Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
September 19 1913/2013
Silver Lake - The fine residence and three barns of Matthew Cahill burned to the ground Saturday night. All the contents of the house were lost, including $300 in money. The cattle and horses were saved, but hay, tools and all other contents of the barns were destroyed in the raging fire. Mrs. Cahill and an orphan boy were alone at the time, Mr. Cahill being away. The cause of the fire is supposed to be spontaneous combustion. There was $2300 insurance we understand, which is but a fraction of the loss.
Clifford - Mrs. Ruth Rivenburg, wife of our merchant, L. H. Rivenburg, is quite low with what the doctors call consumption, and are treating her with the Frieidman remedy, but with no favorable results thus far. She lives in a tent, where she proposes to spend the winter. ALSO: J. I. Tripp has purchased of I. J. Wetherby, two acres of land joining the old Clifford cemetery, to cemetery purpose.
Rush Township - Ude James met with what might have been a severe accident last Monday after school. His horse became frolicsome and upset his buggy but was captured by Sam Hyde.
Jackson - Mrs. F. J. Austin will be at Central Hotel with millinery goods, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 21 & 22nd.
Montrose - Leon Chesley, the popular barber, lost out in his bet on the World Series and rolled an egg, with his nose, from his barber shop to the Tarbell House. “Leon” is a good loser. ALSO: Mr. Stratton, of Elkland, Pa., was in town this week to visit his friend, Ed Smith, on Grow Ave., who recently came here owing to the death of his father, George B. Smith. Both he and Mr. Stratton were employees of the Crandall toy factory when it was running here and went with the company when they removed to Elkland. Mr. Stratton worked for the company for 23 years until it closed up business a few years ago.
Susquehanna - The Transcript raises up to remark that, “If the average man was only as anxious to settle with his creditors as he is with his enemies, a lot of lawyers would have to close up shop and try something else.
New Milford - Saturday last was a banner day for the Sittenfeld Tanning company. On that day the company received orders amounting to $38,000. They are already far behind with their orders. By the enlargement of their beam house the capacity of the tannery has been doubled, but even at that the orders are accumulating. It is gratifying to note the success of this enterprise.
Great Bend - A local talent entertainment will be given by the Camp Fire Girls, in Williams Hall, Friday eve, Oct. 24th. The following well--known talent has been secured: Mrs. F. L. White, Arthur White, Mrs. Chas. Williams, Mrs. William Ely, Misses Cornelia Tuthill, Lula and Lena Day, James Watkins, Florence Hamlin, Mara Burk, Gladys Flynn and Master Walter Kraus. The Camp Fire Girls will present a humorous play and sing several songs. ALSO: The large barns of Theodore and Wm. Mesick were burned on Monday afternoon, the fire originating from unknown causes. Neighbors assisted in saving a team of horses and a couple of wagons, but the flames destroyed the entire contents of hay, grain, farming implements, etc. The loss is placed at about $3,000. There was a small insurance.
Hop Bottom - G. A. Roberts, accompanied by his wife, attended the World’s base ball series in New York City last week.
Forest City - The enrollment at the end of the first week of school was 1015—the largest enrollment since the Polish school was started.
Gibson - The ladies who comprised the Kazoo Band of 1886 met for their yearly meeting with Mrs. D. B. Taft, of New Milford. A bountiful dinner was served and a very good time reported. Those present were Mrs. Mary Sweet, of Binghamton; Mrs. Lettie Sweet, of Hopbottom; Mrs. Clara Bailey, Mrs. Julia Lamb and Mrs. H. Estabrook, of Gibson.
Auburn Four Corners - A temperance speaker from Kingston, Pa. will occupy the pulpit at the M. E. church next Sunday evening.
Harford - Dr. Albert Libbals Brundage entered into his rest on September 13, 1913. He was born in Newark, NJ in 1820; spent two years at Yale College; read medicine with Doctors William and Wheeler of Dundaff and received the degree of M. D. in 1845. He joined the Susquehanna County Medical Society in 1868 and was its President in 1883. In the spring of 1887 he settled here to spend his sunset years. An ardent disciple of Isaac Walton, he beguiled many an hour to fishing. He preached in the M. E. Church and often served acceptably in that capacity. On his 90th birthday the Medical Society tendered him a banquet and presented him a gold headed cane. Services for Dr. Brundage were held at his late residence and the remains were taken to Factoryville for burial.
Brooklyn - J. J. Austin has purchased a Maxwell car to be used in connection with his stage route between Brooklyn and Foster.
Forest Lake - Harvest Thanksgiving service in the M. E. church at Forest Lake Center on Sunday, Sept. 28, at 3 o’clock. The church will be decorated with fruits, flowers and vegetables. Special music will be furnished. The pastor will preach on the subject of “Heaven.” You are cordially invited to these services.
Tunkhannock/Montrose - Two young men drove into Tunkhannock last week with two nice looking single rigs and offered one of them at a low price. L. E. Geisinger, engineer on the Montrose branch, bought one of the horses, buggy and harness, for $125. They then drove to Montrose, where they disposed of the other outfit to Carroll Tiffany, of Franklin Forks, for $75. It later developed that they had hired the rigs from a liveryman at Williamsport. The horses were returned to the rightful owner on Monday and the purchasers are out the amount they paid for them. The horse thieves are still at large.
Compiled By: Betty Smith