Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 10 1909/2009
Brooklyn - C. A. Rozell, who has been making trips to Montrose each Saturday during the summer, selling garden truck, is planning to make a trip also on Tuesday of each week, commencing the middle of the month. Mr. Rozell has built up a large trade this summer and has had some difficulty in supplying all demands. Several more acres are being prepared for cultivation next year, and if conditions are favorable, he hopes to take care of an increased trade. He is selling at present some excellent celery of an early variety,
Lawton - Big crowds at Lawton Fair, estimated that about 2,500 were in attendance on a near ideal day. The main attraction was the balloon ascension and Fairdale defeated Wyalusing in an exciting ball game. The gross receipts amounted to between $500-$600.
Susquehanna - Jesse Chamberlain and Orin Owens, of Susquehanna, who were arrested in Hallstead for attempting to pass worthless checks at the Hand store, worked the same game on an Oakland business man the day before attempting it at Hallstead. In this instance the name of James E. Paye was used. It is probable a second charge will be laid against them at the coming ground jury. [Jas. Paye, one of Susquehanna's well known citizens, deals in wagons and farm implements.]
Hallstead - A couple of fine deer were seen feeding with a herd of cows on the Williams farm near Hallstead, one day last week. They are believed to have escaped from a large herd that was kept on a New Jersey preserve. When men approached them they ran into the woods and easily escaped capture. They are probably the same pair that were seen near Franklin a few weeks ago.
Ainey - Mrs. Frank Taylor spent last Sunday with her son, Earl Taylor, in Scranton. The latter was run over by a reckless driver on a beer wagon and had his shoulder blade broken and his hip bruised. He is getting along nicely.
East Ararat - Miss Susie Hathaway has resigned her position as teacher and Miss Minnie Bell has taken her place. Miss Hathaway will attend Stroudsburg Normal school. At Ararat Summit Uncle Rolla Carpenter, an aged resident, who has been confined to his bed since May 7 by illness, arose early Thursday morning about 5 o'clock, was dressed and sat up about 2 hours.
Lenox - Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mittan took a trip to Clark's Summit, Wyoming and other places on their wheels [bicycles] recently.
Lathrop - George Sweet shot at some chicken thieves last week. They made quick time in escaping.
Parkvale, Dimock Twp. - There was a hard frost and the ground was white Monday morning, doing a lot of damage to gardens.
Forest City - John Miskel, the baseball pitcher, who has been living down the valley for several years, has returned with his family to Forest City to reside.
Bridgewater - Wm. Kelly and family visited J. H. Kelly and wife, of Springville, last week. Mr. Kelly is one of Bridgewater's oldest inhabitants and last spring moved to Montrose from his farm which he purchased 50 years ago and where he raised eighteen children and grandchildren. We were much pleased with a bit of his life history and found him a very agreeable gentleman.
Harford - The following teachers have been hired for the district schools: Richardson Mills, Earl Chamberlain; Reed's, Roy Allen; Sweet's, Madge Lupton, of Gibson; Harding's, Mrs. Anna Adams.
Springville - We have a new physician, Dr. Warren Diller, who is now located at the Bramhall residence. He also has a drug store. He has purchased a fine horse and later expects to use an automobile on his trips around the country.
Choconut Valley - Grover Wartle has just purchased a wheel and is improving his spare time with it as he is a fine rider. ALSO The Chalker school opened Monday with Miss Susie Murphy, who is a fine teacher.
Montrose - Plays that appeal to the heart and plays that heads of families can bring their children to see are the plays that thrive. Such a play is, "Along the Kennebec," which will be presented in Montrose, Sept. 13, at the Colonial Theatre, with its wealth of beautiful scenery and a company of actors unexcelled by any in their respective lines. The play is said to be full of bright, sparkling comedy, and a splendid band and orchestra is carried, and good music is one of the many features.
Alford - J. H. Page has returned home after visiting his niece, Mrs. Ed. Galloway, at Ruthersford, N.Y., also his sisters, one living in Boston, Mass., and the other in Manchester, N. H., whom he had not seen in 54 years. Of course, quite some changes had taken place on both sides. Mr. Page is well and hearty, having passed the 75th milestone in July.
Uniondale - Dr. John Tobias and family, of Wilkes-Barre, came up in his new auto and attended the family reunion. His mother, Mrs. Joanna Tobias rode over and back with them, although she is 83 years of age.
Clifford - Miss Edna Martin has been appointed teacher at the Burdick school and Miss Stella Resseguie will teach at the Birch school, both in Clifford township. The terms began Tuesday.
News Briefs - The official straw hat season closes next Wednesday, September 15. It is generally permissible, however, to wear one until you can cash in for a new felt or the latest Knox style. ALSO Commander Robert E. Peary and Frederick Albert Cook are fighting each other, both claiming they were first to reach the North Pole.
Compiled By: Betty Smith