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September 08 1922/2022

Dimock – The Fair was bigger and better than expected. The parade, in which about 160 persons participated, was one that will go down in history as being one of the finest ever seen in a small town like Dimock. The fire department was a scream, from the time it appeared in sight, when it immediately extinguished the two fires that called forth their most strenuous efforts. The policeman, holding back the crowds from the fire in real “cop” fashion, was just too funny for anything. The couple, “Just got Married,” riding in the well-preserved, old-fashioned phaeton drawn by a span of beautiful black horses, called for the admiration of everyone. The couple who were wearing high top hat and little quaint bonnet were too sweet for anything, many said; the school children, the red cross, the little boys with their sunflower faces, the Base Ball Busy Workers, the floats, etc., all led by the woman (?) marshal, closely followed by the town band dressed as clowns, etc., playing popular airs, helped to make the parade one to be long remembered. During the afternoon the Dimock orchestra played and the ball game, which was supposed to be the big event of the day, was forfeited by Montrose on account of the absence of four of her players and they being obliged to use extra players. The game stood 17-5 in favor of Dimock.

Heart Lake – L. E. Griffing will open a jelly factory, Sept. 14, and will make apple juice, jelly, apple butter and condensed apple juice and pasteurized. Bring your clean and well matured apples. Customers living some distance can take [their] product home on same trip. Sweet apples make the best jelly or butter.

Alford – While Earl Ellsworth and Willis Carpenter, both of Harford village, were proceeding south on the Lackawanna Trail, about ½ mile north of Alford, the Ford Runabout in which they were riding, owned and driven by Mr. Ellsworth, got from under control and plunged down a steep embankment, landing 50 ft. below, after turning over twice. Mr. Ellsworth was pinned under the car and that he escaped instant death seems miraculous. He was treated by Dr. Taylor in Hop Bottom and taken to his home, where he did not regain consciousness until nearly noon the following day. No bones were broken and no internal injuries, although receiving minor cuts about the face and head. Yesterday afternoon he was reported as making satisfactory progress, though still confined to his bed. Mr. Carpenter escaped with a few bruises, being able to give assistance to his friend.

Susquehanna – When Erie train No. 3 arrived in town, Saturday night, Al Severson, aged 70, of Brushville, and a portion of the wagon in which he had been driving, were found lying on the pilot of the engine. The man, in an unconscious state, was rushed to the Barnes hospital, where it was learned that his right lung had been punctured. He died at two o’clock Sunday morning. The accident occurred three miles east of Susquehanna. The horse driven by Severson had been killed instantly, while the wagon was found to be completely wrecked. The engineer knew nothing about the accident until the arrival of the train in Susquehanna. It was first thought that the aged man was only slightly hurt but later desperate efforts to revive him proved fruitless. Mr. Severson owned a large farm at Brushville. He was also distributor for “Boss Liniment,” for which he had a large trade. He is survived by his widow and one daughter.

Birchardville – Say Folks—it’s a mighty good thing that we Birchardville ball players crowed while we had a chance. We made up with Griffis Hill and got our heads together and made up our minds we were real ball players, and that we would just stroll over to Fairdale some day and clean up those fellows. So we went, played base ball and came home—beaten.

New Milford – The New Milford mill of Jouvard-Lavigne Co., which had been closed down for three weeks, reopened on Tuesday. The silk business is rapidly improving. The Tri-Borough Silk Mill at Susquehanna, which had been closed down for the past nine weeks, was to re-open also.

Forest City – Adjutant W. W. Feddock has just received a number of markers for graves of Spanish-American war veterans. He will be pleased to be informed if there are any graves unmarked in any nearby cemetery of Spanish-American veterans, and any one knowing of unmarked graves will confer a favor in informing him.

Uniondale – Rev. D. D. Jenkins has been invited to attend a concert at the Carbondale high school tomorrow. His composition, “Columbia,” is having a large sale, and favorable comments of press and musicians are being constantly received by the author. The song carries a thrill that is inspiring.

Montrose – Fire damaged the Susquehanna County Court House on Wednesday of last week. The blaze, which was discovered near the eaves of the large frame structure, was believed to have been caused by the careless use of a blow torch by painters who are working about the building. The fire was discovered at 5:45 in the afternoon. A call was sent to the fire dept. who responded promptly and did efficient work in the control of the blaze. The damage, it is estimated, will amount to about $1,000.

Old Hotels at Rush and Lawton, continued from last week: Just above at Lawton, was another famous stopping place, known as Snyder’s. The proprietor of that hotel was another character in his way. Mr. Snyder was short, fat and jolly. And he always made a hit with the boys. After his death the hotel was kept open by his son-in-law, Isaiah Haire, who was one of the prominent citizens of the county and served several terms as county commissioner. The Snyder hotel was kept open until a few years ago and was one of the popular stopping places for travelers as well as summer boarders. But prohibition has put that out of business also. The big house overlooking a beautiful view down the Wyalusing creek, is now used as a residence for a farmer, who works the old Snyder acres. As we bowled on over the well-kept country road that took us past a panorama of nature that has never been surpassed, the doctor and I thanked our stars that we had been permitted to live in an age when the good, old, real Americans were not hampered by restrictions on personal liberty. [The remainder of the article takes the author into Stevensville, Bradford County, so we shall end here.]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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