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September 19 1919/2019

Montrose – September 23rd will be the 75th birthday of Dr. Charles Decker, and this will find him, if alive, alone and in his old home. Send him a birthday card, some words of help and sympathy, and above all something substantial as a reminder that you, his friend, have not forgotten him. Could the doctor receive only the amounts due him from debts that are due him, it would place him on “easy street.” As it is now, he is needy from sickness and misfortune, the old home needs repairing and winter is coming on. Now you who are his friends take notice of this appeal and remember him on next Tuesday. If you send the doctor a message, enclosing a two-cent stamp or more, you will receive something unique in return. He has served this entire vicinity faithfully, ministering to the sick and the dying, and the poor have not been turned away. Signed, His Friends and Neighbors. ALSO Miss Eloise Warriner, who was driving a horse home from the Montrose fair, ran into a Binghamton auto, smashing the windshield, and cutting the driver’s hand. The horse was not injured, but the wagon was badly damaged.

Western end of the County – To those autoists who enjoy an afternoon spin, and appreciate beautiful scenery and good roads, we would recommend a trip between Montrose and Wyalusing via Rush, Lawton, Rushville, Stevensville and Camptown. The speedometer will show a distance of just a trifle short of 30 miles. The road between Montrose and Rushville is undoubtedly the best stretch of dirt road, of equal length, in the county and the macadam between Camptown and Wyalusing is in perfect condition. An exceedingly prosperous agricultural section is traversed.

Harford – Raymond Cameron and Leon Rundell, staff writers of the Elk Music Co., of Binghamton, have just published a new song, entitled “That Dixie Jazz.” This song promises to be one of the season’s most popular hits and the friends of Mr. Cameron will be pleased to learn of his acquired fame. Mr. Cameron was formerly of Harford where his people now live.

Choconut Valley – The Choconut creek seems to be filling up with fine fish. James Gilroy, while out fishing, caught an eel, twenty-nine inches in length, weighing two and one-half pounds, and another which was at first supposed to be a bass.

Williams Pond – Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis have moved to their new home at Heart Lake. ALSO H. M. Howard had the misfortune to break his wrist while trying to start his auto.

South Ararat – The Hunters’ picnic, held at Fiddle Lake, Labor Day, was largely attended. The ladies’ Aid, of Herrick, furnished dinner, which was fit for a king, and all there could not say enough in praise of it.

Brooklyn – Miss Clara Winans, Ass’t. Supt. of Schools, and Miss Noble, the new Domestic Science teacher, were in town Tuesday. Beside the classes of Domestic Science in the High School, a course in cooking and home sanitation for the women in the community will meet soon.

Susquehanna – The Business Men’s Association has decided to form a Realty Co., with a capital stock of $25,000, for the purpose of building houses to be sold to the people of Susquehanna, Oakland and Lanesboro. Several houses will be built and it seems as if there may be some relief at hand for the many who, while working in the Erie shops, are compelled to make their home elsewhere, but would gladly make this their home town could they find houses for rent or purchase.

Scranton – The late John Mitchell, former president of the United Mine Workers of America, was buried in St. Paul’s cemetery, Scranton, because of a dying request that he be buried near the homes of the miners he knew so well. Agitation for the building of a monument in Scranton as a tribute to the memory of Mitchell already has been started.

Forest City – The Slovenian Katholic Dramatic and Singing society has been organized and it is expected that plays will appear in the near future. The society is composed of a number who have appeared in various dramas presented here in the Slovenian language and have been prominent as well in musical circles. ALSO John Grum was in Scranton yesterday to file his final papers in the naturalization court. His witnesses were Joseph Kameen and John Dutchman. ALSO A pretty wedding was celebrated in St. Joseph’s church yesterday morning when Miss Mary Pauline Zaller was united with Frank Becyan by the pastor, Rev. Joseph Tomsic. Frank Simkovitz was the best man and Miss Julia Dressler was the bridesmaid. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. A. Zaller, of North Main street, at which many invited guests were present. Music was furnished by an orchestra and members of the Zvon Singing society. The bride is one of the most popular young ladies of this vicinity, having been employed for some time in Mrs. Really’s store. They will locate in Cleveland, Ohio, where the groom holds a lucrative position.

Uniondale – Bert McPherson drove his Ford truck over the new road, known as the Eli Crandall road, last Sunday. He thinks that when the road is hard that he can go the entire distance “in high.”

East Rush – On Saturday last, at the church in this place, was held the funeral of one of our esteemed neighbors, Mrs. Harvey Estus, who lately moved from this place to Montrose to reside with her son, E. W. Estus, who is the manager of the Brown & Fassett feed business. Mrs. Estus was a person whom one felt the better for knowing. She was always cheerful and had a pleasant word for everyone and was a devout Christian, being a member of the East Rush M. E. church for nearly fifty years.

Marriage Licenses: Willis Clark Sherman and Helen Brooks, Springville; Wm. H. Berg, Franklin Twp. and Mary S. Canfield, Montrose; Rolland B. Leslie, Bridgewater Twp. and Eunice L. Mathews, New Milford Twp.; Daniel H. Bonner, Thompson and Aletta H. Sampson, Jackson; Harry A. Brown and Anna M. Lindsley, Hallstead; Eugene P. Gallagher, Montrose and Ruby V. Shoemaker, Springville; Harry P. Watson, and Jane L. Guiton, Middletown.

News Briefs: A half-million dollar fire visited Scranton Wednesday night and several persons were seriously burned. The Sall Mountain Co. plant was destroyed, and the Williams Chocolate Co., Clark box factory, Quackenbush warehouse and other adjoining buildings were burned. The heat was so great that horses and fire trucks were scorched by the flames. ALSO Joseph Moessew, a Binghamton grocer, pleaded guilty to profiteering in Federal Court the other day and was fined $500. He had been selling sugar at fifteen cents a pound and was reported to the authorities. ALSO Wireless telephone messages have been received in Norway from a station on our Atlantic coast. As usual, America is the first in inventions and progressive methods. And now that the voice of America is the first to make the transatlantic flight, well may we say that wonders never cease.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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