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September 05 1901/2001

Buffalo, NY - President McKinley was twice shot on the exposition grounds in Buffalo on Friday by an anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. His condition is not as critical as first thought.

Susquehanna - The "A Country Merchant" company appeared in Hogan Opera House on Monday evening. A fair-sized audience witnessed a poor performance. AND Picking cranberries will begin on Sabin's Cascade marsh on Monday morning next. About 100 pickers will be employed. A crop of seven or eight hundred bushels is expected.

Deep Hollow, near Susquehanna - Jim Crandall, of Deep Hollow, a noted snake hunter and charmer, has 17 blacksnakes that are more or less useful. Crandall has spent months in training these serpents, and they will perform numerous tricks. At his command they will, on wash days, join themselves together and serve as a clothes line. On sunny days they will weave themselves into a hammock and Crandall will lie under the front porch and read dime novels. Jim will take his pets to the Pan-American before it closes.

Lynn - The attempted assassination of President McKinley at Buffalo, last week, created quite a sensation here.

Gibson - Instead of the regular temperance meeting Sunday evening, a silent prayer meeting for President McKinley was suggested by the speaker, Rev. Crane, and adopted.

Howard Hill - H.W. Howard, an aged resident of this place, has furnished your Correspondent with some interesting items showing plainly that Liberty township is the place to live if you want to enjoy long life. Following are the names of (some) people over 70 years old in Liberty twp: Joseph Chalker, 99, Wm. Ives, 87, Mrs. Rachael LaSure, 84, Luman Allen 81, Mrs. Luman Allen 81, Charles Adams 81, Mrs. Julia Minkler 80. Thirty-four others are age 71 to 78.

Hallstead - Mrs. June fell from the back porch of the second story to the ground on Tuesday and is lying at her home on Chase Ave. in a critical condition. The doctor says she will never wholly recover if she should live. They have the sympathy of the city in their affliction. The family recently moved here from Brandt. AND Car loads of the most beautiful chairs are turned out daily at the American Chair Factory.

Silvara - The junior base ball team of West Auburn played a game of ball with the juniors here on Saturday last. The score was 39 to 11 in favor of the Silvara boys.

Lawsville - The brains of our pupils must still continue in a dormant state, as we seem unable to secure a teacher.

Auburn Corners - E. R. Lott and Eru West, after a week's sightseeing at Buffalo, have returned. The latter says Buffalo is nowhere to him with Auburn Corners. Well, I guess it isn't just now. AND Mr. Hardic, our butter maker, and John Adams are erecting a feed and shingle mill, combined, just opposite the blacksmith shop.

Harford - One of the attractions at the Harford Fair will be a game of foot ball between the Binghamton and Scranton high school teams.

Sankey (Auburn Twp) - One day last week, while driving past a threshing machine at C. E. Davis', Gershom Bunnell's horse became frightened and ran, throwing Mr. Bunnell and his aged father out and smashing the wagon quite badly. Fortunately no one was hurt.

Springville - Springville graded school commenced on Monday last with over 80 pupils in three rooms-a good attendance for the first month. AND Every Tuesday morning we can have fresh meat at our doors-the rest of the week we can go to the market and get it ourselves or go without. Could not our worthy friend make it convenient to come on different days?

Glenwood - A "jolly" crowd of young men from Scranton camped at "Lake Glenmere" Sunday and Monday. They were very welcome and made things pleasant, making the woods ring with their music and sweet singing. Come again boys.

Gibson - Several wagon-loads of Gelatts went from the village of Gelatt to the Gelatt family reunion at Thomson.

Forest Lake - The mill dam of Thomas Booth is being repaired as fast as possible and we hope soon to hear again the buzz of the machinery in the mill.

North Bridgewater - The Tyler premises were so badly washed at the time of the big storms and so much stone and gravel washed down into his door yard, that Mr. Tyler considers it cheaper to move his house to another location than to clear up the old place and he is moving it, assisted by John Ralston. One rock, said to weigh 15 tons, was carried down stream by the on-rushing waters, a distance of four rods.

Uniondale - A little party given to a few friends in honor of Mr. G. M. Darrow had a serious sequel. Among other delicacies canned beef was served and all who partook were made very sick. Two doctors were kept busy, Dr. Craft at Albert Smith's, where there were three ill and Dr. Grander, at Mrs. Darrow's, where there were four, but all are thankful to have recovered.

Thomson - The portable shingle mill owned and operated by Andrew Plew, about two miles from Starrucca, was blown to pieces on Thursday afternoon of last week by the explosion of the boiler. Mr. Plew was instantly killed, his body being blown forty feet. His son, George Plew, had one leg broken twice below the knee. Another son was slightly injured. Albert Osborn sustained a broken arm and his face was badly bruised. The building was completely wrecked. Mr. Plew is survived by the widow and five children. He was an industrious man and well thought of.

Lake-a-Meadow (Apolacon Twp.) - School opened under the management of Mame Butler. AND The Wilson reunion was held at the lake on Wednesday.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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