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September 15 1911/2011

Hop Bottom (Foster) - The first annual reunion of the descendants of Major Seth Bisbee was held near Foster on Saturday, September 2nd. The ancestors and parents of Major Seth Bisbee were of Puritan stock; his mother was Jane Bradford, a descendent of William Bradford, who came over in the Mayflower in 1620 and was one of the signers of the Famous Compact on board the Mayflower. And in 1621, on the death of John Carver, was elected Governor of the Colony. Seth Bisbee commenced the study of law in the office of his brother, Noah, in Boston. But at the call for troops in the war of 1812, they both enlisted. Noah was killed at the battle of Lundy's Lane, near Niagara Falls, in Canada, and Seth was wounded. Noah, 3rd son of Major Seth Bisbee, served his country in two wars. In 1846 he enlisted and served under Gen. Zachary Taylor during the campaign which closed with the battle of Buena Vista. In the Civil War he was wounded and lost a leg at the battle of Antietam. Martin V. Bisbee, of Montrose, a veteran of the Civil War, and his sister, Mrs. Hannah Bisbee Howe, of Great Bend, are all that remain of the children of Major Seth Bisbee.

Dimock - C. W. Barnes sold two new wagons, of his own make, at his shop last week for $150 dollars.

Uniondale - L. P. Norton thinks he will move from Lover's Avenue to Pleasant View on North Main Avenue. The neighbors say they are sorry to have them move, and others say they are glad they are coming. Of course, it is on account of that little woman of his. ALSO Miss Leora Wells, of Elkdale, had an operation for the removal of a tumor, which weighed 40 lbs, one day last week. Dr. Craft, of Herrick Centre, performed the difficult operation, assisted by Dr. Merriman, of Lake Como, and Miss Coogan, a trained nurse from Carbondale. Stick another feather in the doctor's hat. Miss Wells is having splendid care and is doing nicely at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Coon, where the operation took place.

Burnwood - A farewell party was held at the home of Henry Cobb, Thursday evening; all report a good time. Mr. Cobb will soon move to Starrucca, where he has secured a position as foreman at Crossley's acid factory.

Franklin Forks - Mrs. Howard Reynolds and children, of Factoryville, spent part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wheaton, of Salt Springs.

Hallstead - A force of over 50 people are employed at the cut glass works. ALSO Work on the oil well has been once more started toward drilling a new hole as the broken drill in the old hole could not be gotten out of the way.

Lenox - J. E. Corey, Byron Cameron, Albert Philips, A. J. Cameron and Berton Corey attended the [Civil War] soldiers' encampment at Heart Lake, Sept. 6.

Susquehanna - Elmer Tingley, son of the late Dr. H. A. Tingley, died after a lingering illness at Elmira, Saturday, Sept. 9, 1911. Mr. Tingley was for many years a resident of Susquehanna and at one time train dispatcher for the Erie Railroad. A few years ago he resigned his position with the Erie company and went to Elmira where he established a private school for teaching telegraphy. He is survived by his wife and one sister.

Tunkhannock - Some time Saturday night three of the six prisoners in the Wyoming county jail succeeded in escaping the watchful eye of Sheriff Doty. It is felt that a saw was secreted by visitors and handed to one of the prisoners. A reward of $25 for each fugitive is offered, all of who are still at large. They are as follows: William Boyle, highway robbery; 5', 9" tall, weighs 150 lbs, dark complexion, black moustache and hair. A coal miner with a quite noticeable brogue. Albert Williams, horse stealing, weighs 135 lbs, is 5', 9", dark hair and moustache, restless eyes set back in head. Wore brown slouch Fedora hat, brown coat, black trousers and tan shoes. Believed that his wife accompan-ied him. She is a short, fat woman, and was dressed in a brown suit. Easily recognizable as [she] was out of ordinary proportion. Stanley Bourer, aged 19 years, charged with assaulting officer. Smooth face, light hair, weight 170 lbs. Wore dark serge coat, light cap and trousers, low black shoes.

New Milford - O. C. Whitney is planning to buy large quantities of apples this autumn and is already loading cars at Kingsley. His large evaporator at New Milford is now in operation and is averaging 400 bushels daily. In Montrose, R. B. Stroud is attending to the buying of apples for him.

Nicholson/Montrose - Editor H. T. Birchard says a party of autoists made the 13 miles between that town and Tunkhannock, one evening recently, in 53 minutes. And yet they call us Montrosers slow. Why Henry, the local drivers who cannot make the 22 miles between Montrose and Binghamton in 70 minutes flat, are considered slow. Montrose has a speed limit of ten miles, according to signs posted, so we may not have long to honk our horn.

Forest City - The Forest City News says: The inquest to determine the origin of the recent fire at South Gibson, held at that place last Thursday, aroused intense interest in the community. O. P. Walker, justice of the peace, presided and John Reese, David Preston and E. L. Hill were the jurymen. About a dozen witnesses were called. F. M. Gardiner, of this place, represented the complainant and H. C. Taylor and W. D. B. Ainey were present looking after the interests of C. W. Davis. They jury found that "there were reasonable grounds to believe that C. W. Davis willfully set fire to the building that caused the conflagration. On Friday he was held in $1,000 bail to appear at court.

South Harford - Our school has 21 pupils. The children, with their teacher, held a picnic dinner Tuesday noon, on the school grounds, under one of the fine shade trees.

Brooklyn - Ely brothers are building a nice summer residence by the South pond, at their old home farm. Phil Burbank is the contractor.

Williams' Pond, Bridgewater Twp. - The work of putting the new iron fence around the cemetery is well under way. Mr. Melhuish, of Deposit, has the job.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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