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September 03 1909/2009

Silver Lake - The annual reunion of Co. H, 141st Regt., Penna. Volunteer Regiment, was held at the home of George C. Hill. Ten of the members were present. Henry Fuller, of Auburn, who attended the reunion, stated that all had a great time. A nine was formed of veterans and they played a game with a nine of young fellows from Franklin Forks, and beat them, but the young fellows were instrumental in helping them win. Mr. Fuller was the youngest man on his side and he owned up to being 66 years of age. Mr. Hill, who is a violinist, played for a dance and the way some of the "boys" got around on their feet would make a younger man envious.

New Milford - The 27th reunion of Co. F, 141st Regt., P. V. was held at the Jay House, Aug. 23. Three comrades have died since the last reunion--namely, Dr. Moses B. Aldrich of Binghamton, Rev. John H. Green of Windsor Center, Pa., aged 85, and Wm. D. Osmun, of Harford. This leaves 26 living out of the original 96 who were mustered in.

Montrose - The Bible Conference was a great success in every way--magnificent audiences, able speakers and splendid singing. Over $500 was subscribed, eliminating the need to borrow money to keep the conference growing. ALSO P. A. Locke, Rip Van Winkle like, came here last Friday, after an absence of 54 years, having gone to Kansas in 1855. From that State he drifted to Texas, later to Oklahoma and is now on a furlough from the Soldiers' Home at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Mr. Locke is now 85 years of age and when he went away from Montrose the Register, the predecessor of the Republican, was located in a building near the First National Bank on the east side of Public Avenue. An ancestor of Mr. Locke, a Mr. Baldwin, had a poultry house for the raising of fancy stock just below our present location, he told us, and the old Searle hotel was one of the main buildings of the town. He was en route to Washington to attend to business matters and is as active as a man 20 years younger. He served in the Civil War, from '63 to '65, in the 28th Iowa Vol. Inf., Co. D.

Forest City - An alarm of fire and reports that the #1 school building was burning, Monday afternoon, caused intense excitement. There were nearly 500 pupils in the building and hundreds of apprehensive parents and other citizens rushed to the building. The fire was a slight affair in the basement. There is a knot hole in the floor directly over the basement and a quantity of small pieces of paper had been poked through the hole by students. The refuse lodged where it could not be seen by the janitor and it is presumed some heedless lad dropped a lighted match through the hole and set fire to the paper. Fortunately the school was emptied without accident, although there was considerable excitement among the youngsters and one girl fainted.

Great Bend - A 30 horse-power Pope Hartford automobile, owned by R. N. Ruger, of Binghamton, was smashed by Erie train No. 6, on a crossing near here, last Thursday morning. Mr. Ruger attempted to cross the track in the darkness, the lamps on the machine not working properly, and mistaking the roadway, got stalled between the rails so that he could not move the machine. He attempted to raise it over the rails with a jack and was partially successful when the train came around the curve. Picking up one of the lamps he ran toward the engine, waving the light. The engineer applied the brakes but when the train hit the car it had only slowed down to about 40 miles an hour. The auto was completely wrecked and portions of it strung along the track for a distance of 400 ft.

South Gibson - An old-fashioned Sunday school picnic will be held in Wm. Decker's grove Saturday, Sept. 4, to which the whole neighborhood is invited. A stand will be on the ground, where candy, lemonade, nuts and melons can be bought, also swings and other amusements for the children. Everybody come out and have a good time.

McKinney's Mills, Great Bend Twp. - A. B. Cole will not carry ammunition and tobacco in the same pocket again. The other day while enjoying a smoke he came pretty near getting killed by a 22-calibre cartridge exploding in the bowl of his pipe. He carelessly mixed cartridges and Tuck's clippings in the same pocket and when he had gotten about half through the shock came, leaving him nothing but the stem in his teeth, while the bullet whizzed past his head and embedded itself in the woodwork of a couch.

Heart Lake - The picnic grounds, a number of cottages, pavilion, boats, lake interest and privileges, etc., have been sold to Frank T. Mack, of Montrose. Mr. Mack has been conducting this charming summer resort for the past two years.

Hopbottom - William Squires and wife, of LaGrange, Ill., came here to attend the Wright centennial, which was held on the old homestead of Anthony Wright.

Thompson - Ernest Plew, a paroled inmate of the Huntingdon reformatory [stole a horse in June of 1907], came on the camp ground Thursday and while the people were listening to a fine prohibition speech, he unhitched Ross Lee's horse and away he drove to Jackson, and by the time he reached North Jackson he was intercepted by phone. Our constable went for him, brought him back and by order of W. P. Tallman, Esq., took him to board with Sheriff Conklin. [To read more about Ernest Plew, type Plew in the box above labeled "search this site." Ernest was convicted of murdering G. W. Hinkley in 1926.]

Lathrop - A new telephone line is being erected in this place. It extends along the west shore of Lake Tarbell, going north to Giles Osborne's and west to E. W. Johnson's. Most of the people will have one in their homes. Now all we need is a trolley line.

Little Meadows - The Never Sweats and Yellow Jackets crossed bats Saturday. Victory in favor of the Yellow Jackets.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - W. P. Sheldon took in the grange pic-nic accompanied by a lady friend of his from down the valley.

Friendsville - Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, William J. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Gertrude Handrick and son, from Cleveland, Ohio, are all visiting family here.

Clifford - A number of our citizens saw the base ball game at Lenoxville Saturday. It was one of the hardest contested games played there this year; Benton 16--Lenox 14.

Harford - The sportsmen of this place are going to hold a pigeon shoot on the Fairground, Sept. 9th. Mr. Apgar, the professional trap shooter, will meet with them.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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