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September 20 1895/1995

Susquehanna - "Locomotive Engineering" for September has a picture of the famous Erie red engine, built in the Susquehanna shop, which pulls trains 5 and 8 over the Susquehanna Division. It is one of the very best locomotives running on any road.  AND  Mrs. Charles Boy den, the librarian, has been in New York during the week, purchasing $100 worth of books for the Young Men's Library Assn.

Birchardville - We are pleased to note that we have some fine florists in this vicinity. At the home of Watson Dayton and family can be found a great variety of lovely flowers, if Jack Frost has not called on them to destroy them. Among their choice flowers was a lovely flowering sweet pea that is 9-1/2 ft. in height. These lovely flowers are God's gifts to us, and as such deserve our best care and attention.

Brandt - The State Department in Harrisburg has granted a charter to the Harmony Brick Company, at Brandt.

Rush - M.B. Perigo requests your correspondent to notify the members of the 143d Regt, P.V., that the dedication of the monument to mark the position of said Regiment on the third day's fight at Gettysburg, will take place on the 15th of October, 1895, on the field. Mr. Perigo attended the reunion of the Regiment which met at Shickshinny recently, and reports a grand time, also that the next reunion will take place at Wilkes-Barre in 1896.

Hallstead - Mr. [Douglas] Arthur Teed, whose art studies and work in Europe during the last five years has brought him into prominence in the world's art circle, has a most interesting article upon "The American Painter Abroad," which will appear in our columns next week. ANDF.L. Underhill, of Montrose, has been secured by Contractor Wm. Knoeller to take charge of the brickwork on the Presbyterians' new edifice. This will insure first-class work in quality and appearance, as Mr. Underhill has erected several handsome brick blocks in Montrose, of which the new Republican office is one.

Forest City- Forty-three Forest City citizens went to the metropolis, on the excursion, Saturday.

Oakley - The new iron bridge at this place is being built across Martin Creek. The pond was drained, which made excellent fishing for a few days. AND Born to Mrs. Rose Carpenter, Sept.l3, a 2-½ lb. boy.

Herrick - In Herrick, Miss Nellie Bloxham, of Ararat, will teach the Herrick Centre School, Miss Nellie Clancey, of Susquehanna, the Bunnel School, Miss Gurtie Coon, the Lyon St. School, Miss Lizzie Bowell, the Darts' Corners School, and Raymon Tingley the Reservoir School.

Herrick Centre - The annual meeting of the Horse Breeders of North Eastern Pennsylvania, held at this place, was largely attended and a fine display of horseflesh was on exhibit.

Union Dale - The Uniondale ball team defeated the Welchtown team Saturday by a score 23 to 4. The game was like a jug, the handle all on one side. AND Our public school is crowded, two teachers are insufficient. Directors, keep your eye on the state appropriation, as soon as the clause in school law designating the number of pupils for each teacher.

Harford - Not many limes more at the best can we listen to that honored son of Susquehanna County, Galusha A. Grow. Perhaps this may be the last opportunity to hear him in public. Don't fail to attend the fair and honor this man by hearing his address. A new platform has been built for him to speak from. To hear Mr. Grow once more is more than worth the expense and trouble incurred by attending Harford Fair this fall.

News Briefs: The season has been so dry that the supply of water in the D&H canal feeders in Sullivan County, NY, has been completely exhausted. Wolf, McKee and Fowlwood ponds have been drawn down to the lowest possible level, and Yankee and Masten ponds are nearly dry. Never before in the history of the canal have Sullivan county reservoirs have drawn on as they have this season.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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