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September 16 1904/2004

Friendsville - A meeting of the gentlemen of St. Francis Xavier's parish was called on Sunday last to decide whether the old church should be repaired, or a new one built. A committee who had been appointed to examine the condition of the old church building reported it to be in need of much repairing and finally a new church was decided upon. AND The new flagstone walk which has recently been laid in the boro is a much needed improvement.

Elk Lake - W. J. Young has on his farm a huge apple tree that was known to be bearing fruit in 1816. Four feet from the ground the trunk measures six feet five inches in circumference, while the longest limb spreads a distance of thirty-eight feet. Although so very old it still yields fruit of fine quality. This is undoubtedly the oldest bearing tree in the county.

Montrose - The two new store rooms in the Maxey and Bissell block have been rented to Carlson & Berry, of Owego, a well known piano company, and D. L. Robinove, who will conduct a dry goods store. Albert Smith is Carlson & Berry's agent here and he will act as manager, occupying the room adjacent to Barney's harness shop. Mr. Robinove locates in the other.

Hallstead - Barney Phillips, an Erie employee living here, was killed late Friday night at Susquehanna through the bursting of a cylinder head of an engine. Mr. Phillips was crossing in front of an engine when the engineer started up. The cylinder burst and portions of the flying steel struck him in the head and body, killing him instantly. He was about 45 years of age and is survived by a wife and several children. A son of the deceased was crushed under the cars near Scranton a few weeks ago. The remains were taken to Hallstead on Saturday for interment.

Susquehanna - At a meeting of the Susquehanna Library Association held Saturday evening, the following named officers were elected to serve for year ending Sept. 1, 1905; Pres., O. H. Simmons; vice pres., M. Terwilliger; treas., A. H. Falkenbury; sec'y, Mrs. C. R. Peck; Librarian, Mrs. M. Boynton.

Silver Lake - The Hill reunion was held at the home of C. Southworth, Friday, Sept. 9. There were 50 descendents of Ansel Hill present, and a very pleasant time reported. There had been, during the year, 3 births, 1 marriage and no deaths. AND The death of Bert Kane resulting from an attack of appendicitis, occurred at the home of his father, Patrick R. Kane, at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, Sept. 13th. Besides his parents he is survived by one sister and four brothers, all of who were present at his death-bed. Bert was a favorite with all and much sympathy is expressed for the family in this their great bereavement. The funeral was held from St. Augustine's church on Thursday morning.

Harford - There was a bee at the M.E. church on Thursday to repair sheds, cut wood and fix up in general for winter; dinner was served at J. A. Sophia's. AND The Northeastern Telephone Company has bought out the Harford and Kingsley line and is extending a branch line down Tingley street.

Lenoxville - Schools have all begun in Lenox with the following teachers: Glenwood, Nettie Crandall; Titus, Lou Lamberton; Loomis Lake, Maggie Maher; West Lenox, Katherine Maher; Pease, Blanche Hoppe; Wright, Deborah Davis; Howard, Mrs. Ralph Archibald; Gunn Hill, Marion Snyder; Wilson, Ruth Ross; Rought, Veda Sherman; Green Grove, Fred Pickering; Lenoxville, Mrs. W. S. Robinson. AND Aunt Dorothy Doud, an aged resident of the village, is very poorly.

Jackson - Rev. B. R. Hanton officiated at the funeral of Mr. [Hiram] Williams last Thursday. The deceased was nearly 84 years old and had worked in the Susquehanna shops till nearly 81 years old.

Fairdale - Supervisor McKeeby had a narrow escape on Thursday while using the road worker on the new road to Fair Hill. Getting near the lower side, the machine turned over and in the act of jumping he caught his foot and was thrown, cutting his leg, spraining an ankle and bruising his side.

Little Meadows - Michael Crimins and wife gave a very nice party Wednesday evening, Aug. 31, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Crimins, of Texas. All report a fine time. Those from out of town were: William Crimins, of Scranton; Ed Crimins and daughter, of Binghamton; Misses Juliette Matthews, of Binghamton; Maggie Matthews and Anna Kane, of Lestershire; Will Gilroy, Art Hoover and Will Murphy, of Lestershire.

Brooklyn - Professors H. L. Fairchild and E.S.P. Hine made a trip to Elk Mountain in the interest of science, Wednesday of last week. AND Harold and Clarence Gere have returned to their respective schools, the former to Keuka Lake Academy and the latter to Perkiomen Academy.

Clifford - An incident in Clifford involving a drunk and very abused young man by the postmaster of Clifford, was reported in another paper, chastising the postmaster and sympathizing with the young man. However, the follow-up is reported that this poor, much abused victim, came to the stoop of the store and postoffice beastly drunk and planted himself near the entrance with his nether habiliment in such a condition that he was not decent to be seen upon the street. Uncle Sam does not allow his mail depositories to be obstructed by any nuisances and he was promptly ordered away. He refused to go and was pushed away. He came back and was kicked away. He attempted to come back and was knocked away. This was in presence of others and incidentally and in part in presence of the landlord across the way, who gave him some rough but good advice, to go home and stay there. The next morning said victim approached and entered the store saying to the merchant and postmaster who battered him so the night before, "Allie, you done me a good job last night and it was just what I deserved. Now I am going to straighten up." Report says he has been to church twice since. Now we say to this poor, troubled father, and much-abused victim, if they wish to know the sentiment of the good people of Clifford, it is "to push this thing along."

Heart Lake - W. H. Wall, of the Lakeside House, reports that his house has been full of guests through the past few weeks and the fishing [is] good.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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