Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 09 1904/2004
New Milford - The barrel makers at Whitney's storehouse have stopped work for a time. They have made up 5,000 barrels and later on 15,000 more will be turned out. Mr. Whitney has bought up a large number of orchards through this section of the county and expects to do business until cold weather closes up the work; the apple crop will be large.
Hickory Grove - An exciting bull fight occurred here which excited the people to some extent. It was a purely American affair, nothing Spanish entering into the proceedings. The free show was brought about by the blooded bulls belonging to L.B. Parks, Patrick Shea and R.B. Colwell breaking down enclosures and getting together. They did not agree on political and other measures and went about settling matters in the usual way. The owners, with the use of pitch forks and other weapons, finally separated the combatants before they had inflicted serious damage upon each other.
Glenwood - A. W. McAloon has a three-horse corn cutter, which cuts and binds several acres per day. It puts us in mind of the first steam shovel that was used in this country. Two sons of the Emerald were stranding by while the machine was doing the work; one said to the other "Mike, look at him, he does the work of a hundred men, but he can't vote."
Thompson - The borough is experiencing a building boom, several fine buildings being in the course of construction. C.C. Wilmarth is building a commodious storehouse for use in the flour, grain and feed business, a new department that he will add to his already extensive mercantile and shipping trade. The building will be fitted with hoisting machinery and all other modern appliances used to facilitate the rapid handling of all goods in this line.
Auburn - Mr. Hardic will soon move his mill near Springville, known as the John Lake timber tract, but now owned by Tunkhannock parties. AND We wish to correct an item in our last writing. It should have read: R.S. Hardic has purchased the entire outfit of horse, wagon, harness &c., of our blacksmith, John McGavin. Not the shop.
Forest Lake - Thomas Booth drew the water from his mill pond and hundreds of suckers, pickerel and sunfish were caught and the people were well supplied with fish.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Our school will open Monday with Miss Sarah Riley as teacher. Also, the Bergin school, with Miss Lizzie McCormick as teacher.
Ararat - The temperance lecture at the M.E. church, Sunday, was largely attended. Hector is a great man and his immense frame is full of gospel truth that chokes the old hardened sinners who think more of the G.O.P. than they do of their own souls. The singing by Mrs. Hector and daughter was fine, and altogether it was a great treat.
East Dimock - Campmeeting is over and people are attending to their work again. There was a large crowd at their meeting on Sunday. AND Threshing is nearly done in this place. H. A. Stone has done the most of it with his new machine; he does good work and anyone having threshing to do will be in luck if they employ him, as he is a hustler.
Herrick Centre - Phillip Todd, the fourteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Todd, who lives on the road between here and East Ararat, was drowned while bathing in the Hollenback pond at East Ararat, Aug. 31. The distressing accident was witnessed by the lad's sister, Nellie, and two cousins, Mamie and Pearl Dunn, who were on the shore watching the boy's sport in the water. Phillip was a good swimmer and had gone to the middle of the pond, which is not very large, when he suddenly called for help, and before assistance could be given him went down. It is supposed that he must have been seized with cramps. The water was drawn off the dam and the body secured in about an hour.
Montrose - Mrs. Rhoda M. Brooks gave the first of her series of Talks at the home of Mrs. Albert Miller, last evening. Mrs. Brooks teaches helpful physical culture exercises and gives many instructive hints to women, regarding health and saving energy in home duties. Having a wide business experience and being highly educated Mrs. Brooks is capable of handling her subjects with ease. The second will be at Miss E.J. Brewster's and the third and last of the series will be given at the home of Mrs. E. P. Stamp, 50 S. Main Street, on Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All women are cordially invited to attend without charge. AND - Billings & Co., undertakers, have secured the services of Maurice J. O'Brien to superintend the catholic funerals. Billings & Co. Furniture Store advertises that "your home is not complete without a porch swing.
Susquehanna - Floyd D. Axtell, Esq., of Susquehanna, has been nominated for District Attorney by the Prohibition and Democratic parties of the county. He is well equipped for the position and he is a gentleman of excellent reputation.
Tunkhannock - In making excavations Tuesday at the railroad bridge at the mouth of Tunkhannock Creek, the steamboat that was run from Tunkhannock to Wilkes-Barre, 50 years ago, was unearthed.
Franklin Forks - Frank H. Shafer is teaching the Franklin Forks school. In spare time he is whisking the ball across the plate for the nine at that place and reports indicate that he is doing good work along both lines. As "Frank" is known as a "sure hitter," we advise the youngsters to be good.
Jackson - Alvin W. Barrett and Adin B. Larrabee each celebrated his 87th birthday this month, the former on the 18th and the latter on the 9th. They were born in Vermont in 1817 and removed to Jackson in 1838, having resided in that township for 66 years. Both cast their first presidential vote for Wm. H. Harrison in 1840. They voted for Fremont in 1856 and have supported the Republican ticket in every campaign and expect to aid in the election of President Roosevelt this fall. Mr. Barrett is the father of Hon. A.C. Barrett, of New Milford, the present representative in the legislature and Mr. Larrabee is an uncle of M.J. Larrabee, a former representative, and has been a member of the I.O.O.F. since 1856.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - Work commenced on Monday on the much-needed new road from Fairdale to Fair Hill.
Upsonville, Franklin Twp. - At the Cole reunion held at L.B. Cole's, Aug. 29th, all the children and grandchildren were home; J.H. Cole, wife and two daughters, of Detroit, Mich., Alma Cole, of Binghamton, F. T. Cole, of Indiana, and Lottie M. Cole. Forty-seven were present, among them the Rev. Mrs. Dawson, of Birmingham, Mich. Rev. L. W. Church made a fine address. After the sumptuous repast the company went up to Mt. Huron to view the landscape.
Rushboro - F. M. Gray and Mr. Stone are busy laying out our telephone line. They began digging the holes on the 4th inst., and expect to have the line complete by Dec. 1st.
Silver Lake - Mrs. Whitaker caught a 6 lb. salmon trout in the lake, recently. AND City boarders are returning to their homes.
Compiled By: Betty Smith