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September 07 1923/2023

Annual Veterans Encampment: The Susquehanna Co. Veterans Assoc. was held on the fair grounds in Montrose. Thirty-one members of the G. A. R. registered. About 200 enjoyed an excellent dinner served by the Ellen Mitchell Tent, Daughters of Veterans. Judge A. B. Smith opened the “camp fire” in an able and pleasing address of welcome. Army songs were sung and a patriotic address given. The veterans registered were: T. W. Hunter, William Pauer, B. B. Taylor, John Wilber, George Nichols,  J. H. Corwin, P. T. Lindsey, T. F. Mack, R. P. Lindley, H. C. Spafford, W. A. Taylor, Geo. W. Martin, E. E. Roselle, Isaac Melhuish, C. M. Read, B. I. Robinson, A. W. Hickok, George Simpson, O. B. Darrow, T. L. Ainey, D. S. Michael, H. L. Beach, F. I. Lott, Peter B. Walker, J. A. Decker, J. I. Chapman, Peter Hartman, Josiah Fuller, Urbane Sloat, F. G. Warner, Marian Butts.

Dimock – The little eight month’s old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Button, of Lindaville, who were guests at James Greenwood’s, fell out of a chair striking her head on the floor. At the time it was not thought that she was badly injured but as she grew worse throughout the morning she was taken to Dr. Gardner, at Montrose, where it was found that the injury had caused concussion of the brain, and the child was in serious condition. Mr. Greenwood took the mother and child at once to their home in Lindaville, by automobile.

Montrose – The country club purchased the sixty-acre farm, owned by E. Bert Sprout, adjoining the club grounds on the east. Expert, F. B. Warner, of Philadelphia, will lay out one of the finest golf courses in America. About 22 acres lies below the trolley tracks and by a rearrangement of the holes it an be made a standard nine-hole course, and so laid out that it will not be necessary to cross the public road. This will make the course longer than at present and add greatly to the pleasure of the golfers. ALSO D. J. Donovan is renovating the old Tarbell House barn and will convert it into automobile show rooms, with a full glass front. The interior to be of steel ceiling and side walls, concrete floor, electric lights and will be modern in every appointment. We understand it will be leased to U. W. Larue, of Lawton, who will conduct an automobile agency here. [Now the site of C. & F. Motors.]

Springville – Miss Lila Burdick will leave for Mansfield Normal School, on Monday, where she will take up study.

Franklin Forks – While at Salt Springs, on Labor Day, Bruce B. Lott found what is apparently an Indian implement of some kind. He brought the relic home with him and many have ventured guesses on its previous use, it being on exhibition in the post office. His guess is that it was a crude stone plow. It shows evidence of having been hewn by a primitive people. Its size precludes the idea that it was used for grinding corn or grain.

Kingsley – Buzz saw outfits are becoming a necessary part of farm equipment, with coal selling at high prices, and almost impossible to obtain, at that. This item was prompted by an advertisement of Clyde Tiffany, Kingsley’s hardware dealer. A wood pile affords insurance against a cold house and saves a lot of money too. A “buzzing” outfit enables one to quickly and easily cut dying trees for firewood, where they would, otherwise, decay and be lost. Mr. Tiffany calls attention to several items in seasonable hardware in his advertisement.

Clifford – The double wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Romeyn Rivenburg (25th) and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Finn (40th) were celebrated at the pleasant home of E. E. Finn. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers and crepe paper. The steady down-pour of rain in the afternoon prevented many of their friends attending, but in the evening the house was filled. Refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, fruit punch, peanuts and candy were served.

South Auburn – The descendants of Fred and Mary Swackhammer, including children, grandchildren and two great grandchildren, twenty-three in all, met at White’s Pond on Aug. 21, and spent a very pleasant day.

Susquehanna – A son, Harold Stuart Walker, was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Walker, of 318 Grand St., August 24, 1923.

Forest City – The Sunshine Club went into camp Saturday. They pitched their tents on the East Mountain and are having a splendid time. They served a chicken dinner to some of their friends, which was greatly enjoyed. Pictures were taken of the campers and guests.

Uniondale – Local sports [men] were down at Altoona Monday. They went to see the auto races scheduled for Monday. The races had to be postponed on account of a heavy rainfall. Our sports traveled 500 miles to see a thunder shower.

Ararat – Mr. Harrison has organized a Boy Scout Troop with seven members. They meet Wednesday evenings at the hall over Mr. Potter’s barn.

Inspiration for Battle Hymn: During the dark days of the Civil War, Julia Ward Howe visited the national capital with friends. They stopped at the Willard Hotel and it was here that Mrs. Howe wrote her famous song, The Battle Hymn of the Republic.  Many years ago she related as follows: “One day we drove out to a review of the troops some distance from the city. The day was fine and everything passed off well, but a sudden surprise on the part of the enemy interrupted the proceedings. A small body of our men had been surrounded and cut off from their company and reinforcements were sent to their assistance. We turned our horse’s heads homeward. For a long distance soldiers filled the road and presently we began to sing some of the songs of the war, and among them, John Brown’s Body Lies a-Moldering in the Grave. This seemed to please the soldiers and it was suggested to me that I ought to write some new words to that tune. I slept as usual but woke next morning and to my astonishment found that the wished-for lines were arranging themselves in my brain. Immediately I searched for a sheet of paper and began to scrawl the lines almost without looking. Having completed that I lay down again and fell asleep, but not without feeling that something of importance had happened to me.

News Brief: If thin cornhusks are a criterion as to weather, we will have a mild winter this year. This sign is favorable.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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