business, is an assurance of work being promptly done in this hustling village of Rush. Not forgetting to mention Overton, the harness maker, who is always ready for business.
Laceyville - While riding on his wheel [bicycle] the other night, Harry Johnson had a costly accident his pants caught in the sprocket wheel, and while he was attempting to loosen them, he ran into Chas. Culvers horse. The horse danced on the wheel but Harry escaped without injury.
Montrose - Fayette Avery is quite skillful in the manufacture of musical instruments. He has made several violins and a banjo, all of good tone and exhibiting first-class horsemanship.
Great Bend - Hon. Roger Searle said to us a few days since, in a conversation at the D.L.& W. station, that he took an active part in helping to construct the D.L.&.W. road between this place and Scranton, and said he, the people poked as much fun at us about our one horse road, as they called it, as they now do at the Montrose narrow gauge road. We observed in reply that the railroad and financial world is not cutting much of a figure poking fun at that road nowadays.
Forest City- At the recent great musical festival at Laurel Hill Park, Scranton. The United Choir, of Forest City, this county, won a prize of $300 for the best rendition of Mendelssohn’s "Hunting Song."
Springville - Our friend, Stephen Tuttle, the undertaker and furniture dealer, has purchased himself a farm just out of town, and was busily engaged last week hauling the necessary material for growing good crops. He contemplates putting out a quantity of peach and apple trees and grapes.
North Jackson - George H. French, assessor for Jackson Township is now taking the assessments for 1895. Under a recent law, all births and deaths of the past year must be recorded.
South Gibson - Mr. & Mrs. Frank Payne were surprised on Saturday, the 15th, by seeing load after load of friends and neighbors drive up to their door and with well filled baskets come in and take possession of their home. The truth dawned upon them that they were the victims cy? a surprise, it being the 20th anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Payne said he had laid out a big days work culling corn. He postponed the job and went in for a good time. Tables were spread under the trees and loaded with every delicacy of the season, to which the company to the number of 50 did ample justice. The company then repaired to the sitting room and Mr. George B. Tiffany, in a very fitting manner, presented to Mr. & Mrs. Payne a beautiful set of dishes, the gift of the company. Two fine rockers were also given, one by their father, Hubbard Payne, the other by their daughter Jessie. A piece of real china was given by Mr. & Mrs. H.H. Abel, and two large vases from Scranton friends. Mr. Payne responded in a feeling manner, thanking the friends for the gifts, not for their money value, but the good will and friendship they evinced. The afternoon was spent in conversation and singing. The time passed all too soon, but night warned us we must say goodbyes and go home. It was a happy day and long to be remembered by the company.
Auburn Corners- The mercury registered on Saturday at this place in the shade, 102 degrees.
Brooklyn - Chaplain McCabe will give his lecture, "The bright side of life in Obby Prison," in the M.E. Church, Oct 12. Don’t miss it. It is one of the grandest things you ever heard.
Compiled By: Betty Smith