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September 20 1912/2012

Alford - A case of “eviction” took place here Monday when Perry Sweet and his wife were taken from their home, the Lackawanna railroad [D.L.&W.] taking possession of their property. The scene was slightly dramatic and highly humorous in a way. The railroad’s attorney and detectives were star actors. The railroad had sought to purchase this property but terms could not be agreed upon. When it became evident that condemnation proceedings would be brought by the company, Mrs. Sweet, who holds title to the property, brought suit in equity, through her attorneys C. L. VanScoten and G. P. Little, asking for an injunction, claiming that the railroad had absolutely no right to touch her property under its charter and that the new line was an independent railroad. At 10:30 Monday morning, four or five railroad men asked Mr. Sweet if he would not vacate and he refused. Mr. Sweet then took his position in the side door of the house with a big, ugly-looking revolver. A “council of war” was held by the railroad men, and about half an hour later, 15 or 20 additional railway men, and a detective, appeared and they went up to Mr. Sweet, took his gun from him, and marched him across the street. They also took Mrs. Sweet from the house and then removed their goods, and immediately began despoiling the property. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet are highly respected citizens of Alford, and have occupied this home for 43 years. Mr. Sweet’s friends say that the house is not in the line of the new cut-off, nor will it have to be moved, but that the railroad wanted to purchase it for their own use. A pathetic part of the scene was the sobbing of Mrs. Sweet when they began tearing down the home they had occupied so long. The house is a large, three-story affair, and we are informed that a spring of water upon it is a very valuable one. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet will store their goods for a time and then move to Clarks Summit, we understand. The answer to the bill in equity was filed and will come up for disposal in the November court. If a permanent injunction is granted the rail-road would have to restore the property and pay all damages. If refused the value of the property will be decided by condemnation proceedings. The Sweet’s were offered $3600 Later: We understand that J. M. Decker has settled with the Lackawanna for the right-of-way across his property and that the company paid Mr. Decker $5,000 for same and Mr. Decker takes off and retains three of the buildings which were in the path of the cut--off operations. Mr. Decker will occupy his fine residence above the D.L.&W. station, at present occupied by station agent Trump.

Franklin Forks - Franklin M. Gardiner, Esq., of Forest City, declined to run on the Washington ticket in opposition to Hon. E. E. Jones for representative. George P. Stockholm has been named by the nominating committee to fill the vacancy. Mr. Stockholm is a popular Farmers’ Alliance man in Franklin Forks, with a large acquaintance, and served with credit in the Civil War. His friends will enthusiastically rally to his support.

Royal, Clifford Twp. - Ora Bennett purchased of Web Kinyon, of Greenfield, a very valuable horse the other day, paying $250 for it. He is what the boys call a “Jim Dandy.” It pleases Ora to draw the reins over the nicest horse in town.

Dimock - A sharp ball game was held on the large grass meadow of W. L. Stilwell, on Saturday, between South Montrose and Dimock boys, which resulted in favor of South Montrose.

New Milford - A very sad accident and one that should be a lesson to all, occurred at the home of Olney Very when his little four year old girl found her grandmother, Mrs. Theron Very’s, medicine, taking as much as she cared to and dying in a few hours. She was an exceptionally bright child and universally loved. ALSO Angelo Julian, contractor to furnish the common laborers, was here this week and reports hard and slow work getting men to work on the cut--off.

Elk Lake - Frank Arnold and H. T. Fargo have each lost a horse.

Glenwood - Will Gow, of Cameron Corners, lost a horse by falling from a ledge a few days ago. ALSO Anna Tripp is able to attend school again after an absence of a few days from the result of an auto accident. If auto tourists would travel with less speed they could avoid such accidents.

Montrose - Saturday afternoon last, a man drove his team and wagon across the Country Club links. Whether to save time or in a willful abandon of the Club’s postings we do not know, but the journey was an expensive one. The case was settled out of court for $10.00 or $1000 (?) [Unclear.] Each year $500 or more is paid out that these grounds may be kept in the best possible condition for the game of golf and the members of the Club elect their Governors for that purpose. ALSO The increasing popularity of Lake Avenue causes it frequently to be spoken of and the way it came by its present name may be of interest to some of our readers, besides giving credit publicly to a former, now deceased, popular and public spirited citizen, the late Henry C. Tyler, whose residence was on that street, then called North Main Street. Mr. Tyler thought it would be nice to change the name and circulated a petition asking it to be changed by the Borough Council to “Lake Avenue,” which was done, perhaps thirty years ago. [Besides, it does go to the lake.]

Ararat Summit - Ronald Walker, who has been working as telegrapher at Forest City Station, the past three months, is now working in the station at Starrucca.

Little Meadows - Patrick McNamara is confined to his home with an attack of quinsy. ALSO Mary McNamara has purchased a new piano.

Flynn - Thomas McDonough has traded his horse for a motorcycle. Tom is going to get after them soon.

Jackson - The body of Charles Hard was brought to Susquehanna for burial on September 8. His home was in Oklahoma. ALSO The death of Edwin Bowell occurred very suddenly while working on the road, Monday, Sept. 16th, 1912, near W. W. Pope’s undertaking rooms. The deceased had a stroke about 10 o’clock and died at 12 o’clock. He leaves two sons, Frank and Clarence, both of Susquehanna, and one daughter, Mrs. John Skillett, of Ohio. Funeral and burial today, at Gelatt, at 10 o’clock.

Brooklyn - Murray Palmer left this week to resume his studies at Staunton Military Academy in Virginia.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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