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September 08 1900/2000

Brandt - The Harmony Brick Co. is rushed with orders.

Great Bend - Charles Meagher was waylaid last week on the flats between Great Bend and Hallstead by highwaymen who relieved him of watch, necktie and 75 cents in money.

Rush - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Bolles with Miss Emily C. Blackman were callers on Ed Stuart. Whilst there they visited the spot on his farm on which Chas. Miner built a cabin 100 years ago. Miss Blackman relates that he raised a crop of wheat and harvested it, went to the forks of the Wyalusing and got plank for a threshing floor; when he got back he found that the bears had destroyed the wheat.

Herrick Centre - The question of whether or not a new school house should be built, which has so long been a matter of dispute among the good people of Herrick Centre, was finally settled at a special election held for the purpose on Sept. 4, and the vote stood 84 to 53 in favor of increasing the debt for the purpose of building the school house. We think the people of Herrick will never regret their decision.

Auburn - Chas. E. Bunnell left Aug. 25 for Wood Island, Alaska, to take charge of a government school. Sept 5th he was waiting at Seattle for the boat, Bertha, to undergo repairs, expecting to sail as soon as the eleventh.

Susquehanna - The following appointments have been made for Christ Church for the ensuing year: Organist, Mrs. Engle; Janitor, Maning Thomson; Choir Steward, Ford Higby; Usher, H. I. Livingston, late of St. Luke's Church, St. Alban's; Altar boys, Tracy Engle, Frank Townsend, Clarence Brewer and Elmer Curran.

Lanesboro/Hallstead/Great Bend - Owing to the severe and protracted drouth, the people of Lanesboro are being supplied with water from the Canawacta Creek. They will be lucky if they do not sip river water before the drouth ends. In Hallstead and Great Bend the Water Co. has found it necessary to prepare for a supply from the Susquehanna river by reason of the reduced flow from their several storage reservoirs. To obtain the purest water the river can give, it is proposed to extend the intake pipe across to the Great Bend side of the river so that when the pump is necessarily started, less danger of contaminated water will be possible.

Dundaff - We understand that through the strike in the coal valley the companies will not sell any coal. Well, that's all right, we have lots of wood and good saws and axes to cut it with. I guess we can stand it.

Clifford - Sept. 6th we had a nice shower, but got pretty well waked up with the lightning--the lightning struck a willow tree close to P. K. Stevens' house. Another bolt struck J. Hobbs' barn, making the boards fly in all directions. The barn was full of hay and oats. It is a query why it did not set it on fire. The insurance had exprired a few days before. AND: Nearly all the wells in town went dry or failed last week.

Oakland - The Oakland Congregational church edifice has been removed from its recent site to an adjoining lot.

Dimock - Mr. Frank Cope has been untiring in his efforts to make the Y.M.E. Club not only a benefit to the young men of the place, but to the community at large. Fifty new volumes have recently been added to the already fine library which comprises many works by the ablest authors and which has been opened to the public free of charge. The generous manner in which the books are loaned ought to bespeak on the part of the people of Dimock, a liberal patronage and a hearty cooperation in all the efforts of the club towards the raising of the necessary funds for carrying on the enterprise.

Lakeview - E. J. Tyler killed a large rattle snake by his horse barn, which had strayed off from the hills, as it was the first ever seen in this vicinity.

Neath - John Wood and Ranie Owens, of Middletown, are skidding logs for Charlie Moore.

Bridgewater Twp. - Descendants of the Stephens family held their annual reunion at Chandler Stephens', Aug. 25. Josiah Stephens, of Stockbridge, Mass., married Any Seward, about 1750. They had seven sons and two daughters, all born at Stockbridge. Of these, Oliver married Lucretia Crane, Phebe and Mabel married brothers named Tier and bought farms from Cooper's patent, six years before Judge Cooper founded the village of Cooperstown. The oldest son, Daniel, was a soldier in the Revolution and severely wounded by the Indians at Fort Stanwix, during the great battle there in Aug. 1777. Fearing the scalping knife, Daniel dragged himself along a short distance to the shores of Oriskany Creek and found a safe hiding place under its banks. William and Jarah were also in the Revolution. The family moved to Otsego Co. in 1790. James married Sallie Wood and after her death married Patty Thurston Williams. In 1810 Jarah, Josiah and James came to Susquehanna County.

Heart Lake - L. E. Griffing is putting in an up to date cider mill and jelly evaporator, at his plant, and will soon be prepared to either buy your apples or do your custom work.

Gibson/New Milford - Parties are arranging for a telephone line and an executive committee to promote the building of the line was elected as follows: E. A. Sweet, president; J. J. Potter, secretary; F. W. Barrett, A. C. VanGorder, A. O. Stockbine.

Montrose - At the Armory, Sept. 13th, will be presented "Vance's moving pictures and musical artists" presenting sensational, mystifying and humorous animated pictures with thrilling realism and life-like motion. Admission 25 and 35 cents.

Forest City - Schools opened with 700 pupils present.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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