Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 11 1896/1996
Harford - Harford Fair news: J. Myles Gibbons has become celebrated as a trick rider. He will give an exhibition. It will be worth coming miles to see. The Orphan School Band has been under instruction of Prof. Bauer, of Scranton, for the past two years, and the boys play good music. The number of chicken coups will be greatly increased again this year. Bicycles will be checked and cared for at cost of 20-cents. The mammoth new dining hall is now receiving a coat of paint.
Hallstead - The slaters are at work on the new school building. When completed it will be a great improvement over the old one and if our children will take as much interest in keeping it clean from marks and mars as they did in destroying the old, it will be a "beauty and joy forever."
Auburn - Landlord Riley, in company with Ed. Fox, started this morning for a squirrel hunt and on reaching the stone bridge just below the store, the horse became frightened and turned to one side just enough to cause him to pitch overboard thus standing him on his head several feet below, the occupants landing at the same time, with loaded double barrel gun in hand, and strange to say, that no one hurt, or nothing broken except a carriage bow. Had this been any other party, no doubt it would have proved much different. Presence of mind and double quick movements gave them a safe landing. A true picture of the mishap will soon be on sale.
Union Dale - H.J. Orce, for many years the pump engineer of this place, has purchased of D.S. Wadaman, the furniture and undertaking business and will continue it at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see all the old patrons and many new ones. Harry says if prices count it will not be necessary for patrons to leave town to buy their furniture.
Lathrop - Every person that is interested in the cemetery at the Union church are requested to meet there Sept. 10th, a ten o'clock; the land was staked out by Warren Woolsey, dec'd, a number of years ago. At the death of his wife the farm is now owned by his two children, Mrs. Wm. Woolsey, and Mrs. S. Woolsey. The object of the meeting is to secure a deed for the said cemetery.
Clifford - "Dot, the Miner's Daughter" was presented to a good audience on Saturday evening last and was pronounced by all a decided success.
Susquehanna - It is rumored that the, newly organized Oakland Water Co. has a scheme to heat with steam the buildings on Main street, in this borough. AND The local Woman's Christian Temperance Union is placing brackets filled with good reading matter in the switch and pusher shanties in the Erie Yard.
Rush - Mrs. Chas. Hibbard lost a plain lead-colored cashmere shawl between Jas. Hoag's store and Anderson Jones' house on the day of the S.S. Picnic at Elk Lake. Finder will confer a favor by leaving it at Mrs. Hibbard's or at McCain's store.
Friendsville - Lakeside school opened this week with Chris Byrne as teacher.
Montrose - The annual parade and review of the Montrose Fire Department will be held on Sept. 15. At 2:15 sharp, on receiving signal of two strokes from the fire alarm, will move in the following order: Platoon of police, mounted; Montrose Cornet Band, A.C. Uptegrove, leader; Chief Warner and Assistants Maxey and Taylor; Rough & Ready Chemical company No.1; Rescue Hook & Ladder company No.1; Montrose Hose company No.2; Burgess, Town Council and Citizens in carriages. Later the ladies will give exhibitions with their firefighting apparatus.
Springville - John Oliver, the Montrose cheese maker, was selling cheese here Tuesday, and his product was pronounced very fine.
East Lenox - Eldridge and Lewis Truesdell, who were killed by the [railroad] cars at Mehoopany, were sons of Moses Truesdell of this place. AND Ben Can and wife, of Forest City, visited relatives in this place last week.
New Milford - The opera House is receiving a new coat of paint. M.O. Bradley is doing the work.
Great Bend - Quite a number of our citizens had business in Binghamton on Friday. Barnum & Bailey's "Greatest Show on Earth" was there, but of course none of them attended that.
Compiled By: Betty Smith