Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 13 1901/2001
When the Montrose Democrat of last week was printed there was, according to the reports from Buffalo, every reason to believe the injured President would recover and a loyal nation rejoiced thereat. The next day a change for the worse occurred. The news of the President's condition, as it grew worse from hour to hour, was eagerly and painfully watched for, until death finally came, and the nation bowed its head in grief, no party lines keeping men apart at this time. The President's calmness and fortitude was everywhere commented upon and his spirit of heroism, and at the same time, gentle forgiveness, made a marked impression on the public mind and caused the world to know that, in more senses than one, a great man has gone. Wounded unto death, President McKinley had no bitter words for his slayer. He only asked that the murderer might not be severely dealt with, and then turned aside from the glowing scene of the fair to a brave struggle which ended at Buffalo Saturday morning, Sept. 14, 1901, at 2:15 o'clock in an untimely death. His resignation, his patience and his sublime faith brought out into clear relief his admirable qualities as a man. The oath of office was administered to Theodore Roosevelt upon his arrival in Buffalo.
Montrose - Immediately upon receipt of the news of the President's death the bell in the Court House tower and the various church bells began to toll, the mournful tones carrying to every home in Montrose and far into the countryside, the direful news. Flags on the Court House, the First National Bank and Colley & Son's store, were half-masted, and the work of draping public buildings, business places and private houses was at once commenced.
Hopbottom - The news of the death of President McKinley was received with profound sorrow by the people here. In appropriate tribute to the nation's honored dead flags were hung at half-mast. The Foster House was heavily draped; all the posts of the verandas were entwined with white and black. The same drapings prevail on the post-office building and a portrait of President McKinley is enclosed in black in the window.
Susquehanna - The Philadelphia Inquirer on Friday had a picture of the old McKune farm-house in Oakland township, in which the Mormon Bible was translated, and Mormonism had its beginning. Under its sheltering roof, Joseph Smith, the father of Mormonism, assisted by Oliver Cowder [Cowdry], and one [Martin] Harris, translated the Book of Mormonism or Mormon Bible in the year 1827. A few rods distant from the farmhouse can be seen traces of the foundation of a Mormon temple.
St. Joseph - Next Sunday afternoon, the handsome little Church of St. Joseph, of this place, will receive a visitation from Bishop Hoban, D. D. of Scranton. The pastor, Rev. Fr. John J. Lally, and his assistant, Fr. Stephen O'Boyle, have prepared a large class for confirmation.
New Milford - A. W. Chapman, Byron Dutcher and D. D. Plummer left on Thursday for Indian Territory, where they will work for A. A. Lasch during the apple season. AND Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moffatt, so the writer understands, shook hands with President McKinley a short time before he was shot.
Harford - The Harford Soldiers' Orphan School is no more, the children having been removed recently to the orphan schools in other parts of the state. The principal cause given for abandoning the school was on account of [the] high rent the state had to pay for it. It is stated the rent was $3,000 a year. The property is owned by J. M. Clark of Mansfield, who bought it of H. S. Sweet. The latter gentleman received a certain amount for each child for caring for it, and earned a good deal [of] money while conducting it. He was assisted for a time by Myron Kasson. The removal of this school will make some differences in life in Harford. What Mr. Clark will do with the property is unknown.
Bridgewater Twp. - On Wednesday of last week Sylvester Hart purchased a bull from T. J. Davies, Esq., at the D. O. Wells farm, and Mr. Davies was to deliver it to town. The man on the Wells place started with the bull, but the animal became vicious and refused to go to Montrose and he was given up. Mr. Davies sent several others from town to bring him, among them Will Rhinevault, Billy Smith, Charles Wood, David Wood and others, but were scared out by the animal; it was left anchored to a tree near Stark's farm. Next day, W. E. Felter was in town and Mr. Davies asked him if he would deliver the bull to the stockyard and Mr. Felter said he would; so he got A. E. Robinson and started for the bull. When they reached the place where the bull was the stonewall was black with the fellows that tried to deliver the bull and crowds followed Felter and Robinson (to see the fun and trouble) to the stockyard where he [the bull] was finally left for shipment.
Jackson Valley - Married by Rev. David Davis of Rome, Maud Philips and Neath to James Jones of Middletown Center, Sept. 14th, at the home of the bride's parents. AND School commenced here Sept. 2nd with Winnie Hickey as teacher.
Rush - The memorial windows in the church are all taken. The large G.A.R. front window is now assured.
Elkdale - Miss Grace Churchill was chosen as teacher for the Tirzah school for this term. The Burns school has opened with Miss Irene Morgan as teacher.
Royal - John Bennett is tearing down the shop in front of his hotel and will put it back in its original place. It will make a great improvement to the looks of his place.
Jackson - An automobile, containing a lady and gentleman, recently passed through town.
Great Bend - A stock company is building a butter and cheese creamery in Great Bend near the Erie railroad crossing. The building will be 180' long and 40' wide. The milk from 1000 cows has been contracted for.
Brooklyn - Bertha Sage left on Tuesday for Montrose, Colorado, where she expects to teach school this winter. AND Geo. Terry has taken possession of his store and we wish him success.
Compiled By: Betty Smith