Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 06 1918/2018
Susquehanna County – The shortage of teachers in the county is causing patriotically inclined people, who have been engaged in other professions and occupations, to undergo the necessary examinations and take up teaching. D.W.B. Jones, of Herrick Center, 62 years of age, has successfully passed the examinations and will teach this year. Rev. Mr. Richards will teach the Franklin Forks school, and Rev. Mr. Van Horn, of Rush, will teach the 6th and 7th grades in the Rush high school. These men are deserving of great commendation for their interest and willingness to shoulder added burdens.
Kingsley – E.E. Titus was seriously injured by his horse becoming frightened at a fair notice hung across the street and flapping near him, as he stood hitched. The bit was broken, so Mr. Titus could not control him, and he was dragged some distance. No bones were broken, though a badly sprained ankle and several severe bruises were the result. He was taken to Aqua Inn, where his injuries were cared for by Mrs. Stearns, assisted by Knox Tingley. The horse ran some distance, but was finally stopped in town. The harness was repaired and Mr. Titus was able to drive to his home.
Bridgewater – The body of Bryan Sauter, of North Bridgewater, who died of typhoid fever on Friday, after an illness of two weeks, was buried in the Fair Hill cemetery Saturday, without prayer or funeral services. The neighbors had kindly assisted the family in caring for him until it was discovered that he had typhoid fever, then no one was allowed to enter the house.
Lawsville – Mrs. J.W. Russell has received a letter from her brother-in-law, W.D. Russell, of Missoula, Montana, informing her of the death of her sister, Mame Dawley Russell, on Aug. 26, after an illness of four days. Mrs. Russell was formerly Miss Mame Dawley and resided in this town about 30 years ago.
Elk Lake – The Red Cross has a supply of yarn for sweaters and socks. Anyone wishing to knit may call on the secretary for materials and directions. The auxiliary meets on Tuesday afternoon of each week. Each knitter is asked to bring their knitting for inspection at the meeting.
Rush – William Devine, overseer of the poor farm, threshed 700 bushels of oats last week. ALSO S.B. McCain has a service flag of five stars, three for their sons and two for their sons-in-law, Dr. Milnes and Weller Rose.
Susquehanna – The Tri-Borough silk mill has just hoisted two handsome flags, one a large American flag, and just beneath a good-sized French flag. The mill is owned by Frenchmen and it is in honor of both our ally and the mill proprietors that the flags are thus displayed.
Montrose – Harrington & Wilson are making preparations to erect a four-story grist mill which will also have a mill for grinding wheat flour. The large acreage of wheat which local farmers are now sowing and the success which they are meeting with in growing the grain, made the purchase of a flour mill both desirable and necessary. ALSO Last Sunday the first gasless Sunday for autoists was generally observed by owners of autos, in Montrose. However, there were a few who disregarded the government’s request in this matter. There will undoubtedly, always be found some slackers as to Uncle Sam’s requests in our little patriotic town.
Jackson – The Jackson graded school opened Sept. 2, with James Strockbine, of Gibson, as principal, and Miss Sterling, of Brooklyn, primary teacher
Fair Hill – There is no school in Taylor Hollow, the scholars going to Fairdale and to the Hamlin Schools. ALSO The Telephone line that goes over the Hill has been on the bum the past week.
Gibson – Frank and Herman Wilmarth are hauling the scholars from the Reed school district to Harford high school.
Harford – The town of Harford, the name of which is familiar to everyone because of the annual fair held there, again has its Odd Fellows’ Hall, a new structure erected to replace the one destroyed by fire. The kitchen is in the basement, where there is an electric lighting plant. The lodge room is on the second floor. The old hall, which was burned in January of 1917, occasioned a heavy loss to the lodge.
Great Bend – Two airplanes passed over Great Bend Sunday and a large crowd was out to see them.
Hop Bottom – Miss Candace Brown is attending Teachers’ Institute in Scranton. She has accepted a position as principal of the Dalton High School.
Thompson – Wednesday afternoon of last week, as Mrs. Wayland Gelatt and her little four-year-old daughter, Juanita Gelatt, of this place, were returning home from Ararat, driving an auto, Mrs. Gelatt, in trying to lift the child to the seat from which she was sliding, lost control of the car which crashed into a tree in front of L. W. Potter’s store, breaking the windshield, the glass flying in the face of the girl, cutting her on the right temple along-side of her nose and severing the upper lip. She was taken to Dr. McNamara’s who dressed the wounds. It was found necessary to take 15 stitches. She was then taken to the home of her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Myers, Main street.
Forest City – Mrs. J. Warhola, of South Main street, received a telegram from the war department informing her that her son, Sergeant Andrew Warhola, had been severely wounded while in action “somewhere in France.” Sergeant Warhola enlisted in the regular army nearly three years ago, and has been overseas for some time.
200 Years Ago, from the Montrose Gazette, September 5, 1818.
*Elopement. Whereas my wife Polly has eloped from my bed and board without any cause or provocation, I hereby notify all persons that I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. PHILEMON PARMER, Auburn, August 31, 1818.
*DIED. In Rush township, on Tuesday evening last, Levi S. Agard, a young man of respectability. He was the only earthly friend on whom his aged mother depended for support. She bore the loss with Christian resignation, seeing her son depart in the triumph of faith in Jesus Christ, his Lord and Saviour. His death is sincerely regretted by his friends and neighbors, and by the Baptist Church of Christ to which he belonged. “Death is the gate to endless joy.”
*NOTICE. The inhabitants of the Great Bend, Susquehanna County, have been for six months’ past much annoyed by a lunatic by the name of William Co--. The persons who are legally bound to take care of said lunatic, are hereby called on to take him away and save themselves cost. A CITIZEN. Great Bend, July 4, 1818. [This notice was also repeated in August, 1818.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith