Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 13 1895/1995
South Gibson - N.G. Crawford and brother, George, are on their way direct to China, if they do not strike a vein of water before reaching such a distance.
Great Bend - Editor Psalmuel More, of the Great Bend "Plaindealer," has been up among the Adirondacks, endeavoring to catch a bear for Gt. Bend's proposed park. Several bears had very narrow escapes, but Great Bend will have to stock its park with coons and grasshoppers.
Susquehanna - What might have been a very serious accident occurred in the Eastern Erie yard on Friday evening. As the Mountain Express, due here at 10:10, was entering the yard, it collided with an eastbound coal train, which was crossing over, The engine of the express and three cars of the coal train were badly damaged. The passengers, including about twenty ladies of the Oakland M.E. Church, who had been at Hales Eddy, were considerably shaken up, but none was injured. Several trainmen have been laid off in consequence of the accident. AND While attempting to board a coal train in the Erie yard on Monday, James Cook, aged 10, fell under the wheels, and one foot was so badly crushed that amputation may be necessary. Will boys ever learn to keep away from moving trains? Each recurring lesson seems to be entirely lost upon them.
Hallstead - "The Great Bend of the Susquehanna" Historical Association is the name that Hallstead's proposed Historical Society will go by. AND The Hallstead band are to be re-uniformed, at an expense of about $400. The new uniforms will be of the latest pattern and strictly "up to date."
Montrose - The Misses Avery, of Montrose, have in their possession nine notes of the old Continental Currency, dating from 1775 to 1778. The earlier ones are inscribed “The United Colonies," but the later have "The United States" as a heading. The bills are for three, four and seven dollars, entitling "the bearer to receive the same in Spanish milled dollars, or the value thereof in Gold or Silver, according to the Resolution of Congress, passed at Philadelphia. Nov. 29, 1775, and also in 1776.
North Jackson - Joshua Potter secured 65 lbs. of fine honey from an ash log found in the woods on his farm. A queer beehive.
Harford - E.C. Peck was overheard to say that we need not expect rain till the line storm, which, we suppose, is due the last of September.
Rush - M.G. Shoemaker says he has never known the Wyalusing creek [to be] as low as at present.
Lynn - Several springs and wells in this place are entirely dry. AND As the weather is getting cool fires will soon be needed at the M.E. church. Let us see that wood is got on hand, as it is entirely gone now, so that the sexton can have the church warmed for services. AND Hiram Fish is getting his steam cider mill ready to grind apples and make your cider on short notice.
Silver Lake - "Lost" A lady's black feather boa, between Silver Lake and Birchardville. A reward will be paid for its return to H.K. Sheldon, Silver Lake, Pa.
South Gibson - Edwin Decker, formerly of South Montrose, but who took up his residence at Tempo, Arizona, about a year ago, is now a freshman in the Junior College of the University of California, at Los Angeles. The commendable spirit of advancement exhibited by Mr. Decker in thus seeking to further prepare himself for the conflicts of life, betokens a progressive character whose efforts cannot but meet with success.
Lakeside - A reunion of the Page family was held Wednesday, at Seth Page's.
New Milford - Miss Florence Inderlied and Geo. McConnell left Tuesday for Wyoming Seminary.
Compiled By: Betty Smith