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September 06 1912/2012

Montrose - A startling accident occurred at the O’Neil boarding house, South Main Street, last night, which caused the death of Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Olyphant, Pa., an elderly lady who was boarding there. Miss Jones was not feeling well in the evening and had retired and it is thought had gotten up and lighted the lamp and in some way caught fire. Miss O’Neil, who was in a nearby room and hearing her screams, went to her assistance. The accident happened at 11:30 o’clock and death came at 7:30 this morning. ALSO: Sparks Show drew an immense crowd here yesterday and gave an exceedingly pleasing and clean performance. The whole aggregation seems to be made up of artists, and the demeanor of all connected with the show in an executive capacity, appeared gentlemanly. It has been many years since Montrose has had a big circus, and she obeyed it.

Lenoxville - Curtis Allen and bride have returned from Atlantic City, where they have been spending several days, and have begun house--keeping on their farm.

Elk Lake - Messrs VanPelt Quackenbush, of Scranton and Edwin Fordham, of New York City, who have been stopping at the Quackenbush cottage here, returned home via Montrose on Monday.

Auburn Twp. - Mrs. William Wilkins and son, Raymond, of Coventry, England, visited her sister, Mrs. Lewis Lott, of Auburn, last week. Mr. Wilkins and little daughter also accompanied her across the Atlantic, but were detained at New York on account of the little girl coming down with measles.

Thompson - Miss Helen Weir is spending the week at Bungalo Park, Fiddle Lake, with her friend, Miss Ruth Stone.

Lynn - W. P. Sheldon left here for Franklin Forks where he has been engaged to teach school. Miss Mary Fisher is teaching our school and started in with a goodly number of pupils on Monday last. Winefred Smales is teaching the Lymanville school. Edith Sheldon has been engaged to teach the school at Black Walnut and left for that place on Monday last. Ralph Loomis is one of the students from this place who is attending the High School at Springville.

Susquehanna - Wm. Allpaugh, one of Susquehanna’s best known business men who has been identified with the interests of that place for nearly half a century, died Aug.26, 1912, after two months’ illness. A month previous to his death hope of his recovery was abandoned. Mr. Allpaugh enlisted in the Union army when a boy of 16 years and served until the close. For two terms he was county auditor, finishing his second term about one year ago. He was a man highly regarded by all who knew him. Besides his wife he leaves one son, Charlton M. Allpaugh, member of the firm of the Ryan--Allpaugh Co., Susquehanna.

Watrous Corners - On August 25th a fine baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Very.

East Bridgewater - Miss Kathryn O’Mara commenced her school Monday morning. This is her third term here, and they like her very much.

Hopbottom - A rare treat is in store for Hopbottom people. As the last number of the entertainment course conducted by the Shakespeare club, the Electric City Quartette and Minstrel Co. will appear in Masonic hall Sept. 13. Do not miss the best thing of its kind ever presented here. ALSO: A suspicious looking party in an automobile driven by Charles Kellum left town Wednesday morning for Brooklyn, en route to Scranton. Listen for the wedding bells.

Birchardville - The 19th Reunion of Co. H, 143d Regt., Pa Volunteers, was held Aug. 23. The secretary reported three deaths, Walter Jenner, Jas. Dean and Ezra P. Lester. We were pleased to have with us our old friend, James Carmalt, a brother--in--law of Capt. Morris and Miss Caroline Morris, a daughter, and Samuel H. Sayre, a grand son of the late Capt. of Co. H, John C. Morris. Fifty years ago Co. H. was reorganized and on Sept. 2, 1862, Capt Morris, of Friendsville, left Montrose with 80 men for the war. One officer and 12 men joined the company in 1862; 36 recruits joined in 1863 and 13 more in 1864--65. Three men were killed in action, 1 officer and 20 men were wounded. One officer and 6 men died of wounds; 10 men were captured and 5 of them died in rebel prisons. There are now living 24 of the original 80 men and some of the recruits, but as these were from the lower part of the State we have lost track of them. Seven of the 24 were present: O. A. Baldwin, Samuel S. Baxter, Myron Bradshaw, A. S. Horton, James Strange, Stanley B. Warner, and Asa Warner, also four comrades from other regiments, H. C. Spafford, E. E. Fessenden, J. J. Ely and Ackley Walker.

Nicholson - Mrs. Catherine Cross, formerly of this place, has opened at Bayamon, Puerto Rico, the “Montrose Heights private school,” where all English branches will be taught.

Montrose Bible Conference - The conference of 1912 has been, by general consent, the best of the five conferences that have been held here. It was as successful financially as it was intellectually and spiritually. Considering the rain and the consequent reduction of the crowds on Sundays, the only days on which collections were taken, the offerings were remarkable. All the meetings were enthusiastic and full of hope for the future.

Scranton & Binghamton Railway Co. - with 75 men at work near Nicholson, is rushing matters to extend its line to that town by the middle of September. Only a quarter of a mile of grading remains to be completed and that is not very heavy. It is said that after Nicholson is reached work will progress faster. Very little more than surface grading will be done on the stretch between Nicholson and Montrose. Another announcement is that after Nicholson is passed the work may be divided into sections all along the line. Thousands of people between Scranton and Binghamton are anxious to see this road completed.

Chestnut Tree Blight - Arrangements have been completed with the Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission for the placing of an exhibition at the Mansfield Fair. The chestnut bark disease has already killed nearly all the chestnut trees on Long Island and around New York city, and is doing immense damage to the timber around Philadelphia, and throughout eastern Pennsylvania. The State Blight Commission, through its representatives, is making every effort to control this disease and save the valuable chestnut timber in the counties of Pennsylvania, especially where very little blight has yet appeared. The Commission has recently issued an interesting book which is an exhaustive report of their work in detecting and destroying the first symptoms of the disease.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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