Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 18 1896/1996
Stevens Point- The new woman may be all right but the old woman can dig potatoes. With the aid of a 10 year old boy, Mrs. Jeremiah Rice, a few days since, dug 45 bushels of potatoes in 9 hours.
Brooklyn - Robert Breed left on Monday for Massachusetts, where he will continue his studies at Amherst College another year. AND The Patriotic Order Sons of America will give a platform dance on Friday evening in Bullard's orchard.
Forest City- A movement is being inaugurated for the establishment of an electric plant here, to supply light for the town. Arthur Kehms is making a canvas of the business places to determine the number of are and incandescent lamps needed. Mr. Kehms represents a party of Scranton capitalists who are willing to invest their money. The Hillside Company, which discontinued its service two or three years ago, refuses to furnish power and light again, and the matter has been allowed to rest since then.
Franklin Forks - A.M. Snow had the misfortune to lose one of his cows a short time ago. His son, Walter, was out hunting crows and just as he fired his rifle at a crow the cow jumped up and the ball hit her and killed her. It was his best cow, of course.
Rush - Jehiel Kirkhuff is building a new woodshed in the rear of Mrs. Bush's house.
Clifford - Clifford has 10 bicyclers, two lady riders, with a prospect of more to follow. It is the decision of the young that the Clifford ladies are as fair as the daughters of Job.
Montrose - The game of baseball played on Tuesday morning by picked nines from the three fire companies, was a very amusing one. The game was notable for the large number of errors made as well as the large number of scores. Mort L. Smith and Jas. F. Harrington chose the nines and the game resulted in victory of Harrington's team, though what it might have been had time permitted the finishing of the game it is hard to tell. The game was called at the end of the 6th inning, the score standing 27 to 17.
Susquehanna - Over 1000 men crowded into Hogan Opera House on Saturday evening on the occasion of the Republican ratification meeting, to hear Judge Fullerton of Port Jervis, and ex-Auditor General Jerome B. Niles, of Wellsboro, make addresses upon the tariff and currency question. Music was furnished by the Carbondale, Susquehanna and Forest City bands and the Glee Club of this place. Two special trains came over the Jefferson Branch, bringing about 1000 men from Carbondale, Forest City and other points. Hundreds could not get into the Opera House.
Hop Bottom- Dr. C.A. Johnson has a maltese cat that goes fishing. The night of the 11th of Sept., he caught a sucker, which measured nine inches, before that he caught one, which measured eleven inches. Now this is not a fish story but a fact, as a number saw it. But poor cat, his adopted mother grabbed it and she just had a feast, while all he got was the head.
New Milford - Col. A.B. Smith, the veteran tallyho stage man, who some years ago lived here and conducted a stage line between New Milford and Montrose, died a few days ago at New Era, Bradford Co.
Brandt - Two Brandt concerns, the American Chair Factory and the Clay Product Company, have closed their works indefinitely.
Choconut Valley - Edward O'Connell has been laying a lead pipe to bring water to his house, a distance of about 50 rods. Edward is enterprising.
South Gibson - Maggie Keech has a good assortment of millinery goods in her shop.
Harford - Mrs. A.E. Smith of Lyndon, Ill, came to the Tingley gathering this year. She was the daughter of Norman Tingley and sister of Charles Tingley of Alford. She had not been here in 22 years and her brother did not know she was coming. He met her in the road and knew her and they had a merry and joyous greeting.
News Briefs: The tannery industry in Susquehanna Co. is at low ebb. The combine has shut up the small concerns, and hemlock bark is nearly as scarce as Silver Republicans. AND It is stated that Susquehanna, Great Bend, Hallstead, New Milford and Montrose will be connected with the Postal Telegraph line at once.
Compiled By: Betty Smith