Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 07 1917/2017
Jessup Twp. – The schools in this place opened on Monday, Sept. 3, with the following teachers: Griffis Hill, Agnes Brotzman; Bolles, Bernice Ainey; McKeeby Hill, Anna Morley; Fairdale, Glen Cronk; Prospect Hill, Blanche Kiefer, and DeWitt, Jennie Sivers.
Montrose – Isaac R. Pennypacker, says that the village blacksmith who knows how to shoe a horse is rapidly disappearing in the county. The remaining horseshoer wonders how horses will be shod when he is gone. He had a number of apprentices, but they all gave up the work because the present-day American shuns hard, physical labor. Mr. Pennypacker also noted that Montrose voted $8000 to pave streets; the county supplied $8000 more and the state has $16,000 to add, but the work halts because the young men are off at the military camps or have been drawn in Uncle Sam’s lottery. ALSO The survivors of Co. H., 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers, together with comrades and relatives, took dinner at the Montrose House on Wednesday. The affair was an enjoyable one, but mingled with it was the sadness of dwindling numbers. Only four of the survivors were present: M.G. Hill, George C. Hill, W.S. Taylor and J.J. Stockholm.
Brackney – The funeral of Andrew I. Hawley was held on Wednesday at the home in this place, followed by a service in St. Augustine’s church in Silver Lake. Burial was in Silver Lake cemetery.
Springville – M.B. Riley received a carload of 1918 model Buick cars on Friday.
Hopbottom – About 4 o’clock Monday morning Mrs. Joseph West was awakened by the crackling noise of fire and a glare of light which was the barn of the Foster Milling Co. in a mass of flames. The West’s spent the day at Dimock, with Willard Burke and his mother, Mrs. Rhoda Burke, and returned early in the evening in the latter’s automobile, a 12-cylinder Enger, which was parked in the barn and left for the night. The family retired for the night with no indications of fire. It is believed that a tramp spent the night in the barn and carelessly set fire to the straw, which had served as a bed. Besides the auto of Mrs. Burke, which was a total loss, personal property of the Wests was stored here. The total loss, including the car, is estimated at about $3500, with practically no insurance. Low water pressure made it difficult o save the mill.
Brooklyn – A little son was welcomed at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Packer – Ronald Kenneth.
Forest City – Students are returning to their studies in the higher places of learning: Miss Veronica Nebzadowski has entered Stroudsburg Normal school; Howard johns, Jr., and Misses Helen Kehren and Beatrice Lott left yesterday for Bloomsburg where they will attend the Normal School. Max Freedman, Paul and Donald Maxey and William Sredenchek will leave this week for State College.
Dimock – Luman Thornton has purchased the old Mills wagon shop, which stands near the residence of the writer’s house and is now busy tearing it down to repair the old vacant school house with, which he recently purchased.
Susquehanna – John Swacker, of this place, who was struck by a switch engine at Binghamton, while walking on the track of the Lackawanna, is improving rapidly from what appeared a very narrow escape from death. He was taken to City Hospital.
Jackson – Henry Felton, of Montrose, visited his parents over Sunday. His brother, Ralph, returned with him to Montrose, where they expect to attend the Montrose High School. [Henry Felton was, for many years, editor of the Montrose Independent. His brother, Ralph, was Super-intendent of the County schools.] ALSO The What-so-Ever Circle will hold a Parcel Post at the church parlors, Jackson, Friday evening, Sept. 7.
Great Bend – A number of friends gave Misses Helen Enright, Frances Stack, Edna O’Neill and Helen Hunter a dance in the Knights of Columbus Hall, last Friday evening. The event was in honor of the young ladies who left this week to take a nurse’s training course in the City Hospital, at Binghamton.
Auburn Twp. – There seems to be lots of rain this summer and everybody’s garden is good. Lots of all kinds of garden stuff. Another article reports that potatoes are rotting.
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa, September 6, 1817.
*STRAY CATTLE. Broke into the enclosures of the Subscriber two red and white heifers and one black and white steer, yearlings, about the 10th of August. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. ALVIN SHIPMAN, Silver Lake, September 6, 1817.
*HERRICK AND FORDHAM are receiving from New York and will open for sale on Monday the first of September next, very cheap for Cash, a full assortment of MERCHANDISE, called for in the country. Those who have a credit given them must calculate to pay more than those who pay cash. Aug. 23, 1817.
*TRESPASSORS, Broke into the enclosure of the subscriber on the 21st of AUGUST, a YOKE OF OXEN, one a dark red, the other pied. The owner is desired to prove property, pay charges and take them away. ALANSON LUNG, Rush, August 21, 1817.
News Brief: Reduction to two per cent of the alcoholic contents of beer is expected to be Herbert Hoover’s next grain conservation policy. Following his order to stop distillation of spirits after 11 p.m., Sept. 8th. Hoover is said to have decided beer strength must be reduced from its present 3 ½ to 1% alcohol to save 35,000,000 bushels of grain. England has been forced to reduce beer strength. ALSO The War Effort: Mrs. Wm. H. Jessup is instructing another class in surgical dressings at the library. The need for these dressings is so great that it would hardly seem necessary to urge any thoughtful woman to join a class and do her best, that not one brave man “Somewhere in France,” should suffer for the lack of these dressings. There are women enough in this town to have the Red Cross room filled every afternoon, and the same persons only go one afternoon, but we find the women who work hard at home before they come, and the big majority of women giving foolish excuses why they do not go. This is a time for sacrifice, not to do fancy work to decorate home or clothing—that has its place, but not when an urgent call is given to the women of the country to do not their “Bit,” but their “Best.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith