Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 05 1902/2002
Susquehanna - Joseph Taylor, Jr., the Susquehanna Stars crack [baseball] player, has returned to his home in Chicago. AND The Honesdale club was expected to play in Susquehanna to day, but it declined to come. Honesdale's club much prefers to play in its own dooryard.
Great Bend - Mrs. Bronk, an aged lady, is nearing the end of life's journey. AND Workmen are engaged in tearing down the steeple of the Methodist church, which was racked by the windstorm several weeks ago.
Retta (Auburn Twp.) - Under the auspices of the Young People's Society ice cream and other light refreshments will be served Saturday afternoon and evening, Sept. 6, at the residence of Griswold Carter. Among the attractions will be a ball game in the afternoon and music, recitations, etc., in the evening. In Auburn Center a very enjoyable reunion of the Lott family was held on the farm of Leander Lott, late Friday. Eight brothers were present and played a game of ball against a nine from Rushboro and Retta; the score was 23-6 in favor of the brothers.
Forest Lake - E. S. Lake is driving stage from Montrose to Friendsville.
Liberty Twp. - On Sat., Aug. 30th, the Luce family held their annual gathering at the home of S. W. Luce. Ninety-seven relatives and friends were present and enjoyed a social time; and at 12 o'clock, Ernest J. Fish and Miss Jennie Luce, daughter of S. W. Luce, were united in marriage in the presence of the assembled company by Elder W. C. Tilden. A bountiful dinner was served for all; the Lawsville Band, by their presence and delightful music, added much to the pleasure of the occasion.
Rush - Mrs. Florette Miller and son Donald have given about 100 nicely bound volumes to Trinity Public Library. The gift includes a full set of Scott, Dickens and Roe. S. B. McCain has presented a number of books, and others have given books and current magazines. The books are free with the usual library restrictions. The thanks of the lovers of good literature are due Mrs. Miller as the idea of a public library here originated with her. Books may be had at 12 to 1 on Sunday, and 7:30 to 9:30 Thursday evenings.
Lawsville Center - G. W. Lindsley, an old and highly respected citizen, died Tuesday p.m., Aug. 19. He was born in Delaware county, NY, Feb. 5, 1831, and was the second son of Azar and Mary Worden Lindsley. At the age of 25 years he came to Susquehanna county and since then has been a resident of said county. At the age of 31 years he married Mary J. Lockwood, daughter of Elkanah and Caroline Lockwood, who died Jan 18, 1902. He leaves two sons, M. E. and George W., and one daughter Etta J. Lindsley, besides a large circle of acquaintances to mourn his loss.
Montrose - At the Susquehanna County Fair in Montrose, N. E. Bissell, the Church St. grocer, offers 3/4 barrel of Washburn & Crosby's Gold Medal flour for the best loaf of bread made from said flour; 1/2 barrel for the second best; 1/4 barrel for 3d best; 1/4 barrel for best 1 doz. bisquits made from said flour; all flour to be purchased at his store.
Lenox - Considerable of a blow Sunday. Many fruit trees were blown down and O. D. Roberts had the top blown off his buggy. He and his wife and son, Claude, together with E. D. Bell, of Nicholson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown, were calling at Cosey Nook cottage during the storm.
Alford - Engineer Spence, of L.&M. Railroad, running between Montrose and Alford, who is numbered among the most prominent residents of the county seat, is waging warfare against the snakes who have their home at the dam of the long pond at Alford and assisted by Conductor Wilmot and the train crew, promises to go down in history as a successful snake exterminator.
Forest City - Because there was no [tax] collector in Forest City, and the schools were likely to be crippled for want of funds that were justly due, Prof. C. T. Thorpe, of Forest City, accepted, on the grounds of good citizenship and duty as he saw it, the collectorship, and is now proceeding with the work. The citizens of Forest City ought to appreciate this move on the part of Prof. Thorpe, and pay their taxes promptly, thus saving him much work that he ought not to be called upon to do.
Harford - There will be a platform dance at the Harford Fair, afternoon and evening, Sept. 25. A fine new platform has been erected outside. The Brevier orchestra, which gave such excellent satisfaction last year, will furnish music.
Uniondale - It seems to us, farmers will do well to note the fact that fat stock of all kinds are bringing good prices. It has been a good many years since buyers have shipped fat cattle from these parts to the large city markets. S. H. Bronson has already sent several cars of cattle, sheep and hogs to New York.
New Milford - Clarence Snyder, of East Lenox, has begun his vocation as principal of the New Milford schools.
Springville - James Blakeslee is the loser of a vicious horse; instead of killing someone, she made a finale of herself. Getting enraged, she threw herself backwards, striking her head on a stone and killing herself instantly.
Dimock - Charles Main is getting his cider mill ready to grind the farmer's apples when the weather is cooler.
News Briefs - Persons having a tendency to in any way meddle with the rural free delivery boxes should bear in mind that they are liable to a fine of $1,000 or three years imprisonment for so doing. Better let them alone. AND President Roosevelt had a narrow escape from death yesterday. Secret Service Agent Craig was killed and Driver Pratt received a fractured skull, and the President was slightly bruised and cut, their carriage being struck by an electric car near Pittsfield, Mass. The carriage was smashed to pieces. The motorman and conductor of the trolley car were arrested. AND Hon. Otis Avery, of Honesdale, has completed his 94th year and still has the distinction of being the oldest practicing dentist in the world.
Compiled By: Betty Smith