Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 09 1921/2021
Dimock – The Labor Day Community Fair exceeded all expectations. More than 1,000 people were there. Community spirit was the keynote everywhere. The parade was probably the feature attraction with the old and new farm machinery section creating a great deal of interest. Over 200 school children and teachers took part in the parade. Two very lively wrestling bouts were on the program. In the first, Roy Randall, of Dimock, threw Ailiee [Arlie?] Nichols, of South Montrose. In the second, Clifford Stone, of Dimock, defeated Herman Hollister, of East Rush.
Factoryville – Everyone with a knowledge of baseball residing in this section of the country will feel an interest in the announcement that the New York Giants are to play, on Sept. 30th, a testimonial game for the benefit of Christy Mathewson, the Factoryville man, who, for so many years, was a tower of strength in the box for the New York Nationals. Boston is to be the competing team. An effort is to be made to have the regular game preceded by a five-inning contest between the present Giants and the men who were with Mathewson on the team when it won the world championship in 1905. Few of these are still active in baseball. Mathewson is still at Saranac Lake, in the Catskills, a sufferer from tubercular trouble.
Montrose – G. G. Shafer, who has a national reputation as a tennis star, and Rodney Beck, who won the Montrose Country club tournament this year, are favored to win first honors in the Binghamton Country club tournament, which is now in progress.
Springville – Misses Mabel Decker and Nellie Sheehan, of Mehoopany, teachers in the school here, are occupying rooms in Mrs. J. H. Mitchell’s home.
Rushboro – The LaRue reunion was held in the grove here last week. About 60 were present. A chicken dinner was served. After an exciting ball game a business meeting was held and new officers elected.
St. Joseph – The church was struck by lightning on Friday afternoon, Sept. 2nd. O’Neill and Little, local insurance agents, report little damage done. Re-slating the roof will be the extent of the repair work.
Brooklyn – Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Jewett, Rodney Jewett and N. J. Richardson, met with an accident on Thursday, when driving to Scranton. An auto, in trying to pass a heavy wagon coming toward them, struck their car and the occupants were thrown out. Mr. Richardson sustained quite serious injuries and the others were bruised and considerably shaken up, but fortunately escaped further injury.
Harford – Miss Katherine Quinlan left Monday to resume her duties as teacher in the Scotland Industrial School. [The Scotland School for Veteran’s Children was established in 1895 as the PA Soldiers’ Orphans Industrial School. The remaining students at Harford Soldiers’ Orphan School were transferred to Scotland.]
Forest City – South Main street was opened to vehicular traffic Saturday, and immediately some of the young men of Forest City and Vandling sought to turn it into a speedway. The authorities were as determined that no speeding would be tolerated and as a result 14 speed kings are to face his honor, the Burgess. Tuesday evening four were up and each fined. Three settled for $10 and costs each and the fourth was let off with a $3 fine and costs. It is alleged that several of the young men were driving from 40 to 50 miles an hour.
South Gibson – Mrs. Hiland Esterbrooks, of Gibson, has moved her family to the Central Building and will be our hello [telephone] girl.
Thompson – Miss Lennie Chapel, of Windsor, NY, is expected to come as assistant to Mrs. A. C. Foster in her millinery store, with a view to becoming proprietress in the near future.
New Milford - The marriage of Miss Helen Mae Whitney, of Thompson, and Royal D. Rice, of New Milford, occurred Sept. 1st. They will reside on the F. E. Rice farm in the township. ALSO Lightning struck the barn of Jesse Morse, on his farm east of here, Friday afternoon, and burned it, together with a quantity of hay and all his farm machinery. The loss, which is heavy, was only partly covered by insurance.
Uniondale – Among the welcome visitors we noticed Leonard Avery, more familiarly known as “Bush.” He is connected with the U. S. ship Manley, and is stationed at Newport, R. I. This is his first visit home in two years. All were glad to meet him. ALSO Elkdale baseball team suffered defeat twice. It was the Uniondale team that gave them the trimming. Saturday’s game resulted in a sore of 4 to 1, and only for a fumble would have had a shut-out. The game Monday at the local park was a clincher. Bayless on the mound was classy and steady. Uniondale copped the fourth game of a series of six games Monday.
Jackson – Among the sports enjoyed here during the past few weeks, nothing was in favor more than quoits. Among those who enjoyed the popular pastime were: Messrs. Dodge, Hayes and Paden, of Binghamton; Gardner and Thomas, of Scranton. In spite of the fact that the New Yorkers were on the majority side and put up a good fight for their native state, the laurels went to Pennsylvania. ALSO The Labor Day base ball game, between Jackson and Brushville, resulted in a victory for Brushville, 12 to 9. The Jackson pitcher was R. E Tucker; the catcher, Don Aldrich. Harrison brothers’ pitched and caught for Brushville. The game might have resulted in a victory for Jackson had it not been interrupted by a rain storm. Gibson was defeated by Jackson, Saturday. The score was 11 to 1. The Gibson pitcher and catcher were Floyd Craft and Lewis Richards, respectively. Gussie Stone, Jackson pitcher, and Don Aldrich, catcher.
Welch Hill, Clifford Twp. – Last Friday, while riding in a truck near this place, Stephen Bronson, our veteran meat man, and Nelson and Max Coleman, of Uniondale, met with an accident out of the ordinary. In turning out for another car the driver struck a large rock with such force as to overturn the car. The occupants were able to extricate themselves without help, owing to the car turning on the calf rack which was strong enough to sustain the weight of the car. Bronson does not let such little things bother him. He drove home 15 head of choice beef cattle and the car.
News Brief: The President has signed the bill declaring the war with Germany at an end. The public was of the opinion that it had been over for a couple of years.
Compiled By: Betty Smith