Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 17 1920/2020
Many County Women Register as Electors. The County Commissioners must furnish 50% more ballots than usual. That the women of Susquehanna County take an interest in governmental affairs, and are willing to assume the responsibilities that pertain to the franchise, is attested by the fact that nearly 4500 women have registered to be able to vote, only Little Meadows not yet counted, at the coming election.
Lanesboro –To the Editor of the Susquehanna Transcript. The following letter from one of Lanesboro’s oldest and best-known citizens is self-explanatory: “I was very much interested in Henry T. Birchard’s letter to Montrose Democrat regarding the Starrucca Viaduct, but was greatly surprised while reading his list of those who died since he left Susquehanna to find my name among that number. But believing that everything published in the Transcriptmust be true, I doubted my own identity until after consulting my friends. I concluded I still exist. Therefore, I deny the ‘allegation and defy the alligator.’ I am only 80 years old. I refuse, at this time, to be counted out as a back number or a has been and I demand of Editor Birchard an abject apology, or he may choose his weapons and distance so I may prove to his own satisfaction that I am still very much alive.” (Signed) T. J. Nicholson, Lanesboro, PA.
Forest City– Peter Peosenic, a soldier of the World War, and Anthony Zanicki, both of this place, appeared before Judge Witmer in Naturalization Court at Scranton. Peosenic produced his discharge and was quickly granted citizenship papers. Zanicki was also granted the coveted honor of American citizenship.
Dimock– Every woman in this township is invited to meet with the W. T. C. U [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] for dinner at the home of Mrs. J. B. Sheen, Friday, Sept. 24th. The dinner is free. Membership dues will be received; also contributions for the Jubilee Fund. Those who have copies of the annual, “Lessons in Citizenship,” are requested to bring them to the meeting. The first lesson will be taken up and the discussions will be open for all to take part, whether members or not. Dimock women acted well their part in service of country during the World War, in Red Cross work, Liberty Loan, etc., and we are sure they can be depended upon to do the right thing in the crises before us. Everyone come. This invitation includes Elk Lake and East Dimock.
Silver Lake– The Snow Hollow school, after being closed for the past two years, opened this morning with Mrs. Agnes Hawley as teacher. ALSO V. J. McEnaney, F. E. Conklin and J. R. Hill are hauling poles from the Whalen place to Brackney for the electric line company.
Liberty Twp. – Harry L. Johnson, consulting engineer and oil and gas geologist, is calling on the farmers to get them to lease their farms for the oil and gas. Get busy farmers, and see what you can do.
Heart Lake– A. R. Vosbury, of Binghamton, recently captured a 7¾ pound pike, measuring 29½ inches. He used an ordinary pike spoon hook. Mr. Vosbury says he has fished at Heart Lake for 15 years, but this beats anything yet.
Montrose– Ben C. Norris, of New Milford, and Ward D. Breese, of Heart Lake, the well-known Delco-Light dealers, had a very showy exhibit at the Montrose Fair, showing in a practical way, the uses of “Electricity on the Farm.” Farmers are among the heaviest buyers. The farmer finds that he can do much better work and get more satisfaction and happiness out of life, both for himself and family, by having convenient lights in the farm buildings and home, and accessible power for light machinery. These improvements are no longer looked upon as luxuries, but as an investment. ALSO In an extract from a letter to the family of the late Capt. C. N. Warner, written by Gen. Morris Schaff, a classmate at West Point over 60 years ago, he states: “I am very sorry to hear of your father’s serious illness. If he is still alive, give him my warm love: if life be ended, let me say that no more modest, a truer-hearted, or a nature more charitable ever walked the plain at West Point. Surely, surely, angels met him at the ‘crossing of the bar.’” Gen. Schaff is the author of “The Spirit of Old West Point.”
Springville– The adopted child of Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Stark, after three weeks, is still in a precarious condition at a Wilkes-Barre hospital. They may never know just how she received her injuries. Some are inclined to think it was not a [kick of] a colt, but an automobile that ran her down. If she recovers she might be able to tell something, and she may never remember.
Uniondale– There was considerable excitement here Saturday when two large aeroplanes landed in M. O. Round’s field. A large crowd soon gathered to find that they had simply stopped to ask the way to Scranton.
Harford– If you want to go to something great, just plan to go to the Odd Fellows Hall, Sept. 30, to a play entitled, “Civil Service,” given by Harford Grange. You will see a real clown and several love scenes that might be a great help to a bashful boy.
Brookdale– As John Whipple and wife were coming home from the fair last Wednesday, a mile above Franklin Forks, an auto that was going towards Montrose skidded and took one wheel off their buggy throwing them out, bruising them quite badly. Mrs. Whipple, striking her head and shoulders, she has not recovered yet from the shock. The road is very narrow at that point.
Rush Twp. – Ray Shaner, who was seriously injured while riding with Haskell Devine, is reported to be doing as well as can be expected. E. E. Devine is driving a new car, as his car was smashed in the accident.
New Milford – St. John’s Catholic church was struck by lightning on Saturday evening and damaged to a considerable extent.
Can She Vote If She Marries Before November? Philadelphia: Miss Dorothy Dexter, Overbrook, gave the registrars in her division a puzzle which they could not solve. She registered and then asked if she might vote in November. But, before November 2, Miss Dexter does not expect to be Miss Dexter. She anticipates being Mrs……..Well, she didn’t tell the registrars what her name would be. If she registered as Miss Dexter, could she vote under another name if she married? The registrars couldn’t tell her.
Compiled By: Betty Smith