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September 14 1906/2006

Glenwood - Now the Glenwood school is a thing of the past. The directors seemed to hold a grudge against the tax payers in this school district, or on the plea that money was too scarce; anyhow, they closed the school and opened two others about one half of a mile apart, each school having three scholars each, or there about, while the Glenwood school has from 13 to 18 during the winter months. This getting into office by making promises is a bad precedent. Now the point wise and penny foolish would pay $50 per month to hire a team to carry these little ones to and from the school. Our children need an education as well as the other school district and we as voters and tax payers should have a voice in this matter, which perhaps will, if these same parties ever come up for office again. I don't wish to say that there are no good directors, for there are, but they should not be nosed around by the minority.

Uniondale - Lewis Lake is fast becoming a camping resort for city people. There have been tents there the entire season. Wm Bronson and wife, of Carbondale, occupied two tents on Warren Crandall's lot, close to Wm. Beach. They had a cozy nook and while there the family of both their parents visited them, 14 in all, none missing but Prof. Thomas and wife, of Carbondale. Last Friday 3 wagon-loads of friends from Carbondale came to visit them, but unfortunately they were away fishing at another lake.

New Milford - New Milford has taken on a gala day appearance. The stores and business places and other buildings are being decorated in honor of the "home coming," the work being done by a New York firm. J. F. Hibbard, the first "home comer," arrived on the half-past-six train this morning from Kansas City.

Springville - Rev. Howard Taylor, an aspiring young minister, of Lynn, went to Los Angeles, Cal., the early part of last week. Mr. Taylor graduated at Wyoming Seminary last June, and will continue his studies in the University of Southern California.

Flynn - Our school started off smoothly Monday last, with Miss Margaret Gillin and Mrs. Nettie Curley as teachers. AND If corn and buckwheat proves a little short, what is the difference, so long as the cider crop is going to be fine here, we will make the winter in good rig.

Lawton - Bert Abbot has a new harness and wagon for his high stepper. Who is the girl, Bert?

Owl Hollow (where is this??) - Large fishing parties are making daily trips to Bixby pond.

Montrose - A new and conspicuous feature at W. C. Cox's livery is a real donkey and suitable wagon. It sprung into tremendous popularity at once with the youngsters, who think it great and keep it very busy. AND Lieut. James P. Gay, Sergt. M. H. VanScoten and Geo. E. Woodruff, leave Sept. 15th for the Antietam Battlefield to assist in the dedication of a monument to their fallen comrades of Sept. 17, 1862.

Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. - The corner stone laying at the site of the new M. E. church at Jersey Hill is Sept. 19, 1906. Former pastor, Rev. F. L. Taylor, editor of [the] New Albany Mirror will do the forenoon address. At noon the ladies will serve dinner on the grounds at the usual price, 25 cents. At 2 p.m., Rev. Thos. E Hooper, of Berwick, will speak. Rev. S. D. Fiske, father of the present pastor, will lay the corner stone. Dear friends, we have no fortune wheels to spin nor animals to exhibit, but we have a worthy cause, so come and help us. Rev. A. R. Fiske.

Hop Bottom - The Apple factory opened last Monday, in this place. AND There was an error in the items of last week. There are over a hundred pupils in the school. Twenty-five in the high grades, thirty-one in the intermediate and fifty-two in the primary dept.

Clifford - Mr. W. Hasbrock met with an accident last Monday, in moving some telephone poles, when his horse started quickly, causing a pole to fall upon him, breaking his leg. At this writing he is doing well. Dr. Hagar is in attendance.

Forest City - The Delaware & Hudson company, having experienced considerable difficulty of late at several points in the valley, owing to the sinking of their tracks over abandoned mines, endangering both lives and property, are now engaged in flushing the mines with culm, which effectually prevents all further settling. AND Rev. R. H. Walsh, on a recent morning, counted 27 cows in St. Agnes cemetery. The reverend gentleman is having a fence built about the burial ground and is having it otherwise improved and will make an effort to have petty acts of vandalism and cow pasturing stopped.

Jackson - Here's a snap for party looking for an 86 acre farm in Jackson twp., on road between Susquehanna and Lakeview; medium size house, 2 barns, large orchard, 20 acres woodland; present owner was forced to purchase and will dispose of it within $300 of actual value; clear title. Price only $1000. Terms $300 cash; balance on easy terms.

News Brief: A thought for to-day: "Strange to say, whenever I see two young men start out in the morning to live another day, one armed with an ax--the implement of labor and the other with tennis racquets and golf sticks--the implements of pleasure, how easy to tell whose day will be the greatest in fruit bearing. Labor is the only prayer that is ever answered. AND A word to you, sonny--you little twelve or thirteen year old boy who is smoking cigarettes on the sly. What do you want to be when you grow up--a stalwart, healthy, vigorous, broad-shouldered man, or a little, puny, measly, no 'count, weak-minded dude? If you want to be a man, strong like a man, with hair on your face, brains in head and muscles in limbs, you just let those cigarettes alone. If you want to be a thing, pitied by your folks, despised by the girls, and held in contempt by the fellows, keep right on smoking and end your days in the insane asylum. AND With but few exceptions in every diocese in this country, women were on Sunday last banished from the Catholic church choirs, following the orders of His Holiness, Pius X, in his encyclical on sacred music, issued in 1903. The plain old Gregorian chant will probably dominate the character of the compositions to be rendered hereafter, and male choruses are being rapidly pushed to the front. No doubt the laity view the matter differently, and in some parishes special dispensations may be requested for the retention of mixed choirs.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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