Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 15 1899/1999
Elk Lake - Norman Stuart has placed a small steam launch on Elk Lake. AND - Work on the church is progressing rapidly. It is hoped that it will be completed in time for the next quarterly meeting.
Hallstead - A small steamer on Monday ran from Hallstead to the Lanesboro dam. AND - The "Red Rocks" at Hallstead, famed in song and story, and which at times have been shamefully desecrated by the profane hand of irrepressible patent medicine advertisers, have been purchased by D. Arthur Teed, the well-known artist and will now be restored to their original beauty by the removal of all defacements that have been made and hereafter they will be protected from the onslaughts of vandals. All lovers of the historic and picturesque will return thanks to Mr. Teed for rescuing the rocks from the fate which threatened them and ensuring their preservation in all their pristine beauty, for the edification and delight of future generations.
Friendsville - Bruce Buffum was a visitor in town yesterday. He is a manly, good-looking, straightforward man, and is the Democratic nominee for register and Recorder of this county. AND - The new St. Francis Xavier pastor's residence is nearing completion.
Heart Lake - E. B. Hupman, the proprietor of Herbalist remedies, who has been spending the summer at his cottage, was in town Saturday, on business connected with his remedy which is sold by McCausland's Pharmacy, and the testimonials of people in this county and in Binghamton, are nothing short of marvelous, and "Herbalist" must surely have merit.
Auburn - Claud Otis has sold the Auburn stage route to James Donlin, who will take possession Oct. 1st.
Ararat - Last Saturday afternoon the house of Gurden Barnes was burned, with a part of its contents. It is supposed to have caught fire from the chimney which had burned out about two hours before.
Forest City - A farewell reception was tendered Mrs. M. D. Evans at her home on Lackawanna street by the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church. They presented her with a beautiful china berry set, teacups and saucers. We are sorry to part with our dear sister, but what is our loss is another's gain. She intends to live in Scranton.
Clifford - In the midst of the Green family gathering, at 4 o'clock, came the news that George Pattent had just died. Pattent was one of the brave old soldiers of the rebellion and did good service on the battle of the wilderness and many others. He was 87 years old. Funeral in the M.E. church, services by Rev. Mr. Williams and by his soldier comrades at the Clifford cemetery. AND - We have farmers living near here that have potatoes dug and cows milked during the night. It is hard to steal, but much worse to sell liquor to a drunken or intemperate man.
Birchardville - The 6th annual reunion of Co. H, 143d Pennsylvania Volunteers, met with other comrades at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Melhuish, the 1st. Three long tables gave a grand display of military power, presenting not only the produce in abundant variety, of our country, but also well equipped with weapons, though stacked as in times of peace and plenty. The day being favorable, everybody was made to rejoice and feel very kindly toward the host and hostess for their generous hospitality.
Dimock - A bald-headed eagle was shot recently on the farm of Ernest Handrick. It measured five feet, four inches from tip to tip. An unerring rifle had been aimed at it some time previous, as a wound in one wing and the breast plainly showed. AND - Miss Woodhouse still has charge of the postoffice and is giving entire satisfaction to all patrons.
Susquehanna - The Forest House, seven miles up the river, a noted pleasure resort, was destroyed by fire last week; but few of the contents were saved. The hotel was the property of M. J. Lannon, of Susquehanna. The insurance, $2000, but partially covers the loss. AND - The Erie has now in use 1004 locomotives, 905 passenger coaches (not including Pullman's) and a freight equipment of 45,186 cars.
Lawsville - Miss Lelia Chaffee was severely shocked by lightning on Sunday, Sept. 2d, and was unconscious until next day.
Springville - Mrs. Grattan has added a new feature to her millinery and fancy goods store in the way of a dressmaking department, which is conducted by herself and Miss Myrtie Risley, who for the past year has been sewing with a French dressmaker in Binghamton.
Rush - S. B. McCain sold to Mr. Reynolds, of Montrose, during the year, 27,750 dozen of eggs--not counting those he shipped elsewhere. Truly, "eggs are eggs."
Montrose - Capt. Mark Hersey, of the 9th U.S. Infantry, has opened an office, over the postoffice, where he is prepared to receive recruits. The applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 35 and they can enlist in any branch of the service--infantry, cavalry, or artillery; they can also designate service in the United States, Philippines, West Indies, Puerto Rico, etc., provided vacancies exist in those districts. The pay for recruits is $15.60 per month, including clothing, board, medical attendance, etc.
New Milford - A town resident sat himself down in the window of Barrett's meat market yesterday and--out went the window in small pieces. The man settled.
Lanesboro - The latest snake story comes from above Lanesboro. A man named Smith is reported to have struck a 5 ft. rattler with a club, whereupon a terrific explosion occurred knocking Smith 15 ft. into the air and landing unconscious against the tool house. An investigation showed that a stick of dynamite from the tool house was missing. This demonstrated the cause of the explosion. The snake had swallowed the dynamite and was digesting it when Smith began the extermination.
Compiled By: Betty Smith