Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 14 1917/2017
Rush Township – “Report of the Lawton Fair” – Despite the rain in the early morning, all the forenoon a good crowd from Rush and Jessup, Auburn, Middletown and other places, went to the fair and enjoyed themselves. Even the politicians and candidates from Montrose improved the opportunity and oh, how heartily they did grasp the hands of those sturdy citizens. To see some of them one would think they were meeting their long lost brother. But in spite of the politicians everybody had a good time. Lawton is bone dry and there was not a drunken man or boy to be seen. What about the exhibits, do you ask? Why no one seemed to be worried about that. There were some well-bred Jersey cows. A squawking goose tried to drive Evangelist Ackley off the speaker’s stand, but couldn’t do it. Exhibition hall contained a generous supply of canned goods and some excellent canned music in Mr. Gamble’s Victrola; also pies and things, but it was so jammed full of maids and matrons, visiting with neighbors and sweet hearts, that you could not see the show for the people.
Hallstead – The Hallstead-Susquehanna road, near DuBois drive, is in an almost impassable condition, the worst known in years, numerous automobiles getting stuck in the deep holes, and it has been reported that damage suits are liable unless the official of officials, whose duty is to see that the roads are kept in proper order, remedy the existing condition.
West Harford – Harford fair passed off as usual. Theodore Stanton, the driver of the Wilmarth large auto truck, won the $5 prize for bringing the largest load of grown people to the fair, there being 36 in the truck and 45, including children. The South Harford Dramatic club gave an entertainment entitled “Friday Afternoon at a District School,” at West Lenox on Friday evening.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Sometimes it rains and then it rains again. We have had 25.20 inches of rainfall since the first day of April up to the first of September. One inch means 100 tons to the acre.
Silver Lake – Martin Hogan, for many years one of Silver Lake’s best farmers, has reached the allotted “three score and ten,” and, with the near impossibility to secure farm help [because of the war], advertises his fine farm for sale. The farm contains 100 acres of friable land, and 41 acres of hemlock timber. This would seem a splendid opportunity for some young man.
Burnwood/Uniondale – While riding to his work in Uniondale, Thomas Costello, aged 55 years, of Carbondale, was thrown from an automobile and received injuries which proved fatal, while he was being removed to the Emergency hospital in Carbondale. Costello was employed as a laborer, at Burnwood dam, near Burnwood, and was on his way to work when he was picked up by a motorist, who happened to be traveling in the same direction.
Jackson – Among the 450 eligible young men of our county called to Montrose this week, before the county examining board to complete the quota for army service, the following are from Jackson: M.C. Whitney, Guy Shay, R.L. DeWitt, Emory Schemerhorn, Rev. L.B. Bryden, Harry Benson, D.H. Bonner, H.D. Washburn and E.H. Everett.
Montrose – On Tuesday the James millinery shop was purchased by the Misses Strous, who immediately assumed possession. This shop has been established for a considerable period of years and has enjoyed a good trade. Misses Mollie and Margaret Strous will conduct the establishment, Miss Annah James being retained as trimmer. ALSO N.C. Warner was in Scranton on Monday to witness the departure of the Thirteenth Regiment, of which his son, Kenneth R. Warner, is a member, for Camp Hancock, Augusta, Georgia.
Franklin Twp. – Horace Townsend, of Franklin, has purchased a Chevrolet touring car from L.H. Sprout & Sons. Mr. Townsend is one of Franklin’s oldest and most progressive farmers and in adopting the automobile as a pleasure and business vehicle he is demonstrating, still further, his lifelong methods of constant advancement. Ready also for preparedness, he has sown a substantial acreage of spring and winter wheat.
Forest City – The high school ended its first week of the 1917-1918 term, with an enrollment of 109. In 1912, when the school opened, enrollment was 44. Of the number enrolled this year, 16 are non-residents. Some out of town students have not enrolled because they have been unable to secure boarding places. Total enrollment in the high school and in the grades is 1198. ALSO William Burns, one of the best known men of this place, dropped dead while at work in the Clifford mine, about 11 this morning. He was leaning against a car and fell. When picked up life was extinct. His body was removed in the ambulance to his home on North Main Street. Besides his wife he is survived by children: Mrs. Florence Evans, Binghamton; Mrs. Thomas Burnett, Wilkes-Barre; William, Thomas, Daniel, and Veronica, at home.
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., September 13, 1817.
*DIED—In this Township [Bridgewater] on the night of the 11th inst., Jedadiah Hewet, in the 69th year of his age.
*R.B. LOCKE—Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has taken a room in the Montrose Hotel, where he intends carrying on the TAYLORING BUSINESS in all its various branches. He assures those who may please to favor him with their custom that no pains shall be spared to have the work done in the best manner and in the newest fashions and as reasonable as at any shop in the country. Montrose, Sept. 13, 1817.
*NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Given, that by order of the Orphan’s Court of the County of Susquehanna, will be sold by public vendue or out-cry, on Thursday the ninth day of October next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, a certain lot or tract of land, situate in the township of Great Bend & county of Susquehanna, containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, bounded by the Susquehanna River on the East, by land of Ichabod Buck on the South, by wild land on the West and by land of Almon Monson on the North, late the estate of John I. Way, deceased. The sale will be held on the premises and the terms made known by William Thomson, administrator of said estate. By the Court. JABEZ HYDE, Jr. Clerk. Clerk’s Office, Montrose, September 8th, 1817.
*NOTICE. Taken out of the bar of the subscriber in Montrose on Thursday the 4th inst. a light colored Broad Cloath [cloth] GREAT COAT. Whoever will return it to me or give information where it may be found shall be rewarded for their trouble. E. FULLER, Montrose, Sept. 10, 1817.
Compiled By: Betty Smith