Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 05 1913/2013
Montrose - Harry Light, proprietor of the Church street poolroom and tobacco store, has just installed a baseball game table in his place of amusement. Other amusements will be added in the near future.
South Montrose - Charles B. Dayton was thrown from a wagon when the horse he was driving became frightened at an automobile driven by E. B. Hamlin, of Wilkes Barre. He was painfully bruised but not otherwise injured, and is again able to be about, although still feeling the effects of his exciting experience.
South New Milford - About 200 cords of mill--sawed wood got afire and burned recently. The wood belonged to H. Barrett and the origin of the fire is a mystery.
Harford - Mrs. P. E. Alexander and little daughter, of Butte Montana, is spending a few weeks with her father, W. S. Sophia, at North Harford. ALSO: Next Tuesday will be the first day of the Fair. One of the leading attractions will be the Pigeon Shoot under the auspices of the Harford Camp, No. 43, U. S. of PA.
Uniondale - Harry Churchill and family are spending some time amid old scenes and with old friends.
Silver Lake - Word was received this week by relatives of the death of Rev. Fr. Simon J. Kanane, rector of St. Josephs’s church at Oriskany Falls, N. Y. Father Kanane was a native of this place and had served the parish where he died, for 25 years. He was a man of deep thought and highly esteemed. Interment in Binghamton.
Lawsville - Our schools opened this week with Miss Lulu Lindsley at Lawsville; Miss Mary Cosgriff, at Stanfordville; Miss Julia Mahoney, at Hillside; Miss Mary Downs, at Rhiney Creek; and Miss Ella Bailey, at Brookdale.
West Jackson - The Lake View graded schools commenced Monday with Miss Edith Corse and Miss Clara Mallery as teachers. Harry Daniels draws the scholars from the French district and Murray Houghtalen from Kansas [district]. ALSO: In the town of Jackson, H. M. Benson is re--building his store; Roberts’ Bros. are getting the lumber on the ground for a new barn, and there is a movement toward building a new hall, all of which looks like keeping Jackson on the map [after the destructive fire].
Hopbottom - Miss Winifred Rought has gone to Mt. Clemens, Michigan to receive treatment for rheumatism.
Hallstead - The Prudential Insurance Co. Has paid to Mrs. Kate Fernan a check for $273 upon the life of her son, James Fernan, late of this place, who was killed recently.
Welch Hill, Clifford Twp. - As H. Woodard, of Welch Hill, was returning from Forest City recently, two masked men jumped in front of his team about a mile west of Dundaff. They commanded Him to stop but he put the whip to the team and made good his escape.
Auburn Twp. - Members of St. Bonaventure’s church have announced a picnic and dance to be held in the O’Neill Grove in Auburn Twp. on Saturday, Sept. 6th. Dinner and supper will both be served and dancing will be the chief amusement afternoon and evening.
Big Crowd and Good Weather Greet Susquehanna County Fair - The Fair is now on and all things point to one of the most successful fairs ever held. Yesterday morning was bright and clear and the streets were soon filled with teams and autos, with the Montrose Fair Grounds as their objective point. The displays in the various departments average high. The horse parade was a feature. The ladies department presents a handsome appearance, while the school exhibits, vegetables, fruits, canned fruits, bake goods, paintings and flowers are of a high standard of excellence. Harrington & Wilson’s exhibit of farm machinery, engines and autos, was very large and attracted much attention. J. P. Lee, of Wyalusing, had a big exhibit of engines, threshers, feed mills, stone crushers, etc. B. L. Dutcher, of New Milford, was on the grounds, pleasantly elaborating upon the merits of the Jacobson line of gasoline engines. One of the best features of the fair was the floral display by Percy Ballantine, the owner of Louden Hill Farm in Dimock. The “fly” in the ointment, however, was the failure of the big political guns to materialize. They didn’t show up. However, the balloon was filled and it was generally conceded that the hot air was made of much better use in inflating the aerial monster, than to be generated in political exhorters and the crowd waited in breathless anxiety while Prof Allen prepared for his ascension. He made a beautiful flight. Mrs. Rex McCreary, who was here to present the Woman’s Suffrage cause, thought she got scant courtesy from the management and no one to introduce her when she was ready to speak; it was difficult to find anyone to introduce her, till finally Rev. Harmon was brought forward and did it in fine shape and she made a very interesting speech till drowned out by the band, but pleasantly announced she would speak again to-day. She won a good deal of attention and many friends for the cause. Geo. C. Comstock, one of the Vice Presidents, was energetic in pushing the interests of the Fair.
Compiled By: Betty Smith