Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 11 1914/2014
South Gibson – The Lewis House, a licensed hotel conducted by John E. Thomas, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday. A grist mill nearby and the hotel barn came near burning, but were saved by hard work on the part of those who gathered and formed a bucket brigade. The fire originated from the chimney, a new fire having been started and then allowed to burn unwatched, and when the blaze was discovered it was beyond control. The loss is estimated at about $7,000, it being partially covered by insurance.
Rush – The Shoemaker grist mill, owned and operated by U. W. LaRue, caught fire and was burned to the ground yesterday morning at about 10 o’clock. The sheds adjoining and 30,000 feet of logs were also burned, but saw mill and residence nearby were saved, although were at the scene of the fire a short time after the alarm was sounded and by means of a bucket brigade. The other buildings were saved. The electric light plant, which received its power from the water-wheel operating the mill, is also out of commission. This plant was owned by Mr. LaRue. There was an insurance of $1,000, which will cover about 1/3 of the loss.
Friendsville – Samuel S. Baxter died at his late home on the Bentley Creek Valley road Monday evening, Aug. 17, 1914, aged 76 years. He was born in Friendsville and spent his boyhood in that place. He enlisted in the Government service is 1862, joining Co. H, 143d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. After the war he came to Ashland, NY where he spent a large portion of his life, removing later to Ridgebury, PA, where he died. He was a commander of Birgham Post No. 55, G. A. R., of Wellsburg, NY. Mr. Baxter was much respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will miss his genial society. He leaves a widow, one daughter, Mrs. Harry May, who resided with him on the farm, and one son, Martin Baxter, of Kingston, PA. The funeral was held from his late home and burial was ion Hanlon cemetery at Ridgebury.
Hopbottom – Our ball team suffered a defeat Monday afternoon at the hands of the Hallstead nine. Eric Brown pitched a good game for the locals, but was not well supported by his team mates.
Choconut – Seventy people from Montrose and vicinity took in the automobile run to Choconut Valley Inn, Monday, where a clam bake was served, tables being set in the orchard near the hotel. The splendid menu, served by McCahill Bros., included chicken, blue fish, lobster, corn, water melon, with the condiments, and clams, of course. The viands were faultless prepared and the way the visitors put away food was something surprising. Many returned by the way of Binghamton and all report an exceedingly pleasant day.
Harford – The Harford Fair experienced good weather and drew large crowds both Wednesday and Thursday. The exhibits were good in all departments. The aero plane flights both days were most satisfactory, the aviator making long flights and going to a great height. Everyone attending was more than pleased with the excellence of everything.
Birchardville – Mrs. Anna M. Baldwin, a trained nurse of the Rochester General Hospital, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Dayton.
Laurel Lake – We regret to learn that Matthew McGraw was severely injured the other day, by being kicked by a horse.
Oakley – Many people here witnessed the “cloud dance” given by the D. L & W. on the top of the large concrete bridge Thursday evening. It certainly was a novel spectacle to look from the side hill to the top of the large bridge and see amid the electric lights the dancers moving to and fro. Many officers of the railroad from New York, Scranton and other cities, with their friends, were present.
North Bridgewater – Guy Angle, who has been visiting relatives in Bradford and Susquehanna Counties, has taken a position for the third year with the Dr. Kilmer Medicine Co., of Binghamton, going last week to Painsville, Ohio. In a letter home says the lake country is fine.
Great Bend – A new dirt road has just been finished in Great Bend township which will be a great convenience to the farmers. Some time ago the bridge over the Erie track, near the home of J. H. Tingley, was destroyed by fire. This closed the road leading around the “flat-iron.” The Erie company, instead of building a new bridge, bought a tract of land of J. H. Tingley and F. S. White and constructed a dirt road from the Tingley farm to Main street in this borough.
Little Meadows – J. E. Hickey’s team took second money at the Owego fair last week. Some horses Jack!
Montrose – J. L. Somerville, of Elmira, has purchased the Orpheum Theatre (Nickolette) of F. W. Castle, and took possession Monday. Mr. Somerville will move his family here.
Susquehanna – Dr. W. E. Kelly, who has successfully conducted dental parlors here for a number of years, will on September 15, move with his family to Scranton, where he will conduct dental parlors in the Traders’ Bank Building. Dr. Kelly has sold his residence in Susquehanna. ALSO The Firemen’s parade on Labor Day was very much enjoyed and all the companies did themselves credit. Also the floats were very artistic, especially the Odd Fellows and Maccabees. The Windsor firemen and band and many of their friends were here.
Hop Bottom – Monday, Labor Day, a number of persons went to the nearby lakes and ponds to try their luck with rod and line. While some returned home late in the evening without having had a nibble, others met with better success. Arch Pratt brought in twenty- one pickerel.
Fairdale – Fairdale Grange, No. 1157, will meet Saturday evening, Sept. 19, in Grange Hall. A large attendance of members is desired as there will be a fertilizer proposition before the Grange at that time, which demands immediate attention.
Forest City – An elaborate program was successfully carried out by the local Polish Falcons, a patriotic organization. The local nest of Falcons paraded in a body to the railroad station to meet Falcons from a number of towns in the valley and then forming a picturesque line of march, attired in uniform, both locals and visitors, headed by the Forest City band, marched to the Sacred Heart church where they listened attentively to the program. Afterward the line of march, headed by the band, followed by uniformed members of Soriski Society, next the different societies of the Sacred Heart congregation and local Red Men, brought up the rear march to Vandling where a very pleasant and enjoyable day was spent.
News Brief: Tomorrow is the one hundredth anniversary of the writing of “The Star Spangled Banner.” Fling out the flag! [On September 14, 1814, U.S. soldiers at Baltimore’s Fort McHenry raised a huge American flag to celebrate a crucial victory over British forces during the War of 1812. The sight of those “broad stripes and bright stars” inspired Francis Scott Key to write a song that eventually became the United States national anthem.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith