Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 16 1910/2010
Montrose - One of the largest attended fairs in the history of the Susq. Co. Agricultural Society is now in progress. The balloon ascension, which was the main attraction, proved a failure, the wind blowing the balloon into the flames, burning a hole in it. This was repaired and yesterday afternoon another attempt was made, but owing to the gasoline giving out at the crucial moment it was not inflated sufficiently to ascend. The aeronauts, while disheartened, are not giving up, and yesterday telegraphed for the chief aeronaut, telling the people "the balloon will go up or we'll burn her up." The crowd was one of the largest ever on the grounds, it being estimated over 4,000 people present. The 5 mile marathon race had three runners--Frank Felker, James O'Connell and Abou Steine. O'Connell won in39 minutes and Felker came in second, at 40 minutes. The one-mile race for boys under 12 was won by Benson Roach, the time being 6 minutes. Charles Roach, second, in 6 ½ minutes. Charles Wood and Charles Mackey also ran. ALSO John J. Birney was out bright and early Saturday morning after mushrooms, ere the dew was off the grass. Mr. Birney knows good mushrooms when he eats them, but is not always sure of them at sight. He follows the son of Erin's method of telling a mushroom--"You ate 'em; if you live, they're mushrooms." "John" hasn't yet got hold of toadstools.
Herrick Center - The town is reported entirely free of smallpox. All the houses where there were any inmates suffering from the disease have been thoroughly fumigated and there is no likelihood of more cases. During the scare there were fourteen people quarantined, twelve of whom had smallpox. There were no deaths, each patient was given every reasonable care and comfort and the entire cost, including medical attendance, guards and provisions, was less than $500.
Hopbottom - E. S. Quick, a section foreman on the Lackawanna railroad, was killed Tuesday afternoon. He was working on the tracks and had stepped out of the way of the south-bound passenger train, when he was struck by the limited going in the opposite direction. He left a wife and four children.
Franklin Forks - Len Watson is busy repairing Frank Summers' house. We think we hear the wedding bells.
South Gibson - Miss Beatrice Howe resigned her position in the telephone office and it is filled at present by Miss Goldie Clark.
Bennett Corners, Auburn Twp. - There were a good many places in which to go on Labor Day, but as "ye scribe" was a stranger, concluded to attend the picnic in McAvoy's woods. We went there, found a nice, quiet crowd, and so friendly and good natured that we felt the influence of their good will at once. There was no program, but they had some fine dancing and some fancy figures in their dances, too. We also went to the Lawton fair and it was a nice day and what a crowd there was. As we came near the grounds the road was lined with teams, and the grounds were covered, too. They sold 900 more tickets than were ever sold before. There were ball games, merry-go-rounds, throwing balls and so on, and the Montrose band was there, too. There was a splendid display in all lines and how good the canned goods, jellies, etc., looked and how good the bread smelled; it was then nearly noon. In the afternoon there were three speeches, which nicely finished out the day.
Brooklyn - George H. Terry is of the opinion that a horse is more reliable than an automobile for he has purchased a fine steed. ALSO Welcome Bunnell had the misfortune to lose a horse while on an East Bridgewater road one day last week. It had not been sick and without a moment's notice dropped over dead.
Rushville - D. W. Terry has purchased the J. A. Shadduck store property and will continue the business. Mr. Terry is widely known in that vicinity and being a many of integrity and ability will, without doubt, continue to do a thriving business.
Forest City - A south bound D & H passenger train ran into a herd of cattle about a mile from Forest City, Saturday afternoon, killing six of the animals. Fortunately the train was not ditched, in which event there might have been fatalities. The pilot of the locomotive was demolished, cylinder cocks broken off and other slight damage done.
South Harford - The men area busy cleaning up after threshing and sharpening their corn knives. The air is full of sweet odors coming from spiced pickles, pears and peaches.
Thompson - Prof. Charles Savage [Savige], of the Herrick Centre High School, has been watching by the bedside of his young wife, at her father's in the township, south of the borough, for two weeks, without a glimmer of hope of her recovery and is watching still.{Tillie Savige died at the home of her father after weeks of intense suffering, Sept. 24, 1910.}
Sankey - S. W. Loomis is building a wagon house and granary. ALSO Emery and Stanley Loomis started for Delaware State College on Monday.
Flynn - Chas. McManus went away from the Lawton fair with the honor of having the best road horse exhibited at the fair. And why not? "Charley" is all right and so is his fine horse.
News Briefs - Signs of approaching winter--The frost upon the pumpkin, the disappearance of the straw hat, the red-tinged leaves and withered hollyhocks, the bald-headed crank of a bachelor who gets up with a grouch on in the morning, the pancakes and syrup--and other things. ALSO The "bachelor girl" is now the term applied to the young woman who leaves the paternal home and strikes out for herself. ALSO An exchange is again agitating the scheme of naming all country roads, as streets in towns are now named, and number the houses along the roads. The plan is a good one. At present country roads have no designation except as incidentally fall to them and it is often difficult for strangers to find their way without making frequent inquiries. ALSO The Montrose and State Line Railroad Company has been chartered to build a 15 mile railroad from Montrose to the New York State line. The capitol is $150,000. F. W. Ogden, of Scranton, controls almost all the stock. H. E. Paine, of Scranton, is president. This is part of the proposed Scranton & Binghamton trolley road.
Compiled By: Betty Smith